Fairy Winner

Chapter 2646: Got in

   Without any hesitation, Zhou Shu slipped into the locust tide silently.

   Familiar aura, familiar monster, but with more power of laws and more peculiar techniques, most of which Zhou Shu had never seen before.

   I felt refreshed, and the fighting spirit rose a lot.

   Maybe the black shell is too concealed, maybe it's Zhou Shu's habitual convergence. Even the floating beasts couldn't find Zhou Shu's trace, and passed by Zhou Shu one after another.

   This is not what Zhou Shu wants.

   Putting away the black shells, golden light emerged from the body, suddenly illuminating the void.

   It was like a round of sun rising.

   The realm of killing, the realm of destruction, the strength training tactics and so on quickly spread, covering hundreds of miles inside and outside.

   Looking from a distance, it was like a blood-colored peony with white borders blooming out of the continuous black tide. It was gorgeous and full of murderous intent.

   I stabbed a hornet's nest, and the floating beasts around seemed like flies that smelled of carrion. The swarms swarmed Zhou Shu in an instant.

   Kill it.

   Zhou Shu only uttered two words and rushed into the floating beasts.

Of course he wasn't alone. He was surrounded by gearing pluckers, full of anger and resemblance, but the little stone that couldn't stand his temper had already rushed to Zhou Shu on Wang Ying. The golden light before was it. Sent when I left the demon refining world.

   When these golden lights appeared, Zhou Shu was a little surprised, and there was more joy.

   In Jinguang, his fighting spirit has been improved, and the magnitude is not small.

   There is no doubt that this is the result of Little Stone's cultivation in the Tianchi, the domain that can enhance the fighting spirit? It's rare, but Zhou Shu has more expectations for it. In these golden lights, will he also be able to integrate the black smoke after killing his opponent? If it can, it means that he can fight for a long time without fatigue like Xiao Shi, which is a huge improvement for him, for Xiangru Caiying and others.

  In the hands of the little stone, the Great Desolate Halberd Spirit is like a dancing black dragon, aggressively rushing across the herd.

Whether sweeping the vertical jab or sideways, it is like cutting grass. Most of the floating beasts in front of you are not enemies of a single blow. If you rub a little side, you will have a broken limb.

   Wanfu is hard to beat.

   The Great Desolate Halberd is tens of feet long, and the small stone is more than two feet long, but it is not awkward to use, like a wooden stick or toothpick.

   is the same for others, as if the great wild halberd grows on a small stone, doing whatever you want.

   As the floating beasts died one after another, black smoke continued to gather on it. At this time, the little stones looked like a deep bottomless black hole, devouring everything around it.

   When it hits sex, you can see it flashing red.

A little bit of perception can tell that the power of the law of killing is condensing and forming on it, and it will explode the next time it is shot. This phenomenon is very strange-the little stone cannot practice any law, but it can use the power of the law. , Zhou Shu rarely sees, don’t know what will happen, and look forward to it.

In front of   , a floating beast that was several kilometers long suddenly emerged, covering the sky and the sun.

   Zhou Shu was stunned. This was the first time I saw such a huge guy. Is it the reason that I was close to the beginning of the locust tide?

I can’t tell the floating beast formed by the law. It looks like a big snot, dark green all over, dripping pus and smoke. The middle man gags, sees the little stone and rushes over without hesitation, Zhou Shu is a little bit worry.

   But it soon became apparent that this worry was unnecessary.

   Enough black smoke has been accumulated in front of him, and the strength of the little stone has increased a lot. It suddenly grows up, and his body stretches to several hundred feet.

   The law of heaven and earth.

The great wild halberd in his hand rose accordingly, approaching the one-mile-long halberd. It looked absolutely mighty, as if it could cut off the locust tide, but the fierce fighting eagle at its feet remained unchanged, as if by a giant mountain. Stepped on it, screamed, and avoided busy.

   Old Hu Hu said, "The Great Desolate Halberd is worthy of an Earth Demon Soldier, with many changes."

   Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "This kind of change can't be compared with most immortal weapons. The magic soldier is indeed unique and it is worth studying."

Hu Lao seemed to think, "In the eyes of the Demon Race, the Demon Soldier is considered to be something of a god, with magical powers and wisdom, but... the previous purification has not been completed, I wonder if there will be a problem? Master, you know , The little stone comes from the demon clan, and it was also a magic weapon before. If it is affected by the remaining magic energy inside, it may cause trouble."

   "Believe it."

Zhou Shu smiled confidently, "It has been suppressed by the Four Holy Beasts for tens of thousands of years, plus the day and night washing of the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm, we don't have to worry about it being not pure enough. In fact, the use of magic soldiers in his hands is also a kind of purification. It may not be worse than us."

   Old Hu nodded, "That's what the master said."

   Just a few words, the huge floating beast has been torn apart, and the sky is full of green smoke and water, so it doesn't penetrate people.

   But Zhou Shu won't miss it this time, so he fished it in and put it into the world of refining monsters.

   After careful inspection, I quickly came to the conclusion that the law of disease, the law of poisonousness, and the law of water.

   There are three laws of power in the body. This is the first time that Zhou Shu has seen such a floating beast. How can they merge together and form a floating beast that can move freely? Naturally, it is indispensable to calculate in the sea of ​​knowledge.

   The little stone shook his body, put away the world, and quickly returned to its original state.

   rode the fierce fighting eagle to continue forward, without any reduction in speed.

   Seeing this scene, Zhou Shu unconsciously showed a bit of joy again.

Little Stone’s fighting wisdom is getting higher and higher~www.ltnovel.com~ Knowing that the law of heaven and earth cannot last, it should be used at the most suitable time. Before changing, it will not put away the law at all, and will continue to fight until Fa heavenly disappears, only when Zhou Shu collects it into the demon refining world to warn it will it recover, and before it recovers, it must vent its troubles in the demon refining world.

Zhou Shu also found that the red light in Xiao Shitou’s eyes was much less. Those red light was the killing intent accumulated after killing the enemy. After the change, when killing so many enemies, his eyes were already red and the killing intent was also Unable to control it, Zhou Shu had to put it away to prevent it from getting lost. Now it is not used anymore. Not only does the killing intent accumulate slowly, but it also reduces itself when there are few enemies. As a result, its fighting time increases. I don’t know how many times.

   This is growth.

   "Save some for this palace!"

   Caiying was angry, and when she slowed down a little, she was snatched by the little stone.

   One step is slow, step by step is slow.

   But she is not a sword spirit now, she is out of control, has her own thoughts, and soon changed her path instead of following the little stones.

   Zhou Shu didn't care either. The range of several domains was very large, as long as she didn't go out.

   He looked at Caiying, but was startled, "So playing?"

   (PS: Thank you Meihua Qingyue for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)


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