Fairy Winner

Chapter 2595: Tao and mystery

There are a group of tails behind Zhou Shu. No matter what he is doing, there are people spying. This feeling is not very good, and doing things is much less convenient, but this also shows that Li Chenyi’s investigation of Zhou Shu is only personal. Zhou Shu didn't borrow the power of the world master, and Zhou Shu responded with ease. If he borrowed the power of the world master, Zhou Shu would not feel any prying eyes.

Every day, Zhou Shu and Ping An traveled around the islands, making friends everywhere, and at the same time did not miss the major events on Star Island, such as auctions and so on.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Shu joined a dojo called Yuqi Dao.

This dojo promotes Yuqi Dao, the Dao that the master of the dojo thought of himself, and its root lies in the cultivation of the body.

Saitama sect refines the device into the body, while Yu Qidao in turn refines the body into the device. Saitama sect is to train the body to be as strong as a fairy, and Yuqi’s goal is to refine his body. Become an immortal weapon, turn one's own soul into an instrument spirit... It is said that after success, it will be easier to advance to a higher level.

No one believed this kind of ridiculous way, and naturally no one would join it. In fact, apart from Zhou Shu, there were only two people who went to the dojo, and the owner of the dojo was also included.

The reason why Zhou Shu joined was still holding the inclusive idea of ​​Shu Zhi Dao, trying to learn some useful things from this weird Dao. Unexpectedly, it was really useful. The owner of the game was a very good master of refiners, yes. The understanding of Qi Dao is far above Zhou Shu, comparable to Ou Ting. He just refined the artifact into a magic barrier. For an immortal artifact that suits him perfectly, he searched the world and could not find the most perfect material, and finally decided to use his own flesh and blood. Muscles and bones serve as materials.

"What material can be more suitable than your own body? The immortal artifact made from your own body is the most perfect immortal artifact!"

This behavior is a bit like Gan Jiang Moxie.

Turning blood into juice, taking bones to make firewood, and enthusiasm, all kinds of special theories, the owner of that field was right.

It's not just theory. In order to satisfy the refining needs of his body, he not only practiced dozens of physical exercises, but also swallowed many rare immortals, and ate the pill as a meal. He didn't expect the body to explode more. Strong power, only to be able to become better materials.

Zhou Shu has to admire this spirit.

The other Jinxian who went with him listened to the three-day Dao and left. When he left, his face was blue, but Zhou Shu persisted for three months.

The reason for not being able to hold on for longer is that the owner decided to do it three months later... In fact, he started this dojo and was ready to die as a martyr. He wanted to put his own money before death. The idea is passed on to other people without being buried.

In the meantime, Zhou Shu persuaded the passer to give up, and even calculated the result of the deduction by himself-the success rate was infinitely close to zero-and told him that he was still unmoved, but just drove Zhou Shu away and used himself The clone began to refine the body into the device. According to his theory, the moment the refining device was completed, the clone would also enter the fairy weapon and become an important part of the fairy weapon.

A few months later, Zhou Shu went to the dojo again.

Except for a jade slip and a page of suicide note, nothing was found.

The suicide note said that when he was halfway through the refining process, he suddenly had a new idea that might be able to change the refining avenue, so he left in time and left to verify. If in the future you see a pot with hands like pot ears, without a head, there is a pot. The person who covered it was him. When the time comes, the two of them will talk about him. He has introduced Zhou Shu as a confidant, and he also left the essence of his life's learning in the jade slip and gave it to Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, picked up the jade slip and turned it over.

After reading it for a while, I felt fulfilled. The Qi Dao is indeed far beyond my own knowledge, and it takes a lot of time to realize it. What is certain is that this jade slip can make Zhou Shu's Dao improve a lot.

Sure enough, geniuses are all weird, and only this kind of genius can push a certain Tao forward quickly.

During this time, Zhou Shu also went to Xinghai Secret Realm twice with Ping An.

The Xinghai Secret Realm is located on Qunyu Island. It is the reason for countless people to come to the Xinghai Realm. Someone has obtained the Ninth-Rank Immortal Artifact in the Secret Realm, and there is more than one person, and earlier insiders said that when the Xinghai Secret Realm was opened, The realm master said that there are two Dao artifacts in it, and those who are predestined can get them. Although few people mention it now, many people believe that the two Dao artifacts are still in the secret realm and no one has taken them.

Dao artifacts are far better than immortal artifacts. They contain the essence of Tao. At this stage of the Hunyuan realm, most people are in control of a certain law, and their strengths are similar, and they are inseparable. Of course, they control several laws or high-level laws. The law is naturally the strong among them, but also, if you can have a Dao implement, you can infinitely widen the gap with the same-level Hunyuan realm, and you can enter the celestial list and surpass other people.

There are several Taoist artifacts in the heavens, about tens of thousands. It seems that the total number is very large, but compared with the number of practitioners like the Ganges sand, it is pitiful. Moreover, most Taoist artifacts are in the hands of saints and quasi-sages. Often a sage left dozens of Taoist artifacts, and quasi-sages also had at least a few, and few of them could fall into the hands of Hunyuan realm.

Only Taiyi Daluo can enter the secret realm here, but he may get a Taoist tool that will last a lifetime, so there is no need to say how attractive the secret realm is.

Although the fees of the Xinghai Secret Realm are extremely high, and seven hundred immortal jade can only enter once, it is still in a rush. Most practitioners who have money in the Xinghai Realm will go there, and some dragons and demons will try their luck.

The Xinghai Secret Realm is very dangerous. It is dangerous at every step, but there are very few people who die in the Xinghai Secret Realm. That's because there is a return formation on the star card. When you are in danger, you can launch it and pass you to the secret outside. However, go in again. I have to pay again.

That's how Zhou Shu came out the first time he went in.

He and Ping An encountered a group of heroic tricks that had survived a heavy disaster. It was not considered a great danger. If you want to escape, you can escape, but he did not hesitate to use it. One of the reasons was that he was still under surveillance and didn’t want to. Another reason for exposing his strength ~www.ltnovel.com~ is that he has a fairy fate ring. You don't need to use fairy jade to enter the secret realm. It doesn't hurt to try so many.

The stars fell, caged the two of them, and appeared outside the secret in the blink of an eye.

The star power in this starlight is so strong that it can’t be concealed at all. Zhou Shu has heard of this kind of formation and teleportation effect in the Xuanhuang Realm. The unique magic weapon from Emei is now in the Xinghai Realm. Seen here, it seems to be more proof of the connection between this and Emei.

When he entered the Secret Realm for the second time, Zhou Shu was more careful.

He and Ping An explored for about twenty days, and when they encountered a blue dragon that had survived the second stage of transformation, they chose to leave.

The harvest cannot be said to be bad. The experience of killing dozens of sacred beasts is enough, but it is a bit far from expectation. After all, those sacred beasts have nothing left after being killed. They live by the secret realm, and their death belongs to the secret realm. Zhou Shu can get it. Yes, it's just the fairy objects and artifacts they guard.

Zhou Shu is not short of these, he sold a lot of them.

(PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of the spring evening on Wang Chuan map, thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~)

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