Fairy Winner

Chapter 2157: confrontation

Old Jian looked at Zhou Shu, and then at Han Ruo, and quickly understood, "I see, you are using her insight rules!"

"Not bad."

Zhou Shu nodded and admitted frankly.

Those flames are of course Zhou Shu's handwriting, which is the power of his far immature fire law.

He seemed to realize something, "Don't tell me, I benefited a lot from the confrontation just now, and it is much better than sitting and thinking about cultivation."

"Of course, she is an ice fairy, and she is close to the true meaning of the law. If you fight with her and fight against each other, you will naturally better understand the law of fire," Jian Lao just nodded, admiringly said, "Zhou Shu , You were prepared to do this a long time ago, no wonder a lake will be built for her, it is really useful."


Zhou Shu shook his head and said calmly, "I just thought of it just now. I'm not used to using others, but occasionally it still feels good."

"As long as you can enhance your abilities, you don't have to worry about too much," Old Jian said slowly, "It's good if you understand this. In fact, it is good for her to do this. Although her ice fairy body is powerful, it is not in use. It is very unbearable. With you helping her to hone her, she should improve very quickly."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "I can feel that she was still suppressing her with strength at first, and slowly changed, but I didn't expect to hit Huanglong in the end."

Old Jian smiled, "Zhou Shu, you should also be more cautious, don't let her notice it."

"She is very smart and will be able to detect it soon, but I don't think she will stop," Zhou Shu said calmly, "In fact, it won't take long. If this continues, I can achieve my goal in a few months or at most half a year. And she was probably a real fairy at that time."

Old Jian slandered, "Why is it so easy for the real fairy to be with her."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I can't ask. She found the right way. Cultivation takes a thousand miles. It's a pity that her destiny is not in her own hands."

Old Jian seemed to feel something, and said in a deep voice, "Yes, immortal body, even if you become a true immortal, it is not for Ren Jinxian to handle it. It's me, I'd rather not."

Zhou Shu smiled and didn't say anything. He was not worthy of the golden fairy, but the law. The fairy body is good for the law, but it is also subject to the law. Now you can see some clues, and as her cultivation base grows more and more Gao, she will face more and more difficulties.

It is not so easy to be better than blue from being blue. It is not as easy as other people. Being an outsider is more convenient and sees more clearly.

Since then, Zhou Shu will plant four clusters of flames every day to fight against Hanruo.

Hanruo also understands. If she doesn’t put out the fire, don’t even think about cultivating. She also guessed that Zhou Shu wanted to understand the law, but in the circumstances, she did not change her mind about suspending. She was grateful to Zhou Shu. , Besides, it doesn't take much time. After practicing for so long, it's natural to pay back.

I thought so in my heart, but what appeared on his face was another matter.

This is a real ice sculpture. There is no expression at all, and the start is merciless. In many cases, Zhou Shu was frozen by the almost violent ice lotus just after setting up the flame, and withered into dust.

"This woman is very vengeful."

Zhou Shu didn't care, no one wanted to be used, let alone the cold and proud woman with the ice fairy body.

Life passed quickly.

Han Ruo found something wrong.

The flames that could be completely frozen in one or two breaths now need ten breaths. The most outrageous thing is that it took nearly a hundred breaths just now to completely freeze those flames. Seeing Zhou Shu's slightly depressed expression, she But I am not happy at all.

What's the matter, am I weaker, or he is stronger?

The answer is obvious. If Han does not slack in his practice every day, there is absolutely no possibility of weakening. It is only possible that Zhou Shu has become stronger, but the extent of becoming stronger is also too great.

She began to wonder if Zhou Shu had the rumored Fire Immortal Body, who was facing her, otherwise, with the power of her Immortal Body, she was so embarrassed. It was too strange. She glanced at the quiet room and her heart surged. War Intent, secretly swear, come again next time, absolutely will not make him feel better.

Before she knew it, she had regarded the confrontation with Zhou Shu as a habit of life, and she wanted to win, and she would feel uncomfortable when Zhou Shu was not there.

Zhou Shu walked back to the quiet room with a satisfied smile on his mouth.

It's a great opportunity to have such assistance.

The effect of He Hanruo's confrontation is surprisingly good, and he has made progress every day. In the past few days, it can be described by leaps and bounds. If he is right, the days when he sees the law of fire are also in these few days.

Yes, he doesn't have a fascinating ice spirit body, that is unique in talent, but he has calculations and deductions, which may be unique in hundreds of millions.

In each confrontation, he can learn much more experience than Han Ruo, several times dozens of times. Computational deduction is best at finding out the opponent’s weakness, giving play to his strengths, using his own strengths to attack the enemy’s shortcomings, and natural advantages. Very big, if it weren’t for the performance of the ice spirit body in the power of the law, it would be impossible for someone else to surpass Zhou Shu, even a true fairy, and it would be impossible to freeze Zhou Shu’s flames. Hanruo is fine, this is precious~ www.ltnovel.com~ gives Zhou Shu more room for improvement.

the next day.

Zhou Shu arrived at Lingtian early.

If Han seems to be cultivating with his eyes closed, in fact, his attention is all on Zhou Shu.

For this reason, she was still a little nervous. This was a situation that was rarely useful in the past. She was originally an ice fairy, she was born cold and didn't want to deal with anyone, and she would not be nervous for anyone, except for Luo Xiping, who left suddenly. Now there is another Zhou Shu.

Of course, the two situations are completely different.

Zhou Shu looked at her with a smile, nodded gently, and began to arrange the flames.

The power of the law of fire has become more and more skillful. With a little stimulus, a few clusters of flames will slowly extend from the ground. The speed is not fast, but from small to large, the branches and leaves are opened, like a sapling that grows out. Unconsciously.

In the blink of an eye, the flames formed, Zhou Shu quietly stepped back, waiting for Han Ruo to start.


It seemed that after hearing a squeaky sound, the ice lotus grew up just after retreating.

This time is also different from the past. In the past, there were a few ice lotus, and I tried hundreds, but now there is only one, it is huge and beautiful. The whole lake has become a crystal clear lotus with blooming petals. Stretched out a little bit, and went towards the flame.

Even though it was far away, Zhou Shu could feel the power of the majestic law of water.

He has a feeling that the power of water travel not only freezes the flame, but also freezes himself.

Zhou Shu nodded secretly, "She is really not far from breaking through."

At this moment, Zhou Shu also had a little fighting spirit in his heart, which was never seen in the past. He just used Han Ruo to practice and didn't care about others, but this time, he had to treat her as an evenly matched opponent.

(Ps: I’m really tired this month, I’m sick with the fever, the update is late and it’s a bit messy, I’m sorry, but I still look forward to seeing the book friend Haihan.)

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