Fairy Winner

Chapter 2202: Not evil

"It's so intense!"

"Na Ke Buxie has always been so violent, rushing and fighting regardless of his life. I didn't expect that Zhou Shu was the same. The two really fought, it was like a volcano collision."

"I don't know who can beat whom?"

"It's hard to tell. It looks like the outcome is inseparable. Maybe Ke Buxie has a bigger win."

"Yes, Zhou Shu didn't use fairy weapons, he didn't use tactics, and he didn't need the skills he got from Sun Yuan. He wanted to compete with Ke Buxie, but Na Ke Buxie's fists and feet are all fairy weapons. Isn't it asking for trouble?"

"Bumped together again!"

"The flames are so strong, you only see the flames splashing, even people can't see them."

The stage was shrouded in flames, as if it was really burning, and there was a feeling of hurting oneself, and the audience could not help taking a breath.

In the flames, Ke Buxie's expression was particularly severe.

His fists and feet are still flaming, dripping lava, but it seems to be covered by a cloud of transparent mist, and the flame can't rush out.

"Do you still want to fight?"

Zhou Shu was less than three feet away from him, and said calmly, "You can't use it now even if you have more power."

In a series of fights, Zhou Shu kept getting close, restraining Ke Buxie's hands and feet with the power of the Five Elements Principle, and permeating them.

The power of the law of fire in Ke Buxie’s fists is extremely pure, and there is even a rudimentary form of the law body, but in the face of the infiltration of the five elements law, it is still unable to resist, the power is constantly weakened, changed, and after so long, Now they don't listen very much to Ke Buxie's words.

Zhou Shu has very few laws and powers, much less than Ke Buxie, but the essence is stronger and more solid, and he is easy to fight.

The law of the five elements is higher than the law of fire. It is a fact that there is no way to reverse it.

"What's your trick?"

Ke Buxie waved his hands vigorously, trying to explode, but to no avail, his face turned blue with anger.

Zhou Shu didn't answer, but calmly said, "Now can we talk about it?"

"Talk about it!"

Ke Buxie's face changed suddenly, his face turned red, and the white light on his forehead made it difficult to look directly at the sun.

Zhou Shu frowned unconsciously and smiled helplessly, "Ke Buxie, you concentrate your strength on your head, do you want to use your head as an immortal weapon? That's really the way to suicide, even if you get lucky. I didn't have the life to get the Molten God's gun."

"Leave me alone!"

Ke Buxie stared at Zhou Shu, his pupils were blood red, and said angrily, "It's better than being humiliated by you!"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I said that I am not what you said. I am willing to give you a gun. I want you to do me a favor. We are all true immortals, and our enemies are all golden immortals. , You don’t have to be so hostile to me."

Ke Buxie stagnated, his blushing a little less, "You offend Jinxian?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "It's not an offense, but a mortal enemy. If you are careless, you will be crushed, believe it or not?"

Ke Buxie said coldly, "You have offended Jinxian in Wufang City. Most of them are shattered. What's so strange."

Zhou Shu nodded immediately, "So I really need someone’s help. It’s also worth paying for a gold melting gun. It’s not appropriate to say more here. If you want, give up now, don’t resist anymore, wait to go out and get drunk. Talk in detail in Xianlou."

Ke Buxie looked at Zhou Shu, his mind seemed to loosen.

Zhou Shu nodded, a weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his right fist suddenly lifted and hit Ke Buxie's chest.

The flames all over the sky suddenly closed, all condensed in Zhou Shu's fist, and the time was shining, afraid that it could compete with the sun and the moon.


Ke Buxie was caught off guard and was beaten upright.

The body suddenly bounced, like a kite with a broken line, flying straight out more than ten miles away.

The ground was smashed into a big hole, and there was no movement for a while.

"This punch is so cruel!"

"Ke Buxie is over 80% now."

"Yeah, I haven't crawled out for so long..."

"Zhou Shu won again."

"Hey, Shenhuoqiang didn't count on it. Na Ke Buxie was also stupid. He had to challenge him even though he knew that the ranking was so far away, and he killed himself in vain."

Amidst the people's discussion, the arena was restored to its original state, and the puppets came and went, preparing for the auction.

At this time Zhou Shu was already sitting in the Shouwei Pavilion, sipping tea leisurely, while Ke Buxie was looking at himself in the Shouwei Pavilion.

Just when Zhou Shu made a sneak attack, he thought that the big thing was not good, so he stopped short of life, but he didn't know it was hurt, and he felt a little at a loss.

"It seems that it is not difficult for him to beat me, but he has been fighting with me for so long. Does he really want to talk to me...Is he Chang Tian on earth?"

With doubts, he watched the auction and saw Zhou Shu took the Molten God's musket. He couldn't help it anymore, "Let's go and see, that gun, that gun, that gun, alas, Let's check it out."

Drunk Xianlou.

In front of Zhou Shu, there were several plates of grilled chicken feet, and a blank-faced Ke Buxie sat opposite.

Zhou Shu smiled lightly, "Ke Buxie, are you cultivating Fire Immortal Body?"

I fought with Ke Buxie. The ability similar to the body of law is mostly the fire fairy, but it is definitely not the innate fire fairy, but cultivated, and it is very unsatisfactory, and there is still no real achievement. Small distance.

Ke Buxie's face tightened and he almost jumped up, "You...how did you guess?"

"It is not uncommon to gather the power of the law with your hands and feet, and it is not uncommon to refine your head into a fairy artifact. Besides, if it is not for the fire fairy, it is difficult for you to gather the power of the law so quickly. ," Zhou Shu said thoughtfully, "have suffered a lot?"

Ke Buxie paused and said coldly, "It has nothing to do with you."

Zhou Shu appeared a bit solemn, "It has nothing to do with me, but I know that cultivating an immortal body is never easy. The immortal body is a gift from heaven. If you want to cultivate into an immortal body the day after tomorrow, it is already a change of fate, so I admire you very much."

Some disdain flashed in Ke Buxie's eyes, "If everything depends on God's gift, there are so many immortals in the world, people of my generation should have changed their fate."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, raised his glass and said, "Beauty talk, let's say nothing."

Ke Buxie didn't raise his glass~www.ltnovel.com~ just stared at Zhou Shu, "Don't go around in circles, what do you want to do, just talk about it."

Zhou Shu smiled, "You should know that the gold melting gun is with me now. If you get it, you don't need to use your head as a fairy."

Ke Buxie said flatly, "Zhou Shu, I can't deal with Jinxian for you, I already have a Jinxian opponent, come one more, I die faster than you."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "I know, but don't you have a good time now?"

"I am doing well? How do you know I am doing well?"

Ke Buxie slapped the table hard and stared at Zhou Shu, with anger burning in his heart, "If it's good to live like this, then it's fine."

After a long while he calmed down, shook his head, let his head hang down, and was speechless for a while.

Anyone can feel the bitterness in his heart.

The time is almost here, Zhou Shu speaks slowly.

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