Fairy Winner

Chapter 2264: Then go with it

"I'm going, Zhou Shu."

Hanruo stared at Zhou Shu, his eyes firm and decisive.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and was about to object, but Han Ruo immediately said, "You can find the hidden world, I can help, for sure."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, as if thinking of something, "You, are you the same as Luo Xiping?"

Hanruo lowered his head and pursed his mouth, "Yes."

"That's it."

Zhou Shu quickly understood. He never figured out why Jinxian wanted to take Luo Xiping and a scattered immortal to find the hidden world. Now it seems that it is because Luo Xiping has a unique talent in this area. If Hanruo also has it, then She can really help and save a lot of effort.

Zhou Shu was stagnant, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"


Hanruo bowed his head and stopped for a while, but did not speak.

Zhou Shu waved his hand and said slowly, "Forget it, it's normal that you don't trust me."

"It's not distrust..."

Han Ruo made a gnat-like sound, then raised his head, his eyes flashed a few times, and said in a low voice, "Then... Then, will you take me?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "If you can help, just go together, but everything depends on me."

Han Ruo stood up anxiously, his face was so hot that mist appeared because of his excitement, "Okay! I promise, everything is up to you."

"I also need to go."

At this time, the furry little trick rushed over, "I'm so bored and suffocated here all day, I want to go out and go around."

Zhou Shu frowned and kicked away, "Why did you join in the fun? You have gone, where is Zhibaoxuan?"

The little trick rolled around, looking at Zhou Shu with disdain, "Now what are you worried about? You have been on track long ago. Even if there is no one in Zhibaoxuan, the business will still be done, but you have to think about how to expand. I'm going out this time, just to find a way."

Zhou Shu scowled, "It's not going out to play."

The little trick is also stern, "There are opportunities everywhere, if you don't take me out, I will ignore Zhibaoxuan from now on."

Zhou Shu stared at it, "You have also learned to threaten. It's really impossible not to teach you."

Jian Lao jumped in, "If you want to go, just go, just keep a little trick here, it's boring."

The little trick hurriedly jumped over and rushed to the phantom of Old Jian, but he went straight through, fell, got up and wiped his plastered head, and said persistently, "Still Good old Jian, I will help you with everything in the future."

"Good old sword, isn't this palace bad?"

A green shadow swept over, tapped a little trick gently, then picked it up and shook it back and forth.

The little trick quickly raised his hand to surrender, "The Lord of the Palace is the best."

Han Ruo looked at the beautiful girl who appeared suddenly, and was a little surprised. He looked more curiously, only to find that it was another sword spirit, and was stunned.

Seeing these noisy groups, Zhou Shu sighed unconsciously, "It seems that you are all going there?"


This time it was really unanimous, speaking at one point.

"Then go together."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, seemingly helpless, but he didn't think it was a bad thing.

I went to the heavens and looked for the hidden world. I don’t know how much time it will take, let alone what will happen. Instead of leaving these guys in Wufang City, it is better to bring them around and take care of them.

Well, if Han Ruo is not a guy.


They were in unison again, and they had been holding back for a long time, and the voice was loud enough to overturn Zhibaoxuan.

"It's all quiet."

Zhou Shu lowered his face, "Say it in advance, everything is up to me. Without my permission, you don't want to do anything and can't do anything. Do you have any ideas to tell me that you should never call the shots without permission, understand?"

The little trick wore his tail, "I see, long-winded."

Han Ruo agreed very carefully, "I will definitely listen to you."

Zhou Shu nodded, "That's it, what you need to bring, tell me, I will prepare, and set off in a few days."

"Wait..." Hanruo looked at Zhou Shu and said carefully, "I want to ask, is it just a few of us, no one else?"

"No, it's enough to have you."

Originally, Zhou Shu planned to call He Taiping, but it would be inconvenient if he had Han, and since Han could help him find the hidden world, then there is no need to look for talents in this area, but it saves a lot of things.

Han Ruo felt relieved, "That's good, I have nothing to prepare."

"Without others, don't you have to hide yourself?"

Zhou Shu frowned, took out one thing and threw it away, "This is what you wear, which can conceal your fairy body breath."

Han Ruo hurriedly caught it, and after a glance, his complexion turned red, "This, what is this?"

It is a light yellow tulle dress. With a light touch, it flows like a water wave, with ripples in circles. It looks good, but it is almost completely transparent, as if nothing can stop it.

"Don't look at it, look at the usefulness."

Zhou Shu frowned, "This is a clearing gauze, which can shield most of the detection methods, even Jinxian can hardly see it."


Han Ruo's expression was shocked, and she quickly took a closer look. She soon discovered that her spiritual sense could not penetrate the gauze at all, and it was not just the divine sense. Even if the power of the law was accompanied by the spiritual sense, she could not perceive the back of the gauze. Little situation.

She looked at Zhou Shu and hesitated, "Is this a second-grade immortal implement?"

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "Not really, but the price is about the same."

"How many immortal stones does this cost? You..."

Han Ruo stared at Zhou Shu in a daze. He didn't expect that Zhou Shu would buy her a magic weapon with a price close to the second-tier fairy.

"I borrow it from you, I will use it myself in the future."

Zhou Shu said seriously, as serious as it was.

This zero-cleared gauze was bought in Tianyi Pavilion in New Moon City.

As the name suggests, the people or objects behind the gauze are as if they are cleared, no longer exist, and it is difficult to perceive them.

Its material is very special, Zhou Shu doesn't know it, but the laws contained in it are mostly hidden laws.

These treasures of isolation and detection can play a huge role in many times, and the number in the heavens is small. This time I saw it in New Moon City. It is not to be missed. Zhou Shu bought it almost without thinking about it~www. ltnovel.com~ As for the appearance or something, I don't care about it at all, but he didn't expect that the first one would be Hanruo.

Hanruo held the gauze, but was shocked, "You want to wear it too?"

It's not just her, Caiying's eyes widened, and even Jian Lao was stunned, looking at Zhou Shu with an unrecognizable look.

Zhou Shu frowned, "What are you thinking about? I'm here to protect things, and I don't want to wear it myself, but if I really need it, I can't wear it. What does a piece of clothing have?"

"That's it."

Caiying blinked, "Zhou, why don't you show it to us now?"

The little trick jumped up and down, booing loudly, "Quickly, quickly!"

Zhou Shu's face became serious, "Be quiet, so I told you all to listen to me, what you need, hurry up, I'm ready to prepare."

It quieted down, and after a long time, everyone was talking about it, and the chattering became a mess again.

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