Fairy Winner

Chapter 2633: Need this

   A long, long time passed.

   Zhou Shu heard a voice from the sea, "Zhou Shu."

   glanced at the two women, Zhou Shu said lightly, "Senior, who should I give your things to?"

   Yuanyuan said solemnly, "No one will give it."

   Zhou Shu was stunned, "They are not in your eyes, or do seniors prefer to cover the sky? Juniors can't help you find her back."

"No, they are all excellent. They are all worthy of getting the original bead, but I can't condense a new original bead," Ben Yuan sighed, "I spent tens of thousands of years on this one. It is the only one and the only hope."

   Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "I understand, but seniors still have to choose one."

   "What if you choose the wrong one?"

Origin was rather helpless, "You know what that means. If the person who gets the Origin Orb can't grow to be a female emperor, I will never be able to see the sky again, and the Anemone Realm will definitely wither. This is my only hope, so I You cannot choose the wrong one, absolutely not."

   Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Yes, but I still have to choose."

   Many times you have to face a choice. If you make a mistake, you lose everything, but you still have to choose. This is fate.

   Yuanyuan said condensedly, "I have another way."

   Zhou Shu shook his head, "Never take the Origin Pearl? It is no different from not choosing. Without the cultivation of seniors, it is difficult for them to unlock the seal by themselves."


   Origin paused, "The Origin Orb stays with you, and they can all go to enlighten and use it, and you will become the guardian of the Yin Kui realm."

Not paying attention to Zhou Shu’s surprise, Ben Yuan continued, "I think it’s good. This is a compromise and effective way. You are not a member of the Yinkui tribe. You can’t use the Ben Yuan Orb, but you can help them grow until they have someone who can help. I lift the seal, Zhou Shu, for you, this is profit without harm. You can control all the resources of the Anemone Realm, and use the development of the Anemone Realm to allocate them to others reasonably..."

   Zhou Shu said solemnly, "Wait, is this the predecessor’s idea, or theirs?"

   Benyuan slowly said, "It was proposed by Ping An, and Yuyun agreed. It seems that they all trust you, so I have no objection."

   Zhou Shu glanced at the two women, and both women looked at him, Ping An’s eyes were full of expectation, and Youtan also nodded slightly, seeming to express something.

   Zhou Shu was slightly pensive.

   is another opportunity to become a guardian of the world.

The Yinkui world is very good. It is the same age as 33 days. It has a long history. Behind the background, the resources are actually very windy. Here, you can also enter the Styx and communicate with the origin of the old antique at any time, understand the past of the heavens, and obtain the desired experience, etc. From these perspectives, few circles are better than it...

But at the same time, the limitation of the Yinkui realm is too great. The ancient realm often has this problem. It has its own track and will develop according to the laws of the past. It cannot be changed at any time according to Zhou Shu’s ideas. The most important thing is that it does not Suitable for the Tao of Shu, the Yinkui tribe can only practice Tao of Heaven.

   He made a decision soon.

  He said slowly, "Senior, junior can be the guardian of the Yinkui world for twenty years."

Yuanyuan was surprised, "It’s only twenty years? It seems that you don’t understand the Yinkui realm. It is stronger than you think. Barrenness is only the appearance. It is caused by the Heavenly Lotus Holy Lord. As long as I can come out, I will be Let the Yinkui Realm be among the heavens..."

   Zhou Shu calmly said, "These juniors understand, but the juniors can only stay for twenty years."

   The source can hardly conceal disappointment, "Twenty years, what can you do in twenty years?"

   Zhou Shu smiled and said confidently, "There is a lot that can be done, but as long as the two saints can work together to lift the seal for the senior, is it enough?"

   Benyuan sighed, "If they are not restrained by you, can they work together? If they really can do it, they won't kill each other."

   "The juniors think it's okay."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "They are different from Zhetian. They think more of the Yinkui realm rather than themselves. With this as a basis, I believe it is not difficult for them to join forces, and I don’t care. They want To use the power of the Origin Pearl, it must be united together."

   Origin was silent for a while, "If you insist on doing this, I can't help it. Now I beg you, not you beg me."

   Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Does the senior plan to hate the younger generation?"

   Benyuan said calmly, "When I come out, I will trouble you."

   "The junior is waiting," Zhou Shu laughed, "In fact, seniors don't have to arouse juniors, juniors are just doing what they should do."

   The origin is silent.

   Looking at the saint again, the two women kept nodding their heads, seeming to hear something, and occasionally turned their eyes to Zhou Shu.

   Not much time.

Ping An and You Tan began to pick Styx lotus, except for the largest female lotus, all the others were picked, and then divided into three piles, the largest pile was handed to Zhou Shu, Zhou Shu did not refuse, just smiled Asked the source, "Senior, don't you need to explain the affairs of the heavens?"

   Benyuan said frankly, "Yes, they talked enough."

   Zhou Shu nodded, "Senior has something else to do, right?"

   "No need to rush me, you helped me, I will pay you."

   Origin slowly said, "Zhou Shu, are you sure you want the seventh chapter of reincarnation of the Tao of Heaven, not the material, the nourishment and the divine body?"

Zhou Shu said very seriously, "Yes, but what the younger generation wants is a complete rubbing copy of Holy Master Tianlian, with the insight of Holy Master Tianlian. If the senior can also add some understanding of his own, then the younger generation will More satisfied."

   Origin pondered for a while, "Your ambition is great, but if you want to rely on it to understand reincarnation, then you may be looking in the wrong direction."

   Zhou Shu seems to have some enlightenment~www.ltnovel.com~ The predecessor means that the Lord Tianlian didn't understand reincarnation at that time? "

   Yuanyuan said calmly, "She was not yet a saint at the time, and she hadn't reached the level of thorough reincarnation."

   Zhou Shu was not disappointed, even a hint of joy, "It's okay, the younger generation wants this."

   From the perspective of the source, when the Heavenly Lotus Lord left the Tao of Heaven, he was not a saint and did not understand reincarnation, but this is not necessarily a bad thing.

Explain that in terms of the law of reincarnation, the state of the Heavenly Lotus Lord is similar to that of Zhou Shu, just like two people with similar academic ability can easily understand each other's learning experience, and they can get more insights if they follow each other's heart. The Holy Lord has already understood the law of reincarnation, so Zhou Shu may still not understand the reincarnation chapter written in this way, and the result is of no use.

   Zhou Shu has already obtained a lot of keys, the lock has been opened to the last few layers, maybe one or two more will be enough, no need to start over.

   Besides, the other three articles of the Tao of Heaven Patching, containing the material and supporting the lord and the divine body, Zhou Shu does not need to take it from the source, wouldn't Ping An Youyun give it to him?

   As soon as the voice fell, a large amount of information was transmitted to the sea of ​​consciousness.

   is a black stone stele. Words can hardly describe its ancient times. Even if it is only a phantom, its breath is terrifying.

   The first line of the text on the tablet is the three large characters "Reincarnation".


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