Fairy Winner

Chapter 2468: and also

"Sorry, I said something I shouldn't have said."

At first sight of Yang Bai, Zhou Shu quickly walked over and said sincerely, "It seems that the city lord doesn't want to see me, so he can only ask Brother Yang to say sorry. I don't want to dig into the roots, just a momentary gaffe."

He understood that he shouldn't speak at all.

Asking about the source of the magic talisman means that there are many different ideas, most of which are unpredictable. Even if Zhou Shu doesn't think like this, they will definitely be taken as such, and even the defense seems weak.

Thinking of the beauty of the equalization talisman, Zhou Shu couldn't suppress his thoughts for a while and made a taboo.

The training of the mind is still not enough. When the status changes greatly—from ordinary true immortals to New Moon City Supervisor, from Wufang City Immortal List to Heavenly Immortal Miao Bang, from only hearing his voice and not seeing him to face-to-face equal communication— —, the city lord put on a few high hats, he failed to balance his mentality.

This lesson must be remembered.

Yang Bai looked at Zhou Shu and paused, "Brother Zhou, I believe you, I will explain to the city lord, and you should not blame the city lord for this."

Zhou Shu shook his head quickly, "Of course not, it was my fault, the city lord was right, too much greed and not enough, it is indeed a big taboo."

Yang Bai shook his head lightly, "In fact, it is not too greedy to have a Fa Talisman, alas."

"Forget it, that magic talisman is too precious."

Zhou Shuning said, "I have never seen anyone who practices the law of balance, but I think it is rare. How can such a practitioner consume the power of the law of balance to refine the talisman and get one? I’m so lucky, I want more, I even want to find the source, it’s a big mistake."

Yang Bai smiled and waved his hand, "Stop talking about it, Brother Zhou, do you want to have a drink?"

Zhou Shu nodded, then laughed, "Okay, it's a rare opportunity."

Arrived at Zuixianlou.

When the wine and food came up, Yang Bai picked up a plate of roasted chicken feet and said in his eyes, "I haven't smelled this for a long time."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "I should say that. You have been in Wufang City. Where is this less?"

"How can I come here?"

Yang Bai glared at Zhou Shu, and was about to pick up the roasted chicken feet and chew, suddenly he stagnated, his face changed.

Zhou Shu paused, as if he had expected it, and smiled, "Is something else?"

"Yeah, I have something to leave. See you next time. I will inform you when I go to Heishawu. Damn it!"

Yang Bai put down the plate, and the wind disappeared.

Zhou Shu smiled, feeling helpless too, "How many times has it been? Every time it is like this, disappearing inexplicably, when can I really drink once?"

After complaining, Zhou Shu picked up the plate and was stunned immediately, unable to speak for a long while.

There was a talisman under the plate, and one could tell at a glance that it was the equalizing talisman Zhou Shu wanted.

It can only be left by Yang Bai.

"How could there be more?"

Zhou Shu picked up the Fuluo and looked at it carefully, and once again confirmed that this was the fact that this was the equalizing Fuluo and not the other Fuluo. Doubts arose in his heart, and the scenes of seeing the city lord before, scene after scene slowly emerged in the sea of ​​knowledge.

When talking about the equalization talisman, Yang Bai's expression was a bit wrong, could it be...could it be...

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu suddenly understood a lot. This talisman was originally not owned by the city lord, but Yang Bai. The previous one was also given to him by Yang Bai. Why did Yang Bai have this? He didn't want to think about it anymore. Only secretly said, "Brother Yang, I know, thank you."

Picking up the roasted chicken feet, Zhou Shu ate it all in one bite, put down the plate, and quickly left the Zuixianlou.

All the way to the West End.

Standing in front of the mountain, he bowed his hand slightly, "Compared to fellow Taoist, Zhou Shu is visiting."

The formation opened, and Bi Fan walked out with a lot of consternation on his face, "Zhou Shu?"

Zhou Shu nodded and said, "It's right underneath. I haven't seen you for a long time, better than a fellow Taoist."

Bi Fan was stagnant, and said blankly, "You are already a golden immortal, so how many years have I been in retreat here?"

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Senior concentrated in retreat. I don't know that only one day is in the mountains. The world has been thousands of years, and now it has been a thousand years."


Bi Fan glanced around, and suddenly realized, "Let's lie to me, this unicorn tree only has two more rounds, but only a few decades, yes, your cultivation speed is really amazing. Please come in."

Zhou Shu walked in with a smile, admiring him, "Senior I don't know how to practice until day and night, so I am really focused."

"You didn't kill it yet."

Bi Fan frowned, seeming to be bitter, "How can the two magic weapons that you let me refine are so complicated and mysterious? Once I study them, I forget everything."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Does the Taoist fellow have something to gain?"

"Look at it."

Bi Fan smiled slightly and pointed to the distance, showing great pride.

Zhou Shu Ning looked at it, his eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, looking at the left and right sides, digging into the power of the law and repeatedly testing, with a rare satisfaction on his face, he said with a smile on his palm, "Friends, I really did it, thank you! "

Bi Fan came over and was quite surprised, "Zhou Shu, where did you get the magic weapon? You can't think of this magic weapon yourself, right?"

He pointed to the five-color disc in Zhou Shu's hand, and said slowly, "The power of the five elements is interlinked and coexisted. The power of the five elements is inexhaustible, can be separated or combined, and the power is like a mountain, and the flow is like water. Defending all directions ~www.ltnovel.com~ is really wonderful."

Zhou Shu showed a hint of shock, "Father Daoist, you really know this magic weapon."

Bi Fan nodded, and said with joy, "How can I refine it if I don't understand it? I have gained a lot of benefits from this magic weapon. I have made great progress. This is a great opportunity. Thank you, Zhou Shu. ."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "It's better than fellow Daoist's own gain. It's great if you don't ask me for money, ha."

"Who cares about that little fairy stone or jade?" Bi Fan frowned, "Zhou Shu, you haven't told me the source of this magic weapon."

Zhou Shu spread his hands, "This is the refining method I accidentally obtained from the classics. This magic weapon is called the Five Elements Pan."

"It's classics again, and it's accidental."

Bi Fan waved his hand, quite relieved, "No matter, I'm the one who talks too much. I shouldn't ask about this kind of thing."

The source of the Five Elements Plate is the Five Elements Wheel of the Xuanhuang Realm. How could Zhou Shu tell him this? The method of refining came from Kunlun. Of course, Zhou Shu's own understanding was also added. The Five Elements is considered to be a kind of imitation. Of course, the power is not stronger than the artifact. It is impossible to use the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm to continuously produce the power of the Five Elements, but However, it is not restricted by the Xuanhuang Realm, and it can also perform well in the heavens. As long as the five elements are constantly replaced, a similar effect can be achieved.

The Five Elements Plate can be offensive and defensive, but for Zhou Shu, its greater role is to nourish and balance, and it can be placed in the world of refining monsters to help Hu Lao.

Zhou Shu put away the five-element plate and smiled, "Daoist, how many products can this five-element plate contain?"

I am more thoughtful, "Rank 4 is not as good as Rank 3 has been. If you do it again, it may be higher, but it may be far inferior to it. I don’t know the materials. I may not have the same passion at the time. And energy."

"one is enough."

Zhou Shu nodded. Such a magic weapon was originally difficult to replicate, and there were too many variables in the process.


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