Fairy Winner

Chapter 2477: Go to war

Flying dragon ship? "

Staring at the port, the Peace Witch was slightly startled.

There is a huge ship that is several kilometers long, shaped like an ingot, with the bow carved like a dragon's head, and the tail raised high, like a sword piercing the sky. The hull is covered with golden scales like dragon scales. Stacked, golden light gleams, very mighty.

"Yes, senior."

Yang Bai said respectfully, "For this, it took a lot of time to prepare."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "It looks very good."

Yang Bai said seriously, “It’s better to use. Flying dragon ships are one of the most famous warships in the world. Most of the fairy cities use them to fight. Whether there are flying dragon ships is also regarded as one of the criteria for whether the city is strong or not. Our first ship in Wufangcheng, but I believe there will be more and more in the future."

Zhou Shu nodded and smiled, "I believe it too."

The flying dragon ship is indeed the most famous battleship, and the most common. Because of the use of a few dragon scales, the defense is pretty good. As for the offensiveness, it is far worse. The overall performance is far inferior to the Linglong treasure ship, but it is worse than unnecessary. Too many golden immortals are manipulated, and if the number is large, a great strategic advantage can be formed, but if there is only one, it is basically a troop carrier.

The greater significance of using the dragon boat in Wufang City is to show off its strength, after all, the victory is basically set.

After a very heroic farewell speech, amidst the cheers of many immortals, the flying dragon boat slowly flew towards Heishawu.

Within ten days, he stopped hundreds of thousands of miles in front of Heishawu.

Zhou Shu stared at Heishawu in the distance, and he was relieved at first, because he could feel that the origin of Heishawu was still there, and his goal was not lost, and then he mentioned a little bit, because the combat power on the island is better than Imagine a lot more.

There are at least hundreds of people on the island who are standing in front of them. At first glance, the cultivation level is not low.

"Are you Jinxian? It doesn't look like it?"

Yang Bai saw it too, showing a slight surprise.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "No, those are ghost servants."

The ghost servant of Youer is a kind of fighter machine made by Youer. It uses the corpses of the dead immortals to give Youer the power so that they can move freely and attack opponents under the control of Youer, because they are not afraid of injury or death. Very tricky opponent.

This information comes from Xiangru, the Dijiang Clan knows You Si very well.

You Si is very good at manipulating others, whether they are alive or dead. Of course, it is easier to die than to live.

"Brother Zhou, you even know this, I have never heard of it."

Yang Bai looked at Zhou Shu, very surprised, but soon the surprise turned into worry, "I didn't expect it to have this hand, that would be troublesome."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Don’t worry, this is a good thing. The ghost servant has not existed for a long time. The original weakness is still there. It is not difficult to attack the strong and defend the weak, and it is difficult to control the others if he uses the ghost servant. Jinxian... This also shows that he has indeed suffered serious injuries, his body can no longer withstand the burst of too strong power, his own quiet power can only be effective when it is scattered on the dead ghost servants, and everything is intact. You Si, you don't usually use ghost servants in battles. It seems that he is fighting with beasts."

"Then what should we do?"

Yang Bai asked in a low voice, unconsciously treating Zhou Shu as a leader.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "You take the flying dragon boat to deal with the ghost servants and the remaining golden immortals, and my seniors and I will deal with the big island owner."

Yang Bai quickly said, "I'll go too, the big island owner is not easy to deal with, there may be four island owners to help."

The peace witch giggled, "You are the real fairy."

Yang Bai lowered his head, "Senior, don't worry about me, I promise I won't die... I should be able to help."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand something, and shook his head with a smile, "I will call you anytime if there is a problem. If there is no reliable command, you must control them. Don't destroy Heishawu too thoroughly. The big island owner is there. ,do not worry."

Zhou Shu stared at him, moving his fingers slightly, and drew a long square, exactly like a talisman.

Yang Bai's heart was tight, and he didn't say more, "I see."

The dragon boat continued to sail towards the Black Sand Dock, but the two figures escaped into the void and disappeared.

The Witch of Peace has some worries, "Zhou Shu, are you sure? Even if the owner of the big island suffers a serious injury, he is still a true beast who has survived a heavy fortune. It is equivalent to Taiyi Daluo, you and me, really can Get rid of him?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Senior, then you didn't ask before, just came with me?"

The witch was stunned, and paused, "You said so confidently, I didn't notice it, I followed you unknowingly... Tell me now, otherwise I would rather go with the big army."

Zhou Shu pointed to his waist, "Don't you believe in surveillance tokens?"

The goddess looked dignified and worries were written on her face, "Believing it does not mean believing in you. You also know that Oshima Lord hates you and I are in the bones. It is very likely that we will kill you when we meet. When the token protects you, we don’t care. Am I terrible?"

Zhou Shu looked at her and said warmly, "Senior don't worry, New Moon City gives me not just tokens."


The witch nodded, feeling a lot settled in her heart.

She followed Zhou Shu and said suspiciously, "Zhou Shu, you really know a lot. Although I guessed that the island owner is a monster in the form of a monster, I don't know what monster beast it is, and you don't only know it is Youyou , You can still know the strengths and weaknesses, where did you know them?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Usually look more and learn more, then you will know everything."

The witch snorted, knowing that Zhou Shu didn't say anything, but she was helpless.

Heishawu Hall.

The once glorious place, because of an infighting ~www.ltnovel.com~ is now in tatters and ruined walls.

The chair in the middle was wrapped in a group of dark clouds, and black mist radiated from it, flying to various places on the island, pulling the ghost servant.

The huge body trembled, and the dark clouds suddenly tore apart, revealing an angry and distorted face, "Here, the two of them are finally here!"

It is completely different from the hideousness of the big island owner. The four island owners on the side are still dressed in white, with a plain face, and calmly said, "The one that should come will always come, black, why don't you listen to me, why don't you leave early? , Why have to fight them hard?"

"Go? I will never go!"

Oshima's beard and hair are all flared and frantic, "They caused my plan to fail, and you can't recover. I will kill both of them anyway!"

The Lord of the Four Islands sighed slightly and said faintly, "Hei, let's go, we still have a chance to come back, but if we lose this time, there will be no hope."

"They hurt you, I will never let them go!"

The owner of the big island just didn't listen, and said a word repeatedly.

The Lord of the Four Islands shook his head, "Hei, you have already survived a heavy disaster, that's enough, don't worry about me anymore."

"what did you say?!"

The big island owner suddenly turned his head, stared at the four island masters for a long time, and said coldly, "Bai, for me, only two people who have survived the calamity can be considered a true tribulation."

The four island masters closed their eyes and said nothing.

(PS: Thank you for your continuous support for the eyelids with autism, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted, and a good New Year~~~)

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