Fairy Winner

Chapter 2478: concentric

Zhou Shu suddenly stopped when he noticed something.

The Ping Witch behind her couldn't stop and slammed into Zhou Shu.


In the dark void, a black mist suddenly struck, almost flying past Zhou Shu, if it didn't stop, most of it would be beaten upright.

The magic goddess's expression was stagnant, she felt the familiar breath, and raised her mind.

The black mist fell a few miles away from Zhou Shu's side and gradually dispersed, revealing a huge figure.

It is the owner of the big island. Compared with the past, there are two more curved and gleaming sharp corners on the top of his head, and between the two corners there is a strange shadow shaped like a sphere, deep and bottomless, as black as The ink, swirling like a whirlpool, seems to have infinite attraction.

The void storm that had just formed thousands of miles away suddenly dissipated, and the power of the law scattered into the void, all gathering towards the shadow.

Even Zhou Shu couldn't stabilize his figure, the protective shield outside his body began to collapse like a sand tower, and his strength disappeared involuntarily.

"Oh no."

The witch's face turned pale, and she could feel it, that the power of the shade that she had placed outside to protect herself was slowly dissipating, and her divine consciousness was nowhere to be seen, completely engulfed by the shadows.

What the **** is that?

"The beast-faced human body is a sign that You Si is using all his strength. He is going to work hard."

Zhou Shu's expression was calm, the talisman in his sleeve had been quietly opened, that power was not affected by the shadow at all.


Like a call sign from hell, the lord of the island roared and strode forward.

The shadow on top of the head is called Netherworld Black Abyss. It is a unique natural supernatural power of the Youri clan. It burns flesh and blood and enhances the power of Youri to the extreme. It smashes all surrounding defensive forces that can be crushed. The duration of the black abyss After growing up, any opponent has no defense in front of him, and then with a strong physical body, he can overwhelm all opponents and defeat them.

It is similar to the law field of practitioners, but relatively speaking, the scope is larger and the power is stronger.

It's just that the price is high, and it's not used when you are desperate.

Aiming at Zhou Shu, his fist wrapped in black clouds shot out, full of hatred.

Just as soon as that punch was hit, something wrong was noticed. Heiyuan's range seemed to be slowly shrinking, and the effect was weakening.

It was the first time he used it, but it was the second time he saw it. This kind of thing should never have happened.

Zhou Shu glanced at the witch and nodded gently.

The protective shield is recovering. Obviously, the Equalization Talisman has begun to work. Several people are in the domain of balance. Although the power of You Si is very strong, it still cannot overwhelm the law of balance, and does not consciously follow the law.

The witch quickly understood that the white flames under her feet quickly grew, turning into a lotus flower and expanding continuously, enclosing within dozens of miles within a short while.

The owner of the big island is very knowledgeable and naturally does not dare to touch each other, but he does not know that the flame will quickly roll up, and the lotus petals slowly close together, surrounding him.


Zhou Shu would not miss the opportunity, Xiangru, Fierce Fighting Eagle, Little Stone and the long-awaited picking, at the same time jumped out and rushed to the big island owner.

Oshima owner was surprised, and then laughed wildly, not paying attention.

These guys who rushed over were not even Jinxian, in his eyes they were not even as good as mosquitoes.

But the frantic laughter quickly turned into anger. He quickly discovered that these mosquitoes were inferior to him. Every shot might cause him harm. On his side, the Nether Abyss basically failed. But the same as these mosquitoes.

Soon it fell into a crisis.

The strength of the big island owner is higher than that of Mu Wei, but he himself was seriously injured, and Zhou Shu's weaknesses were understood by Zhou Shu. More importantly, unlike besieging Mu Wei, Zhou Shu had added two extremely powerful combat strengths.

With the evil spirit in hand, Caiying who can hit him hard at any time, and the peace witch who is not too far away from the owner of the big island.

The results can be imagined.

Just ten breaths, it's dangerous.

No matter what he experienced, he was covered with copper skin and iron bones, but he was also inferior to the natural noble dragons. Anti-evil threatened him extremely, almost impossible to defend, and soon he had dozens of wounds on his body. Although it is not deep, what is terrifying is that the power of Yin Kui came in while it was empty, and it constantly eroded the body.

The power of the Yinkui is not comparable to the power of the soul in terms of corroding the body and mind.

The yin qi was extremely cold and the yin wind was biting, as if falling into an ice cave, the whole body was filled with ice thorns, and the whole body was creaking, pain was unbearable, and the movement became more and more rigid. The more clumsy.

The same is true for the mind, ice thorns constantly rushing to the sea of ​​mind and consciousness, like a thousand needles, the mind is about to be numb.

The trouble is that there is no possibility of counterattack at all. There are too many opponents and they are too strong. All are strong players who have experienced many battles. In the case of equal strength, they will never miss any flaws.

Oshima Owner himself knew that the time of death was not far away.

"Hateful, hateful!"

He was covered in blood, raised up to the sky and roared, and the beast roared, which could be heard from thousands of miles away.

The witch was all moved, Zhou Shu calmly, maintaining the greatest vigilance, one shot and one punch, all landed on the most vulnerable part of the big island owner.

The duration of the equalizer is not long, and this time must be used to understand the consequences.


Outside the lotus flame, there was a stern and sharp voice.

No one stopped, but even more fierce. Only the witch divided a little bit and paid attention to the sudden appearance of the four island masters. Of course, there was not much worry. The four island masters knew the strength of Jin Xian and were not the witch's opponent.

"Zhou Shu, if you let him go, we will give you what you want~www.ltnovel.com~ and promise not to mess with you again!"

The Lord of the Four Islands was all white and his complexion was the same, only a pair of dark eyes flashed with a firm light.

"I do not believe."

Zhou Shu shook his head calmly, without any relaxation at the bottom of his hand.


The evil spirit swept over the head of the big island owner, and one horn suddenly cracked, and a lot of debris was scattered, like the black snow, but the big island owner staggered and almost fell down, the two horns are quiet spirits Where the soul is, like the dragon's whiskers, are regarded as the root of life. Everyone here starts to suffer heavy damage, and it is really not far from death.

"You will believe it, I will engrave the concentric pattern! If you still want to start, I promise you will get nothing!"

The lord of the four islands suddenly opened the front of her clothes, her right hand was like a knife, and **** had been inserted into her chest. The blood slowly slipped down. The snow white was particularly conspicuous, while her left hand was holding a dark hexagonal crystal, like a black diamond. , Even in the void, it exudes a strange gorgeous luster.

Zhou Shu's expression was stagnant, his eyes fell on the hexagonal crystal, not moving for a while.

There is no doubt that that is the origin he wants, and if he obtains it, he can absorb large quantities of Nether Poison Moss, which will greatly improve the demon refining world.

"Concentric pattern?"

Xiangru on his side also froze, nodded to Zhou Shu, and said, "If it is a concentric pattern, that's okay."

"Concentric pattern, what is that?"

The witch did not stop, but there was a hint of doubt, as if she had also heard it.

(PS: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for the collection, a good New Year~~~)

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