Fairy Winner

Chapter 2651: 1 smile

I can't do it.

This is not easy, there are three difficulties.

First, like building a dam in a big river, you must first calculate a suitable point.

If the point where the embankment is placed is wrong, even if it is a bit wrong, the diverging locust tide will increase the impact on the ten salt world, and the result will be counterproductive. It may flood the entire ten salt world in an instant, which is difficult to calculate. It is all kinds of floating animals, not fixed rivers and seas.

So even Zhou Shu didn't dare to rely solely on the calculations of the sea of ​​knowledge. He had to observe carefully for a long time before he could make a decision.

The second difficulty is the stones that make up the dam.

The power of destruction in Doom Talisman is undoubtedly the best choice.

After the Doomsday Talisman is used, it will form a large area of ​​destruction, which is filled with the power of destruction, and it will take a long time to disappear.

The power of destruction is the power of high-level laws. Almost all floating beasts are incomparable. When encountering the power of destruction, they will consciously bypass it, just like a river encounters a reef, and will naturally divert and divert.

Determine the location, build the dam, and the third point is the shape of the stone.

What kind of shape must the power of destruction be in order to get the best effect, and to minimize the number of floating beasts that pass through the ten salt world after the change?

It took Zhou Shu a lot of soul and consciousness to calculate the shape of the power of destruction, and finally it was determined to be a nine-sided body, which can block the floating beasts in all directions, and has the least impact on the ten salt world. The calculation is not difficult, but how to make the destruction It is the most difficult thing for the force to become this shape.

Zhou Shu thought about it for a long time, and decided to use Shu's power to construct the void, then [reading at zero point] and then use the talisman, using the void to limit the power in the talisman.

Obviously, Shu Zhili cannot withstand the burst of destructive force, and can only be guided appropriately to avoid the natural burst of destructive force, so that the destructive force will advance in a fixed direction, just like directional blasting, although it is very difficult to achieve , But Zhou Shu must do it, because if he can't do it, all the previous hard work will be wasted.

Zhou Shu did it after losing not knowing how much power and spiritual consciousness, and Shenhun felt very tired.

This process is very complicated and consumes a lot of money, but Zhou Shu has gained a lot of experience. He has a preliminary understanding of the power of destruction on the experience of the law of destruction. The next time he uses the Doom Talisman, he will be more focused and efficient. Maybe he You don't need evasion talisman, and it can also be used in battles with high-level practitioners.

In short, the power of destruction is limited by him in a fixed shape, and there is no uncontrolled outbreak, then the third point is also successfully completed.

So now everyone saw that the two doomsday charms formed a hollow, slightly changing the direction of the locust tide, so that a large number of floating beasts no longer passed through the Ten Salt Realm, and the Ten Salt Realm became safe.

"Actually, I don't think it can be done either."

King Mu has calmed down and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, sir, I'm the one who said more."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, I want to explain but I can't explain it. By the way, Mu Wang, I haven't finished my business yet."

King Mu doubted, "That's enough, now we have enough to guard the Ten Salt Realm for ten days, even if it's more days, it all depends on your Excellency, how can you be embarrassed to let your Excellency contribute."

"It is one-fifth, and now there are almost three-tenths."

Zhou Shu just shook his head, "Leave it to me for one-tenth of the extra."

King Mu looked at Zhou Shu, smiling and not insisting, "Well, I want to see your Excellency show more style."

Zhou Shu didn't speak, but waved his hand, and the little stone appeared beside him.

Seeing the locust tide in the distance, Xiao Shishi was excited, his hair was erected, and he rushed up with grinning teeth.

"Is this the spirit beast raised by your lord? It looks very interesting..."

Before the words were halfway, King Mu paused, and the small Hohen suddenly took out a halberd that was several tens of feet long. As soon as he swept it, hundreds of floating beasts fell down without resistance at all.

This funny little thing was so powerful that it held back his words.

"Don't talk to King Mu, I'll be busy for a while."

Zhou Shu smiled and flew behind the little stone, while using various domains to assist, while collecting the floating beast corpses, at the same time he was feeling the power of destruction in the distance.

In front of outsiders, he doesn't use Caiying and Xiangru, and he doesn't want to show his strength too much, just a little stone.

It's just one tenth of the floating beast.

It's a pity to say that the two apocalyptic talisman exploded just now, killing at least 30 million floating beasts, but these corpses were all swallowed by the power of destruction, not even the fragments were left, and many powers were confined in the hollow. , There is no way to get it.

Seeing that the floating beasts rushing over were rapidly decreasing at a visible speed, King Mu felt his heart stagnated and could no longer stand. Excessive floating beasts was a disaster, but enough floating beasts were a chance. Of course, he did not want to miss it if he lacked resources. Can't help but greeted, "You all start quickly, now the pressure is not much, there will be no harm, of course I will help."

After greeted several times, the group of aliens did not move.

"what happened?"

Mu Wang's expression sank, he was about to scold him, but found something was wrong.

The expressions of the aliens changed drastically, and they were even more shocked than seeing Zhou Shu diverting the locust tide. Some bodies were shaking, and there was a lot of fear in their eyes.

"Magic monkey...Magic monkey!"

"That is the Earth Demon Soldier! This must be the Demon Monkey, the demon monkey with the Earth Demon Soldier is terrible!"

"That is the power of Lin Xie, I feel it, can it be said that our calamity is coming again?"

"God Yu, please don't come again, don't come again!"

Some even knelt down, as if begging for something.

"What demon monkey are you talking about, is that demon monkey?"

King Mu is very knowledgeable and naturally knows what a demon monkey is, and his heart is slightly stagnant, but he quickly yells, "Don't worry about the demon monkey, now that is his spirit beast, here to help us! It can't be done to you Cause a threat, hurry up and eliminate the floating beasts, otherwise the Ten Salt Realm will really be over!"

In the scolding, with the inviolable Longwei~www.ltnovel.com~, the aliens were shocked, and soon recovered and started fighting against the enemy.

It's just that their hearts are still a little restless, and they look at Zhou Shu in the distance from time to time, thinking about something in secret.

Of course Zhou Shu also heard these words of the Endwing Clan.

It can be seen that these end-wing tribes know the demon monkeys. It is possible that the demon monkeys brought a catastrophe to the end-wing tribe, so they are so afraid of the demon monkeys. No wonder, the end-wing tribe is also considered a demon tribe. It’s not surprising that I’ve encountered a demon monkey before, but what is the power of Lin Xie they mentioned, is it the mysterious power on the little stone?

Maybe the End Wings understand this power? Will stay here for a while longer.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu smiled.

This can be regarded as an unexpected gain. It may be a great gain. When he took out the small stones, he had not thought of so much.

(Ps: Thank you Meihua Qingyue for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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