Fairy Winner

Chapter 2482: Explore

After returning to Wufang City, it was another grand celebration.

For many days, the entire city was in a state of excitement, like boiling water, hot, and joy was heard everywhere, regardless of the eastern and southern districts, there seemed to be a lot more immortals coming and going every day.

Zhou Shu did not participate, and still discussed the Way of Patching Heaven with the witch.

In the meantime, Yang Bai has been here twice and brought thanks from the city lord.

I don’t mention the fairy jade and the stone, and the magic talisman is nothing. There are only a few books that arouse Zhou Shu’s interest. One is written by the city lord about some experience in building and managing the city. Zhou Shu specifically asked for it. After reading it, I put it into the sea of ​​knowledge. There is no need for deduction for the time being.

Elder Hu has completely absorbed the Poisonous Moss, and the empty space is just for placing the Immortal Heart Lamp and the magic weapon of the Yin Kui Realm.

The changes in the demon refining world are not visible for the time being, but the changes in the old pot are obvious. The understanding of the law of energy is deeper and the demon refining pot has become stronger. It can refine more items and powers that could not be refined before. Of course, Zhou Shu's refining The material tactics and strength training tactics have also been greatly improved. They can withstand the power of more laws. Even without their own power, they can easily block the attacks of most golden immortals, especially the golden immortals who practice the laws of the immortal world. Probably because of the most contact with immortal power, the progress of Lian Li Jue is more obvious in this respect.

It's just resisting instead of absorbing, so there will be consumption. The more you use, the more consumption the demon world will consume.

If Hu Lao could understand the law of energy, even if he could only understand it, he would be able to absorb the power of most low-level laws and use them to counterattack without consumption. For Zhou Shu, he could almost ignore opponents of the same level.

Of course, this step is difficult, perhaps even more difficult than Zhou Shu's understanding of the law of reincarnation.

The Demon Refining Pot is different from other artifacts. Unlike other magic weapons, which have the steps of Immortal artifacts and Tao artifacts, it has always been an artifact. It gradually grows according to the amount of origin from other worlds. The more origins absorbed, the scope of the artifact The more extensive it is, from the artifacts of the Xuanhuang world to the artifacts of all worlds in the heavens.

"about there."

Zhou Shu stretched out and stood up, very satisfied.

The witch stared at him, with a bit of resentment, "What's the end, should we go to New Moon City? You wasted another month."

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "Does senior think that it is a waste of time to discuss the Way of Patching Heaven with me?"

The things in the world of demon refining have nothing to do with the outside. Zhou Shu has been talking to the witch about the way of repairing the sky, and the benefits are not small. There are already some ideas that are being deduced in the sea of ​​knowledge. Maybe a little breakthrough will be made soon, which is not difficult. But it is a breakthrough that witches can hardly reach.

"No, but the research and study have no results. It's better to go to New Moon City early and find a way to get promoted quickly," the witch said slowly, looking at Zhou Shu, "you know now, we Yinkui Clan Promoting is not as troublesome as your practitioners. It also requires cultivation bases and legal thresholds. As long as we cultivate bases and meet the requirements, we can enter the cocoon sleep, and resurrection can be promoted to the female deity."

Zhou Shu sighed with emotion, "No wonder you didn't concentrate on searching for the main road, and you didn't even bother to look for the classics if they were lost."

The witch raised her head to express her disdain, "Who said we won't look for it anymore? Let's talk about searching the avenue, that is what you practitioners should do."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Senior, have you ever thought that it is probably because your ancestors did not get a complete path, so you chose the simple way of cocoon sleep to advance. Is this way a bit eager for success, and after promotion? Is the result really good?"

The witch stagnated, her face changed when she thought of something.

The saint of the Yinkui tribe is resurrected from the cocoon, and it is not difficult to be promoted to the same level as Taiyi Daluo. It is much simpler than that of a practitioner to be promoted to Taiyi Dalu. As long as the saint can not afford infighting, she can basically reach the female deity. , But this seems to be the ultimate, the next realm of the female emperor has never been reached by a Yinkui clan, except for the previous Heavenly Lotus Holy Master.

I have to embark on this path. Although it seems to be destined, I am always unwilling and unwilling.

Zhou Shu continued, "The last time the seniors talked about cocoon sleep, I just remembered that it was the promotion method used by low-level monsters and some alien cultivators. It is indeed simple and relatively safe. It is cocoon forcibly accumulating strength to break through. Shackled, but doesn’t care about the improvement of mentality and mental realm. It has nothing to do with Tao and law. This may not be the right way to go."

The witch's eyes changed, and she said coldly, "You want to say that I am doing something evil? But our Yinkui clan has never been a righteous way. What does it matter!"

"Senior, don't be angry, juniors are not talking about good and evil."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Only the sect and the realm care about the righteous and evil ways. The juniors don't care. It's just that the juniors have come into contact with the Tao of Heaven. It is inevitable to think a little bit more. How seniors choose is also their own business. The juniors just talk casually and talk. That's it, don't listen."

The witch calmed down for a while, "Then what if it were you? If you can advance to the rank, you don't need to advance, but you have to understand the incomplete Dao more deeply?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "Yes, the younger generation will definitely try to find the fragments of the Way of Patching Heaven, so as to make it clear and patching up the Way of Heaven. Not to mention that it is completely complemented, but also to find more, so as to understand the Way of Patching Heaven. Those who will be promoted will be promoted in all aspects, which is better than cocoon sleep."

"How easy is it."

The witch sighed unconsciously, "Most of our ancestors of the Yinkui tribe will leave the Yinkui realm to look for fragments after reaching the female deity~www.ltnovel.com~ trying to make up the Yinkui strategy, but there has been no result. There are not many who can come back to the Yinkui Realm, and almost all of them are dead outside."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Senior, they may have got another way, and they don't think they need to go back to the Yinkui realm."

The witch was stunned, "Your thoughts are always different, but I don't intend to deviate from Yin Kui Ce, but what you said also makes sense. Maybe I shouldn't be so anxious. It's better to look at Yin Kui Ce. Even if I become a female veteran, you are still a golden immortal, and there is no way to regain the Yinkui realm."

"The younger generation must be much slower."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Senior, this junior will be away for a few days, and then I will pick you up to New Moon City."

The witch stared at Zhou Shu with an ugly face, "Where are you going again?"

Zhou Shuwen said, "It's just around Wufang City. It shouldn't be long."

The witch stood up, "Then I will go too."

"Very dangerous," Zhou Shu said calmly. "The junior is still not sure whether he will definitely come back. If the senior is there, the junior is even more uncertain."

"then you go."

The witch is also a person of interest. Knowing that Zhou Shu has her own business, she waved her hand and said in disgust, "You come back early. If it is too late, I will upset this Wufang City and let the city lord find you. Afterwards."

"The junior is really scared."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Senior don't worry, the junior will come back and continue talking with senior."

"I hope I can talk in another way."

The witch snorted and disappeared soon.

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