Fairy Winner

Chapter 2469: In hand

Zhou Shu looked at Bi Fan, seemingly thoughtful.

Bi Fan waved his hand, "Don't think about it, the Five Elements Plate has consumed all my energy. I haven't started to work on another bone mirror, and I am still thinking about it."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Don't worry, fellow Taoist."

Bi Fan looked at him and said jokingly, "Don't ask, the bone mirror was also unintentionally read from the classics, right?"

Zhou Shu nodded seriously, "Yes, I have read many classics."

The second magic weapon he entrusted Bifan to do was the bone mirror. The full name is Ren Huang Zhao bone mirror. It was the magic weapon used by Ren Huang in the past. The mirror has two sides. Life and death can also continuously learn the laws of life and death, transform and integrate, so that the holder can increase the power of the laws and increase the cultivation base unconsciously.

It is a rare treasure, suitable for both Zhou Shu and Jianlao.

The required materials are not too rare, but the refining process is surprisingly complicated. It is not what Zhou Shu can do now. What Zhou Shu can do is to piece together the correct refining method from the memory of the old swordsman. Where.

"Count me for nothing."

Bi Fan looked at Zhou Shu with a lot of disdain in his eyes.

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, sat down and chatted, unconsciously, it was one day and one night.

Farewell and go straight to the North District.

Before reaching the bottom of the mountain, he was caught in a fragrant wind and sent straight to the former site of Cihang.

The Witch of Ping An stared at Zhou Shu, with a lot of resentment in her eyes, "I have no conscience, I came to Wufang City and are still messing around outside, just come to me now."

Zhou Shu stagnated, "Senior, you know?"

"What are you carrying, forgot?"

The witch had a hint of pride, "As long as you are in this world, I know where you are. If you want to escape, you can't escape. Hey, you'll never escape."

Zhou Shu understood that it was Yin Qiongyu's reason. That witch's token could not be placed in the demon refining world. Zhou Shu always carried it on her body. It was shaped like a fish-shaped ring, and its power was not obvious. No one seemed to recognize it. Over.

With a smile, Zhou Shuwen said, "How are seniors all these years?"

"It's good, it's just a bit lonely."

The witch shook her head slightly, her eyes were moist, crystal clear as beads, as if she had suffered a great grievance.

Zhou Shu was sluggish, only to feel that the fragrance around him was getting stronger and he was drunk.

The witch approached lightly, leaned close to Zhou Shu, breathed out the breath of zhilan, and the fragrant fragrance spread over her face, "Zhou Shu, how about you, okay?"

Before I knew it, half of his clothes had faded, revealing half of his shoulders, and the mountains were looming.

Zhou Shu couldn't feel the slightest hint of the holy note. The witch showed that she was innocent, and she smiled faintly, "Senior, can I speak well, but I have a lot to say."


The witch returned to normal immediately, staring at Zhou Shu, her apricot eyes filled with prestige, "Zhou Shu, are you still thinking about her?"

Zhou Shu was startled, "She?"

The witch stood in front of Zhou Shu and said coldly, "Don't pretend to be garlic, aren't you Yutan? With her brahma, you are really loyal and unmoved to me! I don't know where she came from. Such luck, hateful! hateful!"

Zhou Shu shook his head, unconsciously said, "Senior thinks too much. It is only now that Senior mentions it, I don't remember that I have never thought of her in the past few decades."

The witch said condensedly, "Really?"


Zhou Shu said frankly, this is the truth, his mind is all on the road, even the Yangmei Qingque rarely thinks about it, how can he think of the Utan Witch.

The witch looked at Zhou Shu for a while, her mouth curled up, and her smile came back, "I believe you."

The witch is already good at mind-reading. It is still possible to tell if Zhou Shu lied. Of course, if Zhou Shu hides it with all his strength, it will be difficult for her to tell.

Looking at the witch's eyes, Zhou Shu also understood why she was like this, and laughed, "Senior is still thinking about fighting with her?"

"of course."

The witch sat down close to Zhou Shu, leaned close to his ear, and said softly, "We have to fight to understand everything, whether it is you or the Yinkui Realm, unless we get it in our hands, we won't give up. "

Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "You are really sisters."

The witch's voice was louder, and the warm aroma penetrated into Zhou Shu's ears, "Who and her are sisters? We are enemies, but we want to join hands temporarily. You can wait and see. I will definitely let her kneel before me. , Bowed his head and became a minister."

"Okay, okay, you have the final say."

Surrounded by Wenxiang, Zhou Shu is still calm, his mind is not here, no matter what kind of temptation or not to be tempted, only nothing.

But it's really comfortable.

The witch said warmly, "Zhou Shu, in fact, I almost know everything about you, including the fact that you became a New Moon City monitor."

"Do you know this too?"

Zhou Shu was shocked. He couldn't determine the realm of the witch. The Yinkui realm was different from the practitioner. The cultivation base was not based on the immortal realm, but he knew that although the witch's strength far surpassed the golden fairy, he had not yet reached Taiyi To the extent that Daluo can't see through him, how can he see what he is carrying.

The witch smiled, very contented, "Naturally, others told me."

Zhou Shu's expression was stagnant, "Senior, don't do anything against him."

The witch was startled, and said, "Ah, what if you have already started?"

Zhou Shu was very serious, "The junior is going to help him out, but... Senior, you wouldn't do that, would you?"

The witch stared at Zhou Shu and was quite dissatisfied, "Then what happened to Yang Bai? You are so caring about him, better than me, and you want to help him. Are you planning to deal with me? I'm very dissatisfied~ www.ltnovel.com~ Sorry, it was my fault."

Zhou Shu quickly apologized. He was indeed a little worried. He saw Yang Bai a few days ago. He didn't look like he was turned into a slave by the witch. Besides, the city lord was watching how could Yang Bai be affected by this.

"If you admit your mistake quickly, then you won't be angry."

The witch nodded in satisfaction and said warmly, "That Yang Bai is good, but I don't have the idea of ​​planting incense silk for him, and I can't plant it with ordinary ones," she glanced at Zhou Shu, and she smiled, "As for that kind, He is not worthy yet."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "It seems that you are getting along well."

"Not bad? He didn't dare to come here at all."

The witch snorted and laughed openly, "I communicated with him through Mingzhu. As soon as you came, I asked him. He didn't want to say at first. He didn't tell me until I said those things, hehe. ."

"What are you talking about?"

Zhou Shu was a little puzzled, but it was not angry. Those things weren't considered secret. Yang Bai told the witch it was nothing but curious.

"Why should I tell you?"

The witch smiled sweetly, her smile was bright and beautiful, but her smile on weekdays was very different. Zhou Shu looked a little dazed, and quickly settled her mind, "Forget it, senior, I am a golden fairy now, what are your plans? "

"Planning? Ask me?"

The witch lightly nodded and thought for a while, "The cultivation base is still growing very slowly. It will take at least a thousand years to get to the next step. It is best to change to a better place, but it is very comfortable here, and there is a little reluctance, unless... "

Looking up at Zhou Shu, his eyes were a bit blurred. 8)

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