Fairy Winner

Chapter 2263: Change task

"I'm going back first, and I'll come to you if I have something to do."

"I see, brother."

The two separated at the gate of the city, and Zhou Shu went to Shouzheng Hall alone.

After handing in the task, Yu Yita said in a warm voice, "Thanks for your hard work, Zhou Shu, I will give you the reward for a while."

Zhou Shu nodded and said what the chief steward had said. Yu Yitian sighed unconsciously, "Oh, it's hard to do this now. We don't want to improve the quality of the medicine, can't it, Zheng Jianshi, also Can you think of a way?"

Zheng He thought for a while and said, "There is no other way. We still lack red stone grass. It is one of the most important auxiliary materials of the pill. It is difficult to improve the quality of the pill with other substitutes."

Yu Yitian frowned, "I don't know what's wrong with the brown grain boundary. I haven't sent red stone grass over the past ten years, but it is the only source of red stone grass."

Zheng He said slowly, "The person who sent it still didn't come back?"

"Yes, the task of fetching ore and medicinal materials from the brown grain boundary has been issued for ten years, and there have been ten more tasks, but there is no news about one."

Yu Yita unconsciously showed a trace of doubt, "The brown grain boundary is not far from our Wufang City, why can't we come back? Either dead or missing, what happened there?"

Zheng He seemed to think, "The mining industry is prone to accidents."

Yu Yitian shook his head slightly, "Yes, other immortal cities start to fight for battles, or internal chaos in the realm, they often happen, but at this time... we finally reached a pill agreement with Qitian Tower in New Moon City, and we can get from them I encountered such a thing when I got immortal jade there."

Zheng He said slowly, "Be upright, and send more tasks, or you can increase the rewards and attract Jinxian to take a look."

"This matter is not yet..."

Yu Yitian hesitated, seeing Zhou Shu next to him, his heart moved slightly, "Zhou Shu, are you interested in taking this task?"

If the task is to be done by the true immortal and scattered immortals, Wufangcheng would not need to pay a lot of rewards, but if it wants to alarm the Jinxian, the price to pay will be hundreds of times more, which is not good for Wufangcheng, so He will hesitate.

"Go to the brown grain boundary?"

Zhou Shu was stagnant, and said slowly, "Shouzheng, my **** happened to pass through the brown grain boundary this time. It is indeed a bit strange. I can't see a person in the passage, nor can I see any signs of activity."

Zheng He's complexion darkened, "It seems that something really happened."

Yu Yita looked at Zhou Shu, as if expecting something, Zhou Shu already shook his head, "Shouzheng, this time I plan to take on another task, so I won't take this one."

"It's a pity, you are the most suitable person among the true immortals. If you don't go, you can only be the golden immortal."

Yu Yita felt very sorry, "Zhou Shu, what task do you plan to take, is it an **** or something else?"

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "Shouzheng, the task of finding the hidden world, I want to try it next."


Zheng He was startled, "You want to take that task?"

Yu Yitian was even more surprised. He knew very well that too many things had happened to that task, and now even Jin Xian is unwilling to take it, "Are you sure?"

"Try it, I am also very interested in the hidden world."

Zhou Shu nodded, very light but firm.

On the one hand, he agreed to find Luo Xiping. On the other hand, he needed to travel in the void for a period of time to study the law of reincarnation. This time he went to New Moon City, he also specifically inquired a lot of information about the hidden world, such as how to find it. It is considered adequate preparation.

Yu Yita said slowly, "Well, if there is any result, it is to make great contributions to Wufang City, and the city lord will not treat you badly."

Zheng He nodded, "Yes, that reward, even our Jinxian is very itchy."

Yu Yita said again, "If you need anything, tell Master Mu, this task can be paid in advance."

"Then thank you Shouzheng and Supervision."

Zhou Shu nodded, thinking about going out and thinking of something, took out the two tokens, "Shouzheng, one thing forgot to say, this time I went to New Moon City with He Taiping. Someone robbed him on the way. We killed it. This is what they left. It should be the twenty-four thieves in the rumor."

Yu Yitian took it over and took a look, and handed it to Zheng He, "Look, it should be correct."

Zheng He glanced carefully and nodded, "The vernal equinox and the autumnal equinox are indeed their tokens, do you remember Shouzheng? Three hundred years ago, we caught Shuangxiang, and her token is exactly the same as this one."

"You have done something again, haha."

Yu Yita looked at Zhou Shu with great joy, "I will tell the city lord about this matter, and then I will tell you the result."

"Thank you Shouzheng," Zhou Shu raised his hand to salute, took out the fairy house ring, and laughed, "Actually, there is no need to rush for rewards, but I would like to ask Shouzheng for a small favor and open these two rings, okay?"

"It's just a small matter."

Yu Yitian took the Immortal House Ring and opened it casually, "Although it is not easy to persuade people in Dadao, it is better to learn a little Immortal Realm...Huh?" Suddenly he was taken aback, and his expression was strange, surprised and suspicious.

How can he be so surprised when he has always been calm, not to mention Zhou Shu is strange, Zheng He is also a little sluggish, "What's wrong, Shouzheng?"

Yu Yita shook his head and handed the fairy house ring over, "Look at it."

Zheng He took a few more glances, and was stunned, "Ah, how come..."

Looking at the two, Zhou Shu was left at a loss.

Yu Yitian looked at Zhou Shu with a slight smile, "Zhou Shu, it seems that the things in this fairy house ring, you also have priority to sell to Wufang City."


Zhou Shu looked stagnant, but soon understood, "Is it red stone grass?"

Only redstone grass can make them so surprised.

Yu Yitian was slightly taken aback, and smiled, "Smart, there are indeed redstone grasses in it, and more than that, there are also many flintstones. The two fairy house rings combined, I am afraid that there will be more than ten years of production in the brown crystal world. Yes, Zhou Shu, you have solved our urgent need."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "They are all materials of the brown grain boundary, how can they be in the fairy house ring of the twenty-four thieves?"

Zheng He couldn't help nodding his head~www.ltnovel.com~ I was also surprised, could it be that the twenty-four thieves ransacked the brown grain boundary? That's just a mining world. I have never heard that bandits will rob the mining world. They all rob and leave, and they won't be permanent, but there is no value if they are not permanent. "

Yu Yita said slowly, "There must be a problem. I will notify the city lord and see how he handles it. But Zhou Shu, these materials?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Just take it if you need it, and borrow flowers to present the Buddha, but leave some flintstones for me."

"Thank you so much, Zhou Shu, you are really the lucky star of Wufangcheng."

Yu Yita breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "I won't treat you badly, and I will give you enough celestial stones at that time."

Zhou Shu paused, "You don't need a fairy stone, can you change a fairy jade?"

Yu Yita's expression was slightly condensed, and he said in a painful voice, "Wufang City is very short of immortal jade, and you don't refine the laws of the immortal world, what do you want immortal jade to do... I will try, if the city lord says yes, then give you."

Zhou Shu raised his hand in satisfaction, "Thank you, Lord Shouzheng, both of you, let's leave first."

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