Fairy Winner

Chapter 2158: blend

Han Ruo tightened her lips and focused on the ice lotus.

After a few breaths, the expanding ice lotus completely enveloped the four clusters of flames.

Ice and water have always been gentle, and the power of water travel is the same, but at this time the ice lotus becomes violent like flames. Suddenly countless cones of ice are emitted from the petals, spurring the flames. The original fierce fire is fierce here. Under the offensive, it gradually weakened.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful.

In the past, if the letter confronted him, it was suppressed by pure force, and the flame was frozen and gradually frozen. Now it is a direct attack with a pure two-force confrontation, but it will be effective. There is a lot of loss.

In order to achieve the goal as soon as possible, she also worked hard.

If she had done this in the first few months, she would have extinguished Zhou Shu's flames without leaving any traces, but now it is no longer possible.

Zhou Shu has made a lot of progress, and the power of the law of fire is far from the previous few months, but for a while, it has become stalemate.

Hanruo frowned slightly, and added force without hesitation.

The ice lotus, which was originally white and flawless, quickly turned light blue and looked extremely beautiful.

Zhou Shu didn't have time to look at this beauty more. He felt that the water travel force suffered by the flame suddenly increased by a large amount. Suddenly, the flame shrank a lot, and the outer flame was crushed by the ice cone.

Zhou Shu nodded secretly, but he also believed that Inner Flame was not so easy to break through.

Endless cones of ice continue to fall on the flames, giving fierce blows again and again, the flames that have no outer flames, seem to be teetering, and will go out at any time, but they have stood stubbornly, never returning.

After a few breaths, Hanruo frowned again.

She knew that insisting on a few dozen breaths at most a few hundred breaths would definitely put out the flames, but she didn't want this result. She wanted to win faster and better. It would be meaningless if she slowly extinguished like yesterday.

I didn't think too much, and I quickly increased my strength.

A few beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, but as soon as he sweated, he condensed into ice beads and slipped from his white face.

The ice lotus changed again, showing a psychedelic azure blue, from the inside to the outside, from shallow to deep, the color changed and the whole Zhibaoxuan changed color, as if it had fallen on the bottom of the sea, and followed the waves. Moving, with the color and breath of the sea.

Old Jian couldn't help but come out and watch.

Zhou Shu's heart is even more tense. The power of water travel is really amazing, stronger and purer than what he can send out. You must know that Zhou Shu himself has a thorough understanding of the law of water travel, and Han Ruo hasn't yet. , Is already stronger than him.

This kind of power is mostly the ultimate Han can do, can he resist it?

Bang, bang!

The four beeps happened almost simultaneously.

The four flames went dark suddenly, and the inner flames were completely shattered, and there were no traces, only the flame heart in the middle remained.

But it is still lingering, and it seems that it will be completely extinguished after a while.

Victory was in sight, and Han Ruo's tight lips gradually let go, finally showing a smile.

She has no scruples at all, how much strength she has put into this, the ticking around, the ice beads have fallen early, I am afraid that there will not be thousands of them, these are condensed by sweat, the immortal sweats, only the energy in the body It can happen only when it comes out. She has tried her best.

Very tired, but it's good if you win. It seems that you can't hold on to the three or four breaths, right?

And I only took less than ten breaths.

Zhou Shu at this time of course also realized that if he didn't do anything, he would lose immediately.

But what can he do?

The power of the transparent law of water is not comparable to the full strength of Hanruo, ice fairy body, let alone the law of fire is restrained, he can resist for so long, it is already very rare, but, how Can you admit defeat?

The sea of ​​knowledge is running at an unprecedented speed, like an overloaded processor, hot, and its head seems to explode at any time.

Unstoppable, unstoppable, definitely unstoppable.

No matter how you calculate, there is only one result.

Unstoppable, then unstoppable!

It's like being self-defeating, such thoughts suddenly come together, but they can't stop. Yes, if you can't stop it, then you won't stop it, if you don't stop it, you may not lose.

Water and fire are mutually restrained, but they can also blend together. At the beginning, he had not done anything about the blending of water and fire in the Xuanhuang Realm. How did he get to the heavens and immortal realms, but when it came to the practice rules, he had to separate, but he had to fight forcibly to separate winners and losers. What?

It is because Zhou Shu is permeating the Five Elements Law one by one, invisibly dividing the boundaries for the five elements, and in countless water and fire confrontations, this boundary has also been consolidated.

Of course water and fire can be blended together, just do what you have done in the past and do it again.

The water and fire in the Xuanhuang Realm are different from here. The water and fire here are many levels higher, but the two are still interlinked in essence, and Zhou Shu at that time did not know the law of water and fire. Now Zhou Shu is transparent with water. The law, I also understand the law of fire. Now that we have all improved, then we can do it in the past and we can do it now.

Do it as soon as you think, there is no time.

The flames changed as they wanted, and they no longer resisted the dense cones of ice, but instead let go of their defenses, and the cones were still coming.

Han Ruo stagnated slightly and felt the flames change.

Did you give up? Then I won faster, but how did it feel that something was wrong?

There is no suspense, let go of resistance~www.ltnovel.com~ The flame without the law of fire was extinguished almost in the blink of an eye.

Old Jian sighed slightly, although it was the result he had expected, it was still a pity for Zhou Shu.

Han Ruo breathed a sigh of relief, but saw Zhou Shu's face still calm, even with a hint of smile, smiling at the flame that had just been extinguished.

What is he still looking at?

Han Ruoxin was suspicious, and then looked over, and after only one glance, his face changed.

Although it is very small and almost insignificant, one can still see that in the ice lotus, there is a burning seedling stubbornly burning, but the color has completely changed. It is no longer fiery red, showing a special blue from the inside to the outside.

The flame was the same color as the ice lotus, and even changed with the ice lotus.

Hanruo's heart was tense and immediately urged the force of the law to attack it.

But the place where the power falls is empty, there is no focus at all, there is no power to resist it at all.

Under the power of the majestic water, the igniting seed remained unmoved, and it still burned very well, as if it was still growing slowly, from only a little flame core to gradually having inner and outer flames. Reduce to a perfect flame.

The extremely cold ice lotus and the four fire seedlings get along harmoniously.

After understanding something, she said slowly, "This is not fire."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "It's fire."

After speaking, he sat down and stopped talking.

He had just penetrated the law of fire, which was a bit inexplicable, but naturally, he needed to think about it.

The flame, of course, is fire, it is the fire in the water that is born after the water and fire merge.

Water and fire are almost perfectly integrated, and the power of the law of water has no effect on it, at least the power of the law of water is the power of the law of water, it is impossible to extinguish it if the state is not enough.

(Ps: Thank you for the support of Void Survival, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote)

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