Fairy Winner

Chapter 2159: Enter

At the moment of defeat, Zhou Shu had a trace of comprehension. Since he couldn't stop the water, he didn't stop it, letting the water and fire blend together. At the moment he did it, he also got feedback and smoothly understood the law of fire. .

Zhou Shu's own changes are very important, but I have to say that Han Ruo also helped him a lot.

At this time, Han Ruo stared at the flame in the ice lotus, blankly, speechless for a while.

No matter how she used her strength, it was empty and there was no result. The flame was bigger, and her heart became empty. There was a feeling that all her thoughts would be ashes,-the fire will never be extinguished, no May be practicing again.

This daze was a long time.

Zhou Shu had already woke up, his face was plain, plain after satisfaction.

The law of fire has been cleared, and the plan has been initially achieved. At this point, all the five elements in the law of the five elements have been completed. The next step is to merge these laws together to penetrate the law of the five elements in one fell swoop.

Zhou Shu has been able to integrate and transform several laws with each other, but it is not easy to combine the five laws.

The five elements regenerate and restrain each other, and the relationship is complex. It is not difficult for the two to merge and transform together. As long as the gaps are filled, but the five elements must be transformed and merged together, they must find their common ground and grasp the essence to succeed.

In fact, Zhou Shu already has the answer. His previous life experience can help him, but he needs to verify whether those experiences can work here.

It should be possible. The previous life should also be one of the worlds of the heavens, or a more mysterious existence, but it is inseparable from its ancestry. Since it is a law, it will work everywhere, otherwise it will not be called a law or be Think of it as the key to open and change the heavens.

After thinking for a while, there seemed to be some eyebrows.

Standing up, Zhou Shu felt a little surprised. The huge ice lotus was still blooming, occupying most of the space, but the color became very thin, and it seemed that it had no power.

Han Ruo's face in the middle of Binglian was pale, his eyes were slightly confused, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhou Shu couldn't help but reprimanded in a deep voice, "For so long, what do you want to die if you don't cultivate and maintain the ice lotus?"

Obviously, if she continues to radiate the strength without limit and maintain the blooming ice lotus, sooner or later she will lose her strength and will definitely not die, but it will be unavoidable if she is injured.

Living under the same roof, I couldn't bear to sit and watch.

Han Ruo's figure trembles slightly. Seeing Zhou Shu speaking, he said coldly, "How can I put out the fire without ice lotus? How can I practice if I can't extinguish the fire? Wait, I haven't lost yet, I will definitely win."

"You really are..."

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously. If Han is talented enough and savvy enough, he still has too little experience and doesn't know how to respond. Even if he has an exquisite mind, he can't get out of a dead end. Why is he so stubborn?

He wanted to give some pointers, but he paused, and said slowly, "Think about it yourself."

After speaking, she walked into the quiet room to make her comprehend better, and the lesson might be deeper if she hurts.

Old Jian thought for a while and didn't say anything. He followed Zhou Shu into the quiet room, but couldn't help it. "She didn't want to think about what the situation is now. Her water can't extinguish the fire, but the fire can't melt. Huashui, the two have become one. The flame is a display there, and it will not affect her cultivation at all. Why do you have to kill it?"

"Let her think about it."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Furthermore, I have long since regained my strength. The fire now exists only by the power of water. As soon as she retracts the ice lotus, the fire is immediately extinguished."

Old Jian looked out the window, but he had a slight affection for Han, "Too stubborn, but this dedication to victory is very rare. This is the first time I have seen this in Xiancheng for so long. Other scattered immortals are ……nothing to say."

"That's it."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, not paying attention to it, the most important thing was the law of thinking.

He has a theory, and he needs to verify it in calculations and deductions, and then consider practice.

Hanruo in Binglian was a little different.

Zhou Shu said a few words casually, but it had a big impact on her. What did he make me think? Listen to him, as if the fire has nothing to do with him, how could he say that? No, does it really have nothing to do with him? This is not the fire before?

Thinking of this, I immediately understood.

It doesn't hurt to try.

Originally a person with extremely high talent, as long as he doesn't get into the horns, his mind is naturally transparent.

She did not continue to exert force, but withdrew a little, surrounded by a flame, she was cautious, for fear that the flame would become bigger immediately after losing its restraint, and for fear that Zhou Shu would laugh at her after seeing it.

What surprised her happened.

Just after regaining the power of water travel, the flame that was originally surrounded was immediately extinguished, and the two things happened almost simultaneously.

If you lose the restraint of the power of water travel, you should immediately grow, but why did it go out?

With doubts, she took back the power of water movement around the other two flames one by one, and the result was naturally the same, all three disappeared.

There is still one left ~www.ltnovel.com~ that's the case, no wonder he said that... But why is it so? "

If Han starts to focus on this issue, he will soon gain.

The flame that was left deliberately was regarded as an experiment by her. The results of the experiment were obvious. The flame was not constant and changed all the time. When you exert force, the flame will become stronger, and when you retract, The flame will weaken, fully retract, and the flame will disappear completely.

The flame is indeed maintained by himself.

It turned out to be a fire based on the law of water, and water and fire blended together. He actually did this. No wonder I couldn't put out the fire or beat him.

Suddenly with Ming Wu, her eyes became clear and she was also cold.

She put away the ice lotus and entered a state of meditation.

She is not considering the fusion of water and fire. With an ice fairy body, she is limited by the law. It is basically impossible to integrate water and fire. Unless she finds a fire fairy body, this is unrealistic. What she has to do is to let her own the power of the law of water. Even stronger, not allowing Zhou Shu to reintegrate with the power of her laws.

I will definitely beat you.

The frustration is no longer, and the fighting spirit and confidence seem to have returned. This should be the case. She has gained a lot from the confrontation with Zhou Shu, and this time almost exhausted her efforts, it also made her feel more about herself. Clear understanding.

I forgot to practice, I also forgot to rest, I forgot everything.

The old Jian in the quiet room saw this scene in his eyes and nodded secretly.

"Zhou Shu, look, she seems to understand."

"It's not easy, it changes when you say it changes. I thought I would be stubborn enough to get hurt, haha."

After asking a few questions, there was no answer. Looking back, Zhou Shu had already settled, and he hadn't seen his surroundings and heard nothing.

Old Jian was stagnant, looked at Han Ruo, then at Zhou Shu, and followed him into concentration.


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