Fairy Winner

Chapter 2647: Have their own skills

   The figure disappeared for a moment, only the gust of wind.

  In the gust of wind, a tornado column a few miles in thickness swept toward the front of the locust tide.

   has never met, the tornado is divided into two, two into four, four into eight, a full eight pillars of wind.

   Familiar tactics, Jian Fengjuan.

   comes from Li Aojian, but the sword wind scroll that Caiying uses now has obviously been improved and is more than a hundred times stronger.

Like a whirlwind of sword blades, the huge volume, the number has reached as many as eight, lying in the middle of the turbulent locust tide, it is like an insurmountable dam, floating beasts pass by, and most of them are involved. In the wind column, it can be broken into two pieces at light, or broken into pieces.

   For a time, the debris rained down, and Zhou Shu was too busy.

   After just counting, at least hundreds of thousands of floating beasts died.

   Zhou Shu reminded, "Would you like to be so powerful?"

   "I can't let the little stone steal the limelight!"

  The sound of Caiying came from the wind scroll, full of air, it seems that the sword wind scroll that lasted for dozens of breaths did not consume much of her power.

   Zhou Shu was very worried, "Let's take a moment, we have to fight for a long time."

   "I see, Zhou."

   Caiying promised earnestly, but Jianfengjuan did not weaken at all, nor did the number decrease.

   Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, "It's been a long time."

Old Hu stroked his beard, "The Lord Palace is indeed suffocated, and he is destroying it in the demon refining world every day... Hehe, I think it should be fine. I heard that the sword intent can only be stronger with the more you use it, and it will not be good if you accumulate it. This is very different from the power of other laws."

   Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, if you accumulate too much, you may give birth to a sword demon, but she is trained as a sword body. I am worried that she will be damaged if she consumes too much.

   Hu Lao smiled and said, "She is a cultivator now, the master doesn't have to worry too much."

   Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Yes, let her alone."


   A black light passed by the wind pillar and penetrated quickly.

   It is a floating beast measuring several feet in length. It looks like a mouse, swinging like a long-tailed snake, constantly changing directions in the air, and moving quickly like lightning.

   Zhou Shu was also quite surprised, even under the attack of Jian Fengjuan's sword, he could also avoid it. This floating beast is not easy.

   was about to shoot, a little green light suddenly shone on the floating beast.

   The green light expanded rapidly, and suddenly countless spikes appeared, like a hedgehog, only a bang was heard, the spikes pierced into the body, and the floating beast burst open.

   "How can it be so easy to escape in front of the main palace!"

   The green light disappeared suddenly, and there was a string of lattice laughter, confident and open, and also particularly clear in the void.

   咚, 咚.

   I thought that there was another floating beast coming, but Xiangru who was not far away flew out, bypassing the sword wind roll, and did not take the old path of small stones, and went a little more to the side.

   Zhou Shu secretly thought, "Is it your turn, Xiangru?"

   But this locust tide is nearly a thousand miles wide, enough for everyone to exert their strength.

Xiangru has changed back to his original body. The chubby body quickly grows up. It looks like a sphere of hundreds of feet. There are no special moves. It just rolls around in the locust tide, and the speed does not look fast. .

   However, as long as the floating beast is touched a little by the ball, it suddenly becomes a pie, which is completely crushed.

   There is no fancy but effective, it depends on the powerful body of the Dijiang clan.

   Zhou Shu looked for a while, was about to look away, but found that he couldn't move away.

It turns out that every time the ball rolls, there will be a bright red blood mark tens of feet wide in the void, which is particularly bright. At this time, there are hundreds of blood marks, tens of miles long, horizontal and vertical. In the locust tide, the blood is shining everywhere, and even the floating beasts that cover the sky and the sun cannot cover it.

   It seems that the time has come, Xiangru suddenly returned to his original shape, raised his hands with a calm expression, and suddenly shouted, "Kill!"

   Amidst the shouts, the thousands of blood stains actually came alive.

   Like thousands of blood-colored giant snakes, twisting and entangled in the air, all the floating beasts encountered were torn apart and fell one after another.

   Old Hu said, "He still has this hand. I haven't seen it before. The Dijiang clan seems to be not good at tactics."

   Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "It should be obtained from Xiangru in Xinghai Realm, but it feels a bit familiar..."

"Familiar with?"

   Lao Hu looked at it intently, and suddenly he stopped.

  Thousands of bloodstains have been entangled together, and they kept spinning, forming a huge vortex with a radius of nearly a hundred miles.

The whirlpool is bottomless, and the thick **** air keeps coming. Even the floating beasts dare not approach and avoid it, but where they can escape, the swirling whirlpool has a terrifying attraction, even if it is floating for hundreds of miles. The beast, unable to resist, was constantly being stirred into the whirlpool.

   "I remember, this is a sea of ​​blood."

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Shu's mouth, "I once hit the Dijiang Clan's powerful move to explode the bloodline power. It was not worth mentioning at the time, but now this **** vortex, if I want to go in, I have to weigh it carefully. Up."

   After ten breaths, the **** vortex began to shrink.

   quickly shrank into a red dot, which fell on the palm of Xiangru's hand and gradually disappeared.

   Xiangru's figure trembled slightly, and his face became paler. He glanced at Zhou Shu's side and shook his head with regret.

   Zhou Shu laughed loudly, "Brother Xiangru don't have to regret it. You killed at least 300,000 floating beasts with this blow. Are you still not satisfied?"

   "Not long enough, and after using it, I have to rest for a while."

  The phase is like a moment of stagnation, looking at Caiying and the small stones in the distance, "Compared with them, I am far behind."

   Although the two were slower to kill, they didn't seem to be tired at all.

   "It's not bad, and I prefer you like Xiangru brother."

   Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head ~www.ltnovel.com~ and pointed to Xiangru before him, "Just this, they can't do it."

The vortex has disappeared, but there is still a black sphere several miles around. The floating beast's corpse is twisted together by the vortex. It can be directly included in the demon refining world. I don’t know how much time has been saved. Following behind to collect the remains of the floating beasts killed by Caiying and the small stones, Zhou Shu was so busy that they both managed to kill and bury them, no matter how similar they were.

   Until now, Zhou Shu hasn't done it yet. If he wants to collect it all the time, I'm afraid he won't be able to do it.

   Xiangru smiled bitterly, "Well, I just pick up the trash quickly, that's a bit useful, but...I don't have to work hard to do this."

   As he said, he became the main body of Emperor Jiang again. With just a slight swing of his nearly hundred-foot-long wings, countless remains of floating beasts flew over, rolled into a ball, and neatly lined up in front of Zhou Shu.

   Zhou Shu's eyes lit up, "That's fine, please help me collect it."

   "Go if you want to."

   Xiangru smiled, "I'm okay, everything is the same."

In fact, this is also suitable for him. Unlike Caiying and Xiaoshi, the most outstanding part of the similarity is the power of blood. The power of blood is not the power of law. It is not trained by killing the enemy, and it is not the stronger the use. Save it.


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