Fairy Winner

Chapter 2634: Go up and talk about it

   (PS: Happy May Day!)

   After the stone stele was completely present in the sea, Zhou Shu saluted with satisfaction, "Thank you."

   There was no sound, but the two women came over together.

   They kept a certain distance. Perhaps they were still wary of each other and their expressions were very solemn. They should have understood the fate of the next twenty years.

   Youyun hesitated, "Zhou Shu...no, according to Xuanhuangjie's statement, you should be called Master Heaven."

   Zhou Shu frowned, "Go up and talk."

   The two women had no objection, and they followed Zhou Shu and flew out of the dim pond.

Watching the calm and clear water surface of the Styx, Zhou Shu calmly said, "Yuan Yuan told you all? Since you are willing to let me be the guardian of the Yin Kui realm, then I have a few rules to make clear... this is Rules that must be followed."

   The two women just nodded, with some expectation in their eyes. They didn't know if they were looking forward to Zhou Shu or the Origin Pearl in Zhou Shu's hands.

   Zhou Shu calmly said, "First, don't mention the Xuanhuang World again."

   Ping An whispered, "But I still have a lot to ask you..."

   Zhou Shu paused, and said warmly, "Don't mention it in front of others."


   He nodded quickly, a little happy.

   Zhou Shu continued, "Second, don't call me Lord Tiandao. I am not from the Yinkui tribe. I cannot use the source beads to mobilize the resources of the Yinkui world. I can't perform the duties of the heaven. You can only be responsible for this part."

   Yuyun thought for a while, "Then what do I call you?"

   Zhou Shu said seriously, "Call me Yang Rong, don't mention the name Zhou Shu again, you should see that I have changed my appearance and shape."

   Youyun nodded quickly, "Are you worried about the list, I understand."

Zhou Shu was stagnant and smiled, "It's good if you know it. Do you know the requirements of Yuanyuan? The third rule is that within twenty years, you must work together and satisfy me, otherwise this Yuanyuanzhu I will return to Yuan Yuan, and Yuan Yuan will hardly have a chance to lift the seal."

   Safely said immediately, "I'm fine, as long as Youyun doesn't pull his hind legs."

   "You... forget it."

   Youyun glanced at Ping An and turned to Zhou Shu, "Yang Rong, I will do my best to lift the seal, but how can I satisfy you? What standards do you have?"

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "There is no fixed standard, I will look at your performance."

   He smiled peacefully, walked to Zhou Shu, and said softly, "Zhou...no, Yang Rong, I will definitely satisfy you."

   Yuyun frowned, "You...I regret it a bit."

Zhou Shu said coldly, "Do you regret agreeing? You think I want to do this. If you saints don’t fight with each other and live in peace for thousands of years, why should I take care of my business? Don’t you still understand the origin? Why should you believe me and let me take care of the two of you?"

"I understand."

   Yuyun's attitude softened.

   Zhou Shu shook his head, "The fourth rule, I don’t ask you to obey every order of mine. Just be yourself, try to show your heart and don’t have to meet me. This is not good for you."

   Yuyun nodded, "Of course, you don't think I will listen to you in everything."

  I thought for a while and didn't say anything.

   "When the rules are over, then I'll say something."

   Zhou Shu looked at the two women and said thoughtfully, "The first thing, the source taught you the missing chapters of the Tao of Heaven, such as imaginary and reality, carrying objects, divine bodies, etc..."

   Youyun interrupted Zhou Shu, "Don't think about it."

   Ping An also shook his head, "Fen Yuan said, these can't teach you unless..."

   Yuyun quickly said, "Peace, I can't say it."

  Pingan understood something, and quickly covered his mouth.

   Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, smiled and said, "Then forget it, but you have to think about it. If you don't take me down, you won't get anything. Drinking water has to think about the source."

   Ping An hasn't spoken yet, Youyun said seriously, "If you do, you will definitely get the Tao of Heaven, I promise."

   Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "What to do?"

   Peacefully hesitated, "It's hard to say, it depends on your performance."

Zhou Shu paused, and said slowly, "So you are testing me? Oh, your antique origin is really an old fox, by the way, I think Origin must also tell you some ways to deal with me, so as to prevent me from turning the origin. The bead belt is out of the Anemone Realm, right?"

   The two women did not speak, and apparently acquiesced.

   Zhou Shu pondered slightly, "Rights must restrict each other, I understand, well, let's look at each other's performance."

Looking at Ping An, he said slowly, "I said something else, Ping An, your prestige in the Yinkui realm is extremely high now, and no one else can compare it. What you need to do is lead the Yinkui people to rebuild the original Yinkui. The Kwai realm, especially the major cities, completely eliminate the influence of the sky, can it?"

   Ping An immediately nodded, "This is exactly what I want to do. In a few years, I will be able to return to the original state of the Anemone World."

   Zhou Shu looked at Youyun, "As for you, the sacred tower, and the ruined saint palaces of the saints of the past, you must let them regain their glory."

   "This is what I want to do."

   Yuyun nodded, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, "Have you thought about how to arrange us?"

   Zhou Shu didn't answer, and said warmly, "Youyun, you give me the holy thing first. If it is with the original pearl, it will not take long to recover."

Utan was overjoyed, and he passed Utambula without hesitation. After several large consumptions of the holy relic, the pure color became variegated and a layer of gray was covered. If you want to recover on your own, I am afraid Not for a hundred years.

   Zhou Shu put away the sacred objects, and said indifferently, "Those Styx lotus, how do you plan to use them?"

   Youyun glanced at Zhou Shu, "I will keep three plants, and the others will be used for public use."

   Hesitated for a while, followed the message~www.ltnovel.com~I... Then I only keep two plants, and the others are in the city. "

   Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Are you willing?"

Youtan had prepared for a long time and said, "There is nothing to be reluctant to bear. Now there are holy relics and source beads, we don't need more resources, and now the Yinkui realm is waiting to be flourished. These Styx lotus will definitely play a big role. Better than our own use."

   "Yes, one Styx lotus may cultivate several outstanding talents."

   Ping An followed and nodded, always being preempted by Youtan, with some dissatisfaction on his face.

   Youyun looked at Zhou Shu and said thoughtfully, "Zhou...Yang Rong, we will all do what we should do, what about you, what are you going to do?"

   "Yes, and that is, when can we use the source beads?"

   Ping An followed, "Fenyuan told us that if we want to learn the authentic Way of Patching Heaven, it's best to wash the body with the original bead first, especially Youtan. She can't wash her body anymore, hehe," he said and laughed.

   Yuyun's face changed slightly, "What are you proud of?"

   snorted peacefully, "Who makes you sleep in the holy relic, I won't be that stupid."

   Yu Yu was sluggish. Before, Yuanyuan saw her shortcomings at a glance. After using cocoon sleep, it is almost impossible to become a female emperor again. He only muttered, "You are lucky..."


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