Fairy Winner

Chapter 2645: Goodbye locust tide

"Got to go?"

   Youyun and Ping'an were stunned when they looked at Zhou Shu.

   Used to get along with Zhou Shu over the years, when they heard such words suddenly, they were shocked, even if they knew there would be such a day.

   Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "It's time for a banquet in the world."

   Ping an anxiously, "But it hasn't been twenty years, you're wrong!"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "What does it matter if there are more days or less days? Now that you have worked together, and the way of patching up the sky is all in the room, I don't need to participate in the rest. It's better to leave earlier, just because I have something to do. To do."

   "Heartless and meaningless."

   snorted safely and turned away.

   Youyun settled down, "Zhou Shu, don't you plan to go to the source to explain it?"

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "No need, the Origin Pearl has been given, and I have done what I should do. I don’t need to explain to him, and I believe he wants to see you more, because as long as you can go on, you will be sure of it. The seal is sealed."

   He didn't want to go down, it was not unnecessary, but for safety reasons.

   He had a reason to leave the previous few times, and Yuanyuan had to let him go, but this time, he couldn't guarantee that Yuanyuan would let him go, so why put himself in danger? This old antique, even if it was sealed, might still have the strength to keep him.

   Youyun obviously understands this, and without reluctance, he took out a ring and handed it over, "The sprouts of the green grass you want."

   Zhou Shu smiled and took it, and put it away directly.


   Yuyu was stagnant, but still did not speak.

   Ping An turned his head and looked at Zhou Shu, "I have nothing to give you, but you must remember what you promised me, I take it seriously."

   Zhou Shu's heart shook slightly, and he just nodded, "I will see you if you are destined."

   Without saying anything, he quickly walked out of the hall and headed for the sky.

   The two women walked out quickly, but they couldn't even see a shadow.

Ping An knocked for a while, frowned unconsciously, and scolded bitterly, "It's so fast, as if I hate us, **** guy, have we wronged you in the past twenty years? It's so unfeeling, it's simply Hateful! Don't you think?"

   Youyun said faintly, "Just leave, you can't bear it? He and us are just practicing, don't think too much."

   "You are about the same as him, you have gone to practice, long-winded." Ping Ping gave her an angry glance and ran towards the holy palace.

   Youyun quickly followed, "Peace, in fact, after the seal is lifted, it doesn't matter if you want to go to him any more, leave it to me in Yinkui Realm."

   said peacefully and coldly, "I can't do it if I want to get rid of it. When the seal is unlocked, we will have to fight."


   Within a day, the two women had returned to the Ping An Temple, but before they entered, they saw a blue meteor in the sky crossing the skynet and falling straight down.

   The two women stared at the shooting star, with a lot of excitement on their faces unconsciously.

   Youyun actually flew first, and his voice was full of surprises, "Zhou Shu, why are you back!?"

   stunned safely, "Are you more anxious than me?", and quickly followed.

   Not bad, it is Zhou Shu.

   The day is different, and his face is also a bit excited, "Locust tide!"

   "Locust tide?"

   Both women were stunned, or they would be overwhelmed by safety, "A locust tide is coming?"

   Zhou Shu gently nodded, "Yes, it's almost time to count."

The last locust tide was two hundred years ago, but it was New Moon City. The distance between the Yinkui Realm and New Moon City was almost a hundred years. Judging from the speed of the locust tide, the locust tide here is not surprising. Of course Zhou Shu also There are some accidents, which shows that the Yinkuijie is closer to the starting point of the locust tide.

   Yu Yu said suspiciously, "I have heard of the locust tide, but the Yinkui world has not encountered the locust tide for a long time."

Ping An nodded, "Yes, Master said that since the establishment of the holy tower, I have not encountered a locust tide. The first time I saw it was in Wufang City. The mighty floating beasts are really scary, but fortunately the locust tide. It only passes a little edge, otherwise Wufang City will not be able to stop it at all."

"The locust tide generally does not pass through the hidden world. It may be the time when the Holy Tower Skynet disappeared. They noticed the trail, so they followed the established route," Zhou Shu said calmly, "Don't worry, the problem is not. Great. I watched outside for a while. Because of Skynet, the locust tide has already deviated from the direction, and only a few floating beasts will crash into it. It is estimated that the situation is similar to the situation in Wufang City."

   Peacefully patted his chest, "That's it."

"Now that the Yinkui world has just been rebuilt, it has been attacked by the locust tide, things can be big or small, Skynet is not good at dealing with a large number of enemies," You Tan said solemnly, "Zhou Shu, thank you for coming back and telling us this news. Just go to inform the whole world to prepare."

   looked at Zhou Shu peacefully, and said expectantly, "Why don't you help us resist?"

   Zhou Shu shook his head, "The Yinkui Realm shouldn't use me. I'm here to remind you."

   Peaceful, surprised and angry, "I really don't help, right?"

   Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I'm going to kill the floating beasts in the locust tide."

   A confident and calm voice, but anyone can feel the fighting spirit in it, surging like the sea, as if it can swallow everything.

   Zhou Shu made a decision the moment he saw the locust tide.

It’s been a long time since I went through a big battle. This locust tide is a rare opportunity. He will never miss it. This time is different from the last time. Last time, he could only passively defend, and the collected floating beast corpses could not be used well. , Now his strength has increased a lot, he can kill more floating beasts, and can also collect more floating beast corpses, that is, law fragments, to obtain their value.

   Of course, he wasn't the only one who was excited. When he told the news to the demon refining world, the inside was boiling.

The little stone has been suffocated, and it’s almost like a white monkey in Tianchi. He has long wanted to fight it out~www.ltnovel.com~Caiying, the same is true, even the old man is not calm, now he Also has the ability to deal with law fragments...

   This wave of locusts will definitely bring great changes to the world of refining monsters.

"I am coming too!"

   seemed to have been infected by his fighting spirit, and screamed safely.

   Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "It is enough for you to be in the Yinkui realm. Although it is only on the edge of the locust tide, it is enough for you to be busy, and you will not stop for three months."

   Youyun said coldly, "Peace, don't pester him, and arrange defenses with me. If there is something missing in the Yinkui world this time, I will ask you."


   screamed peacefully, but helplessly, he looked at Zhou Shu reluctantly, and followed Youtan away.

   "I'm leaving, you two take care."

   Zhou Shu stood up from the ground, straight into the sky, this time he should not be back again.

   entered the void through the skynet, and a long black line was winding in the distance. Even if it was separated by nearly 100 million miles, it was still very clear.

   Zhou Shu stared at the endless black line, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   got on.

   (PS: Thank you for your continued support for the eyelids with autism, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~)


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