Fairy Winner

Chapter 2483: storm

Come to a familiar place.

The Void Secret Realm I saw last time is right in front of me.

Different from the last time he left directly, Zhou Shu is very confident this time. In addition to being promoted to the Golden Immortal, he also has the growth of the Demon Refining Pot. Of course, he also needs to use the anti-evil to gather. With these huge enhancements, Not counting the token given by the city lord, it is not comparable to the average Jinxian.

Thousands of tornado storms are rolling violently, and there is a huge black vortex above and below the tornado.

Like a sea eye in the void, it is not bottomless and can swallow everything.

The black vortex kept shaking, and the tornado moved along with it, as if the entire space had been distorted.

Zhou Shu opened his eighth sense and looked inside the whirlpool.

The vortex above is nothingness, there is nothing but endless power, but below it is different.

In the center of the whirlpool stands a wind column several miles in radius.

Similar to the tornado storms outside, this wind column is also formed by a tornado, but its speed is faster, reaching an incredible level. It can remain in its original shape in this violent vortex, and it will always remain unchanged even if the vortex vibrates up and down. It doesn't move, it's like a Dinghai Shenzhen.

Unlike the black tornado storms around, the wind pillar in the middle is white and translucent.

Perhaps this is what made it visible to Zhou Shu. If it is black, Zhou Shu would not be able to perceive it.

The strong wind in the white wind column even obscured the sight of the eighth sense, but it was also faintly visible. There seemed to be a blue well in the middle with a faint light.

Similar to the information obtained before, it should be the entrance to the secret realm.

The entrance to the secret realm is inside the storm vortex, and the outer layer is protected by a wind pillar. Just this news is the life of many practitioners.

If you want to enter this void and mystery, you must first pass through the siege of thousands of tornadoes, then reach the black vortex below, and then break into the white wind pillar. These three steps are indispensable, and any step is indispensable. If something goes wrong, there may be no place to die.

No wonder even Jinxian can't get in.

Looking at the void storm, Zhou Shu's expression was slightly solemn.

After a long time, this void storm has no signs of weakness. It seems to be wider and more powerful than before. There are not as many tornadoes surrounding the wind pillars as there are now, nor are they so dense, and even less. It's so violent, it feels that the storm is still expanding outward, which is very unusual.

Ordinary void storms slowly weaken until they disappear.

Zhou Shu unearthed a wisp of the power of the Five Elements and winded toward the nearest black dragon.

Only a few miles away, I felt an extremely powerful attraction, and the power unconsciously moved closer to the tornado.

The force of the Five Elements circled the storm, was quickly involved in it, and instantly lost its trace.

Divine consciousness can’t perceive it anymore, obviously it was swallowed by the tornado. The power of the five elements is considered to be a medium law force, but it is swallowed without resistance in the tornado. It looks like the law of the tornado. No less than the power of the Five Elements, perhaps even stronger.

Zhou Shu changed the way, the power of the five elements was strengthened a lot, and the power of the soul was also mixed.

The forces of the two laws are mixed, like twine rope twisted together, flying quickly towards the tornado.

I still feel the strong attraction, and I am still involved. Although the power is not small, it is still far from the suction power of the tornado.

The power of the law was the first to be wiped out, then the power of the five elements disappeared, and finally the power of the soul. Although it persisted for a while, it could not escape the result of being completely swallowed.

not simple.

Because of the exploration of the power of the soul, there was a lot more information this time, and his face became more solemn.

He knows at least fifty powers of law, and he has seen more unknown powers of law in the battle with the floating beast, but the power in the tornado is different from those in the tornado. He has never seen it before, and it feels like Glue with strong adhesion is difficult to separate, and there are almost no flaws to be found. After the power of its own law enters, it will be shattered, or assimilated, in short, there is no trace.

Zhou Shu paused, then tried another way.

A thick white mist emerged from the palm of his hand, drifting along the suction force.

The white mist shackled the wind. The tornado stopped abruptly, and the roar that disappeared in an instant gave Zhou Shu a feeling that the entire void was still. After all, the surroundings were too noisy, but it stopped. Half-breathing, the rotating storm will disperse the white mist until it disappears completely.

The strength training tactic is effective, which means that the power of this law can be resisted with the demon pot.

Just have a way to resist.

These tornado pillars are the first line of defense to enter the black vortex. They are too dense. Even Zhou Shu must be prepared to be involved.

But Zhou Shu was able to block it and replaced the other golden immortals in New Moon City. I'm afraid that ninety-nine out of a hundred will be swallowed by these storms, not even the bones are left, the remaining one should be able to stay. The stumps and arms are broken because they are the golden immortals who have refined their bodies to the extreme.

While exploring the void storm, Zhou Shu was also calculating.

All tornado pillars, black vortexes, and white wind pillars are formed in the sea of ​​consciousness. Zhou Shu is deducing the law of their motion, the frequency of vibration, etc., in order to find the safest and most stable route to enter the black vortex.

The amount of calculation is huge, but it is not difficult. These tornadoes also follow a certain pattern and are not aimlessly chaotic~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu has already had results.

Starting from the tornado column on the right, maintain enough speed to bypass the sixty-three tornadoes all the way to the black vortex below.

It is very dangerous. It may be drawn into the tornado column at any time. If it is Zhou Shu, there is also a great possibility of injury.

Zhou Shu paused.

This void storm is indeed very dangerous, and it is not dangerous after entering, it is very dangerous before reaching the entrance. Even if there are hundreds of golden immortals, you may not be sure of entering the entrance. It will not work if you drive the exquisite treasure ship. At that time, how did Luo Xiping go in and still not die?

Could it be great luck?

It is possible that Zhou Shu also calculated, because the tornado pillars are repelling each other, there will be one or several special balance points between the two wind pillars, or called the safety point. At the safety point, the attraction of the two parties The forces cancel each other out, instead of being affected by the wind column, if people are at the balance point all the way in, they can reach the black vortex safely.

This may be about one in ten billion.

Because the position of the balance point around each wind column is different, some are far away, and it is still changing. Even if Zhou Shu passed the calculation, he would have to try at least a few thousand times before he could succeed. So he They all gave up this approach, and Roxiping would die if he failed once.

If Roxipin is in it, he should use another method.

(PS: Thank you for all the support you have on your eyelids with autism, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~Happy New Year~~)

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