Fairy Winner

Chapter 2203: Hatred

"That golden immortal just took away 80%? Zhibaoxuan was also given to you by other golden immortals, how dare he?"

Ke Buxie shook his head again and again, his emotions were already aroused by Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu sighed, "Do you think Jinxian cares about the life and death of Miscellaneous? He sent me Zhibaoxuan, mostly because Zhibaoxuan is no longer useful to him. As for what trouble I encounter, he certainly won't care. You may still think this is a good show, and see if there is nothing wrong."

"You're right."

Ke Buxie's expression changed slightly, and he said in sympathy, "The Jinxian here doesn't put other people in his eyes at all, just playing like a toy."

Zhou Shu followed and sighed, "The skill is inferior to humans. There is no other way. Zhibaoxuan will occupy it if it is occupied. But I can't think of resisting dissatisfaction. I can't think of it. Just a few words did not satisfy him, so he started. For the murderous mind, just now I have been promoted to True Immortal, he sent people to challenge me, and he kept giving me no room for it. Believe it or not, if it wasn't for you to challenge this time, someone else would definitely come over."

Ke Buxie nodded slightly, "Of course I believe that they have done a lot of this kind of thing, and there are more vicious methods that you can't even think of."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Then you say, am I just waiting to die, or looking for opportunities to change this situation?"

"Of course it needs to be changed, and Jinxian may not be invincible."

Ke Buxie said coldly, "When I finish the Fire Immortal Body, I believe that even if I face the Golden Immortal, I can leave here."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Do you want to leave?"

Ke Buxie couldn't help sighing, "What can I do besides leaving? I can't stay in Wufang City anymore..."

In the past, he was regarded as a celebrity in Wufang City. He was talented and rich. There were three middle-sized shops handed down from his family. He became a real fairy at a young age. He was generous and popular, and he had completed several difficult tasks. It is said that because of this, it has been held upright, and the future is really bright.

Then, he was fancyed by a certain golden immortal, and promised the immortal pill to let him be his client, and promised to become a golden immortal in the future.

Ke Buxie's temperament rather than bendable, refused on the spot, and more than that, he even cursed a few words in front of the person.

The Jinxian was not angry either, so he only said in a low voice, just open his mouth when he changes his mind.

After that, his life suddenly changed a lot. The three medium-sized stores were all swallowed. The method made him amazed. It was even worse than Zhou Shu's experience. Before he could even stop him, he had to hand over the contract. But he didn't care at the time, he still had friends without the money.

But soon he learned that not all his friends are reliable, and only six or seven people can support him by his side within a few years.

There are no more than six or seven. The more than 400 million he used to buy the gold melting **** muskets were made by those friends who put together their wealth. With these few friends, he was very content and proud, but it didn’t take long. Seven friends have suffered disasters one after another, like natural disasters, unable to resist.

Then, he took the initiative to leave those friends.

Since then, he has been alone, with no money or friends.

A young man who has a promising future and is valued by a very good reputation has fallen to the present point in just a dozen years.

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, why Ke Buxie's enemy sounded like a normal day.

Always doing things in the shops is indeed the city's best place.

He slowly said, "You have suffered more grievances than me. You don't take revenge, but you want to leave?"

Ke Buxie said coldly, "I can only get revenge when I leave. In Wufang City, I can't practice properly. I can only condense my own body to condense the Fire Immortal body. I can't do anything else. Immortal can get revenge."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "He won't let you go, and there is no place outside the city. As long as you go out of the city, he can do it himself."

"Cultivation into the Fire Immortal Body plus... it's okay, even if he might not be able to stop it, in fact, if I didn't stop him, I would stay in the Earth Fire Hall day and night, and I would have done it long ago," Ke Buxie sighed "It's also my ignorance in the past. If I focused on practicing in the past, I wouldn't be able to get to this point now."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "You are wrong, even if you are careful, you will still be in trouble."

Ke Buxie was startled and nodded, "You are right."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Ke Buxie, who is that golden fairy?"

"Forget it."

Ke Buxie shook his head, "I don't want to offend two golden immortals, nor do I want you to offend them because of this. What's the point of knowing his name? Moreover, what you have said to me for so long has probably been given to you. It has caused trouble. The golden immortal is so powerful that he must have seen it all."

Zhou Shu laughed, "You are afraid of causing trouble to me, but I am not afraid of causing trouble to you. If you don't say it, I will say it."

Ke Buxie looked at Zhou Shu, his face changed slightly, "You, I still treat you as a friend...That's it, just say it if you want to. I know that there will be no good results here, but I will not let If you are in my trouble, I will solve it myself."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, seemingly with some contempt, "You are kind, and it is no wonder that you have fallen into this field today."

Ke Buxie was startled, "What did you say?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Ke Buxie, haven't you thought about fighting against the Golden Immortal with those friends who support you? A group of people is much more powerful than one, let alone a group of people who are so good to you. Can't they help you? I am you instead, so why is this."

He made the last sentence very heavy.

No wonder Zhou Shu was angry. Zhou Shu couldn't find a good helper when he wanted to find a good helper, but Ke Buxie had a group of good friends who didn't use it. It was really speechless.

Ke Buxie angrily said, "Because of me, they have already suffered a lot, should they continue to suffer? The opponent is Jinxian!"

Zhou Shu said coldly, "You take your friends too low, and they are all immortals, so you can not be afraid of the golden immortals, or even curse them directly. Are they afraid, must they be worse than you? Only friends who can share wealth and adversity together, I don’t think you regard them as true friends at all."

Ke Buxie was stunned, looking at Zhou Shu, unable to speak for a while.

Zhou Shu picked up the wine glass~www.ltnovel.com~ after drinking slowly, he stopped talking.

Although it has affected Ke Buxie's mind, it is enough to talk about it. After all, the two people do not have a deep friendship, and no matter how much it is, it will not achieve Zhou Shu's goal. He did not come to rebuke Ke Buxie. .

Ke Buxie thought about it for a while, then looked at Zhou Shu and said, "Well, since friends want to share adversity, then you and I will share adversity together."

Zhou Shu pretended to be surprised, "Huh?"

Ke Buxie sneered, "Anyway, you have offended the Golden Immortal. It doesn't matter if you have one more. Don't worry, I'm the same as you. Let's deal with two Golden Immortals together."

Zhou Shu frowned, just about to speak, Ke Buxie said again, "Why, don't you want to make friends who share adversity?"

Zhou Shu stagnated, "Of course not."

"That's it, let me tell you, the golden fairy I'm going to deal with is called Changtian!"

Watching Zhou Shu, he said every word, and the last two words were almost shouted.

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