Fairy Winner

Chapter 2593: 1 guess

Everyone who has asked said that the Star Sea Realm has always been like this. The three islands in the center and the many floating islands around them all existed from the beginning.

This is about 20,000 years ago.

This is weird.

A world as big as Xinghai Realm needs to develop into what it is today, at least some development process, a few new small worlds, slowly gathered together, after hundreds of thousands of years and then evolved into this, but in fact it is fundamental No, this outer realm is not too desolate. Many people and foreign races have been here before, but no one can see the original appearance of the Xinghai Realm. It seems that the Xinghai Realm is fully mature as soon as it appears in the heavens.

Therefore, when many practitioners flew here, "Hey, why is there a big world here? Go and see."

Then I passed by naturally, stayed, and found that it was very good here, and slowly, the Star Sea Realm developed into what it is now.

Most people have not considered how this world came from, but there are more people who have doubted. They have made many attempts but failed to return. In the end, they can only be said to be the work of the saints. The saints must establish a complete world. What's so difficult? Then the Xinghai Realm appeared here. This kind of inference also gave the Xinghai Realm a thick halo, mysterious and powerful.

And the various rules in the Star Sea Realm were formulated very early, and they have been used until now, and they have hardly changed.

The rules are very strict, and some people have tried to resist, but the result is not very good, because this star sea realm is really powerful.

Two realm masters took action. The realm master of Tianxing Island single-handedly killed 27 demon kings who united to provoke in the Xinghai realm. Afterwards, the wolf-phase demon lords sent people to inquire about the crime, but it ended without a problem. The incident was shocked. No demons dare to make trouble in the Star Sea Realm, and practitioners are excited.

There are three major demon masters in the devil world, ten major demon masters. According to the usual ranks, the demon master is similar to the golden fairy of the Hunyuan realm, but the demon who has hundreds of realms and controls the power of the demon is actually far better than the golden fairy of the Hunyuan. Most Hunyuan Golden Immortals dare not fight against the Demon Venerable at all, and they have to detour when they see it. As for the Demon Lord, they are equivalent to the generals of the Demon Venerable. They are better than Taiyi Daluo, and ordinary practitioners are in the same realm. Hard to match.

The demon race has struggled with the immortal world for many years. As far as the individual is concerned, it has a strong body and the power of the demon god. Both the top and the low-level demon races have more combat power than those of the same level. There are too many restrictions, such as high requirements for the living environment, it must be polluted and then occupied, and the most common immortal energy cultivation in the heavens cannot be used, making it difficult for the demons to obtain a higher position in the heavens.

Tianxing Island killed the demons, and the master of Qunyu Island attacked the immortal sect.

The Sect Master of Slash Sect, Zhang Baima of the Hunyuan Realm, killed dozens of people outside the Star Sea Realm for a treasure that had long been sought after and fell to the Star Sea Realm. Those people just left the auction and prepared to go back. After Zhang Baima’s poisonous hands, none of them survived. Just as Zhang Baima was about to leave with the treasure, the landlord of Qunyu Island took action. No one knows how the process was, but Zhang Baima will disappear from now on, and is about to The rising Sect Sword Sect also perished.

After this incident, Shushan, the governor of the Immortal Realm, sent an elder to the Xinghai Realm to inquire. After leaving three days later, nothing happened. Not even the name of the Lord of the Jade Realm was listed.

Since then, the realm masters of the Xinghai Realm have never made any moves, and the two realm masters who have made moves have been on the celestial pole list of the heavens. Although the celestial pole list is fluctuating, they have never left. It is worth mentioning that, The realm master of Gongshan Island, who had never played before, did not make it to the celestial pole list, but it is said that he is the most powerful among the three islands.

The two shots of the realm master laid the foundation for the Xinghai Realm in the outer realm. Many practitioners and foreign races from the outer realm went to the Xinghai Realm one after another, and neither the immortal realm nor the demon realm, or other foreign races, would not and dare not make trouble here. , And in less than 20,000 years, the Xinghai Realm has developed into this, becoming a major force in the Outer Realm, and its prosperity is not lower than that of the Immortal Realm. This speed is unimaginable for many people.

This is not something that a few world masters can do. Many people feel that there must be some big figures behind them.

The entire Xinghai Realm is a mystery from beginning to end.

The above is the news that Zhou Shutan heard. It took a lot of time and fairy jade. The authenticity should be guaranteed. Obviously, the current status of Xinghai Realm depends on its strong strength, and even the great sect of the immortal world cannot underestimate its strength. .

Where does strength come from? Where are these three world masters sacred?

At this time Zhou Shu thought of another thing.

In most of the immortal world classics, a major event is recorded. Emei, the former great sect of the immortal world, entered a period of weakness very early, and completely died out more than 20,000 years ago. Most of the disciples scattered to other sects, and Emei It has also become a world of nothingness, which is uninhabited despite its origin,

In terms of time, shortly after the demise of Emei, the Xinghai Realm was born. This Xinghai Realm is also very similar to the Luoxing Islands.

Could it be that Emei chose to change his name and surname and go to another area to re-development?

It's hard not to make such a guess, especially after seeing the three island towers.

The round tower in the middle, if it is reduced by hundreds of thousands of times, it is very much like a mysterious artifact that Zhou Shu has seen ~www.ltnovel.com~Emei's Sun-Moon Universe Circle.

To use the Sun, Moon and Universe Circle, one must possess the power of the Sun, Moon and Stars.

Zhou Shu understands this very well. In the Xuanhuang world, he cultivated the power of the stars and the power of the moon. The power of the sun could be simulated slightly, because no one in Emei at that time had the power of the sun, the moon and the stars, and the universe could only guard the sect. The door cannot be used.

If the round tower in the middle is the circle of the sun, moon and universe, then the surrounding three towers plus these tens of thousands of floating islands are exactly the number of sun, moon and stars.

Gongshan is the sun, the jade is the moon, the heavenly stars and many floating islands are the stars. Several powers are constantly circulating and eternal, which can not only ensure the operation of the tower, so that the tower can release its power at any time, but also use the feedback of the tower. The archipelago, so that the archipelago has always stood in the outer domain of the heavens, will not fall.

The power of the sun, the moon and the stars is the foundation of Emei and the foundation of the star-sea realm.

If you can observe the tower closely again, or understand the power of the origin of Mishima, perhaps this can be more proof.

Of course this is difficult to do, and Zhou Shu cannot do it either.

Thinking more, Zhou Shu from the Xuanhuang Realm can see this. Many powerhouses in the fairy realm will not fail to see it. Zhou Shu thinks that many people will have this kind of speculation, especially the sects of the fairy realm who understand Emei, such as Shushan, maybe For this reason, the immortal world will tolerate and even support the Xinghai Realm, and then guess, maybe the Xinghai Realm is simply a chess piece and a outpost placed by the immortal realm in the outer domain, and the two are connected.

The guess is so far, for Zhou Shu, this step is enough.

Regardless of whether this guess is true or false, he will change his previous attitude and treat Xinghai Realm as an immortal city. He must be more cautious. He will not do some things he wanted to do before, such as looking for old friends from the Xuanhuang Realm, etc. , And he intended to spread some news in the Star Sea Realm.

This is the meaning and result of thinking. ()

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