Fairy Winner

Chapter 2650: Can't do

King Mu couldn't hide his joy and immediately said, "Thank you, your Excellency, how do you plan to help us?"

After thinking about it, he added, "If necessary, I can also follow your orders, and the same goes for those people."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Mr. Mu really believes it."

King Mu smiled and nodded, "The Yinkui realm has always been dominated by the heavens. I have several bonds with her. No one knows her strength better than me. She is enough to protect the Yinkui realm. Even I can't act rashly. , After a few years, the sky disappeared without a trace, and when you were talking, the two saints were on the side but didn't dare to make a sound... I think the master of the Yinkui Realm is you. , I certainly believe in your strength."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Mr. Mu has misunderstood. I am not the master of the Yinkui Realm, but it just happened to happen."

Mu Wang said slowly, "It's just that you are not used to it, and I am not used to it, so please don't refuse, I believe you can do it."

"That's fine, but I don't understand the Ten Salt Realm, your people should make their own decisions, as for me..."

Zhou Shu looked at the locust tide and seemed to be thinking about something. After a pause of less than a dozen breaths, a bright light flashed in his eyes, "I will try to reduce the number of floating beasts that reach the Ten Salt Realm, almost to one-fifth of the current one. Right."

"one fifth?"

King Mu was shocked. If only one-fifth of the floating beasts impacting the Ten Salt Realm, he and the people in the Ten Salt Realm would be enough to hold on. Let alone ten days, one hundred days is not a problem, but the locust tide floats. The number of beasts is endless. How could he be reduced to one-fifth? Could it be that he alone could kill four-fifths of the floating beasts here?

He will doubtfully say, "Your Excellency is really sure?"

Zhou Shu smiled, very confident, "King Mu just watched. By the way, you should step back and stay away from me as far as possible. The farther the better."

"Okay, I am waiting for your good news."

King Mu didn't ask too much, and quickly retreated, and the group of alien races also retreated, and they all deployed defenses close to the Ten Salt Realm.

"What does this human want to do?"

"I don't know, Mu Wang seems to believe him very much."

"Even if you let us retreat? If we missed the opportunity and caused something to happen to our ten salt world, even if King Mu stopped him, I would kill him!"

The aliens were talking loudly, using their own weird language, and most of them thought Zhou Shu couldn't understand it.

Zhou Shu understood. When he separated from Xiaozhao, he learned the language of nearly ten thousand races, and also recognized the origin of these alien races. They were called the Mowing Clan, a rare race, and the Xuanhuang World. It’s also a little bit related. It’s formed by the combination of the Yu and Demon in the Demon Race. They are born to master the power of several laws, such as the power of the wind and the power of the earth, but due to the limitations of the blood of the Demon race, these powers can only Used to strengthen the body and cannot be cast.

Without paying too much attention, Zhou Shu quickly flew to the middle of the locust tide.

Wherever he passed, the floating beasts fell one after another, even if there were dozens of miles away, and no floating beasts could come close to him anymore. Soon Zhou Shu cleared out a cavity with a radius of tens of miles, with many edges and corners. The shape is weird and looks very abrupt in the vast locust tide.

Seeing that the floating beasts kept hitting, but couldn't reach Zhou Shu for dozens of miles, the Mowing tribe was shocked.

"What is this?"

"Very strange!"

"Maybe he is really capable, but what's the use of this? At best, he can only protect himself. We want to protect a world!"

"Yes, I can't think of it. Why did he do this, just to show us?"

King Mu’s expression was calm. This was just a simple release of power. He could easily do it with the power of the dragon, but he expected that Zhou Shu would not do useless work. There must be no deep meaning in doing this, but why on earth? No clue.

Zhou Shu stood in the hollow, staring at his surroundings, with extraordinary concentration, for a full two quarters of an hour.

When the Endwing Clan became bored, Zhou Shu moved.

With the surrounding cavity, he slowly moved to a certain position in the locust tide. In the eyes of everyone, Zhou Shu took out a talisman, glanced at it, and hesitated to take out another one. At the same time, he was ill. Back, thousands of miles back in the blink of an eye.

But he did not stop until he flew hundreds of thousands of miles away, and he was a little relieved.

The void is still in place, anyone can see. The two talisman inside are expanding, and the speed of expansion is very fast. The original two small talisman filled the void of tens of miles in a few breaths. .

The cavity was filled with dark red light, like a burning sun, completely unable to look directly at it.

The Last Wings moved their gazes one after another, and there was a hint of fear on their faces unconsciously. There was a powerful force that they could not resist or even imagine. A little bit felt that there was something that would be destroyed within a million miles. The feeling of burning.

King Mu stared straight forward, completely forgetting himself, without noticing that his own eyes had also turned dark red.


In the quiet sound, the void suddenly exploded!

It was a little bit, then a line, and then expanded to the entire sky, and the dazzling red light instantly enveloped the entire void.

Without seeing anything anymore, King Mu also quickly put away all his perceptions. He knew that no matter how many perceptions he released, he would be melted by the light, and he might even be injured.

The light lasted for three breaths and then disappeared.

But the void at this time has changed its appearance.

Amidst the locust tide, a huge polyhedral cavity with a radius of tens of thousands of miles appeared, just blocking the path of the locust tide. Although it is a hollow, everyone can perceive it. The hollow is full of powerful and inviolable power. No floating beast dared to pass there.

Just like a huge stone is added to the river, the river can only detour.

And that stone was exactly a million miles in front of the Ten Salt World.

The locust tide is still advancing vigorously, but due to the obstacles of the void, it has to divert and divert. There are a lot fewer floating beasts passing through the ten salt world. At a glance, almost two-thirds are diverted, only one-third. One is still clinging to the ten salt world.

The pressure on the Ten Salt Realm was reduced by more than half~www.ltnovel.com~ This was Zhou Shu's goal. He didn't need to kill the floating beasts in the locust tide, as long as the locust tide changed slightly.

"Sir, how did you do it?"

King Mu couldn't keep his reserve either, his eyes flashed, "Please teach me."

Although I knew it was a secret, I couldn't help but ask, it was too important and wanted too much.

At this moment, he also knew that Zhou Shu's strength must be reassessed.

Those end-winged tribes were all stunned, looking at Zhou Shu like looking at their totem ancient feather god, almost had to worship, creating such a big obstacle in the void, and still able to block the locust tide. Things, they never even thought about it.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "You can't do it, and I can't explain it."

Indeed, even if they were told the principle, they would not be able to do it, and Zhou Shu himself might only be able to do it once.

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