Fairy Winner

Chapter 2594: Really you

A few months passed in a flash.

Zhou Shu and Ping'an have been traveling on many floating islands. While experiencing, they were looking for opportunities to inquire about news, mainly from the Yinkui world. However, they didn't gain much, but they got another news that surprised Zhou Shu.

"Three fairy jade, no less."

"Well, you better make sure your message is worth so much money."

"It was an elder in my sect who told me that there will be no fakes."

"Take it."

"In the outer domain on the edge of the demon world, the witch clan has appeared. The elder said that they may intend to attack the demon world.

"Witch, are you sure?"

"I said there will be no fakes. The elders saw Zhu Rong chariot with his own eyes! The chariot was exactly the same as the one introduced in the classics. He is a tall witch, with a fierce spirit and a lot of weird tattoos all over his body."

"What kind of tattoo?"

"Then how did I know that the elders felt the breath of the chariot and fled... and left, that's all."

Seeing the golden fairy leave, Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I was deceived by three more fairy jade."

"Who told you to give Xianyu first is always fooled."

Ping An glanced at him with a smile, "This news is really worthless. What is the meaning of Wu Clan's attack on the Demon Realm?"


Zhou Shu nodded lightly, as if it was meaningless, but he cared a little bit, who was driving the Zhurong chariot, "However, the Wu Clan has been silent for so long and finally appeared. The first one to look for was the Demon Realm, not the Immortal Realm. It's kind of weird."

Ping An indifferently said, "These forces fight back and forth every day. With so much control, I only need to take back the Yinkui Realm."

Zhou Shu nodded and looked forward, feeling slightly startled.

On the opposite street, four or five Taiyi Daluo walked over. They were all dressed in special services from the Xinghai Realm. Among them was a handsome young golden fairy who wore a blue shirt. Proudly, it seems that these Taiyi Daluo are all his guards.

Taiyi Daluo was the guardian of the Golden Immortal, Zhou Shu saw it for the first time on Tianxing Island, but it was not this incident that surprised him, but the person.

The young man in the green shirt is undoubtedly Li Chenyi, the star lord of Emei from the Xuanhuang world.

Li Chenyi also noticed Zhou Shu and Ping An, and moved his gaze away with a slight glance, without any change.

Zhou Shu nodded indifferently. He was not worried that Li Chenyi could see his identity. He changed his face and said nothing about the protection of the Six Difficulties. Only by carefully observing the Hunyuan realm, it is possible to see that it is just the golden fairy Li Chenyi and these Taiyi Daluo must be impossible.

Why is Li Chenyi here, and it seems that his position in Tianxing Island is quite high? Is this really the Emei of the past?

There seems to be no other explanation.

In Qingque's memory, Li Chenyi was the first to be taken away. Emei was gone at the time. Where was he taken? This is probably the Star Sea Realm. If this is the case, Zhou Shu might be in a lot of trouble, because Li Chenyi comes from the Xuanhuang Realm, he knows everyone on the Tongtian Tower, and he is a very wise person. People standing on the opposite side will always be troublesome.

The two passed by, and no one stopped the next step, and no one wrote down the other, but is it really the case?

Shortly after passing the street corner, Li Chenyi sighed slightly, and the corner of his mouth curled up, "Heh."

"What's wrong, Lord of the Seven Islands?"

Da Luo Jinxian on the side had a slightly condensed expression and looked very nervous.

Li Chenyi said lightly, "It's okay, it's just that an old person suddenly thought of it."

He had already used all the methods he could use, and he didn't recognize Zhou Shu, but Zhou Shu gave him a strange feeling. This feeling was only experienced when he saw someone in the Xuanhuang Realm, and I felt a little emotional.

Da Luo Jinxian said with a solemn expression, "Lord of the Seven Islands, don't think about things in the past. Now you are a person valued by both the Xinghai Realm and the Immortal Realm. Your future is limitless. Apart from those few, don't talk to other people in the tower. If you have anything to do with it, it will be very detrimental to you. If you encounter it, the best way is to capture or kill it, and forever end troubles."

"I have actually forgotten it, huh," Li Chenyi smiled lightly, "It's different. This is the immortal world, not there. In the past, I was inferior to him, but now, I'm afraid I won't look at him more, but speaking, if When I really met him, I was a little bit reluctant to start, haha."

Da Luo Jinxian nodded, "That's good, go to the island owner, they are waiting for you, today's guide is the senior of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, it is very important."

"I know."

Li Chenyi walked slowly, and suddenly said, "The two of you just now, please help me pay attention to what they are doing here. Besides, if they are about to leave the Xinghai Realm soon, help me stay temporarily. If That’s not it."

Da Luo Jinxian seemed to realize something, "Seven Island Master, how long will it be soon?"

Li Chenyi said intently, "For two years, if he is really that person, he can probably recognize me. In this case, he can stay for a few months."

Da Luo Jinxian nodded, "I see, but if the Seven Island Master really doubts him, it's better to catch him directly, so that saves trouble, the island owner, his subordinates will find a way to prevaricate."

Li Chenyi said indifferently~www.ltnovel.com~ I told you, don’t try to influence me to make any decision, now I have more important things to do, I can’t bother more, and I have to take a risk for a doubt The risk of losing the trust of the island owner is not worth it. Do you know what I mean? I have already made a mistake about this once, and I can never make another mistake. "


Da Luo Jinxian lowered his head, stopped talking, and turned around.

Zhou Shu and Ping An, have slowly walked into a restaurant, tasting wine and eating spiritual food, but Zhou Shu's heart is half hanging, and the wine glass in his hand has not been put down until he is within sight. There was a person who wanted to see, and then he put down the wine glass leisurely.

What he saw was Da Luo Jinxian who was instructed by Li Chenyi to come and monitor him.

Although Daluo's level of concealment was surprisingly high, he couldn't escape the visit of the Eighth Sense. Even though Zhou Shu had converged a lot in Xiancheng, he was discovered by Zhou Shu as soon as he appeared.

"Still don't worry? So far-sighted, it really is you, Li Chenyi."

Zhou Shu is very confident that Li Chenyi cannot recognize him, but this does not mean that Li Chenyi, who has always been cautious, will not doubt that he has been monitored. However, this is not a bad thing. You can properly create an illusion so that Li Chenyi can see clearly. , I am not the person he suspects.

It seems that Li Chenyi's position in the Star Sea Realm is not low, and it is not difficult to check Zhou Shu.

However, he couldn’t find out anything. After arriving in the Star Sea Realm, Zhou Shu has been very restrained in the past few months. He has not revealed any signs. He originally planned to ask Aojian about the news and did not ask. If Zhou Shu really did something, With Li Chenyi's suspiciousness, he would definitely be traced to him.

Fortunately, of course, luck comes from Zhou Shu's careful words and deeds.

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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