Fairy Winner

Chapter 2672: Knowingly play

Not long after, people who listened to the Tao came one after another.

"Hey, Master Yang came so early..."

A familiar Jinxian saw Zhou Shu and immediately walked over to salute. Halfway through his words, he was stunned. He looked at Watson sitting like a statue beside him, "This, this...not the one from yesterday..."

Zhou Shu nodded, "He is also listening here, don't disturb him."

"Yes, Master Yang."

Jin Xian hurried back to his seat, his eyes still fixed on his body, his expression very confused.

"what happened?"

"Who knows, I saw it as soon as I came."

"This Watson was really impressed by Master Yang. Will he listen to his disciple here? I feel a little excited inexplicably, haha."

"Anyway, he lost, hehe."

"Unexpectedly, the Genting City disciples also sat in front of Master Yang obediently and listened to his preaching, and no one would believe it."

"Tsk tusk, that's the disciple who is in charge of the sect, our Xunxian Daochang, and Xuchang Realm are going to be famous!"

"Don't be ashamed, it's Master Yang's dojo for seeking immortals, not yours."

The disciples below talked a lot, with excitement on their faces.

Zhou Shu is naturally calm and calm, and Watson sitting on the futon just pretended not to hear, he couldn't refute anything, only secretly said, maybe this is why Zhou Shu wants him to sit here and listen. For the time being, bear with it, but if this doesn’t get rid of the demons...

Soon, the dojo was filled with people, and Zhou Shu also began to preach.

Unlike several other dojos, Xunxian dojo talks about everything. The focus is not on teaching a certain Tao, but the way of teaching other people to practice the Tao. Any practitioner can get insights from it. This is also the reason why the most people in Xunxian dojo .

Watson didn't care much at first, but he unconsciously focused on listening.

So you can still practice Dao like this? Tao can be used in this way, and can also use numerical values ​​to calculate the progress of Taoism?

He hadn't touched many things before, and he didn't realize that his mind was slightly shaken. This Yang Rong is really something. In terms of his ability to preach, maybe the few old antiques in the door can't match it. Yesterday, he should not be provocative... …

But why didn't you feel it yesterday? Could it be that the demons had invaded and couldn't listen to the lecture calmly? But what happened today?

Thinking of this, he seemed to have realized something, and a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes. Perhaps listening to the words here could really help him get rid of the demons.

At this time, King Mu also quietly walked into the dojo.

There were two people behind him, but they were not the guards from yesterday. They were a half-dragon and a cultivator. Those who are familiar with King Mu would be surprised if they saw this scene, although King Mu cared like other dragons and half-dragons. There are racial differences, but it's incredible to replace the personal guards with practitioners.

King Mu's mind was not on the Tao, and he was not talking about the Tao of compassion. He only looked at Zhou Shu and Watson.

Of course he was also surprised. Was he really convinced by Zhou Shu that Watson could listen to the sermons here without making trouble?

Three hours passed quickly, Zhou Shu walked into the quiet room, and the others studied on their own.

Watson remained motionless. Although he thought about leaving after listening to the Dao, he got Zhou Shu's admonition, "This month, you just sit here and you can't go anywhere", so he can only sit. He doesn't want to offend Zhou Shu. After all, today’s listening to the Dao received very good results. From his point of view, it is easier for him to suppress the demons. Although it is still impossible to get rid of it, progress is good.

King Mu hesitated, did not follow into the quiet room, and waited in the dojo.

The disciples in the dojo gathered together and seemed to be studying the Tao with each other, but most of the topics were Watson, and many words were unavoidably spread out, and they were not very pleasant. Watson pretended to be indifferent, although he was very upset. It can only be so.

After about an hour, the crowd gradually dispersed.

Zhou Shuslow walked out, nodded to King Mu, and looked at Watson. "Friend Qu, how do you feel? Are you willing to continue?"

Watson said in a condensed voice, "Daoyou Yang, I feel good, I am willing to continue listening here."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "It's a bit too close to just listening to the Tao. If you want to get rid of the demons, you must use other means."

Watson's eyes lit up, "What means?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "It's better to have incense or incense to exorcise the spirit."

"I have a lot of this, which one do I want," Watson replied, with a lot of branch incense in front of him, "this is a meditation grass, this is a flower of forgiveness, if it is made of wood rosin, I usually practice occasionally I will use it too."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Are these useful?"

Watson's face was sad, yes, if these were useful, he wouldn't be contaminated by the demons at all.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "What you need is dragon soaking incense."

"Dragon soaked in incense?"

Watson stayed for a while, "Well...that is a spice that is unique to the dragon clan. The main ingredient is ambergris, and then it has to be soaked in the true dragon marrow that has gone through two times of good fortune. Go find it?"

"You are also a good person."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "But Genting City won't be there, right?"

Watson shook his head and sighed, "Genting City has it, but to get it, I must pay a lot...I can't afford it."

Zhou Shu touched his nose, "Genting City is really harsh, if it does, it will be troublesome..."

King Mu looked at the two, settled, strode over, and said in a deep voice, "Does sir need dragon soaking incense? I have a stick here~www.ltnovel.com~ It will be fine for one month, as long as it is used up. Just give me back."

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "King Mu, you have dragon soaked incense? Haven't you left the dragon world?"

"Well, it took a lot of work to take it out last time, almost..." Mu Wang hesitated for a moment, and said affirmatively, "It doesn't matter, since Mr. wants to use it, then take it."

Zhou Shu smiled and pointed at Watson, "It's not me who wants to use it, it's Friends who use it."

Watson still didn’t understand. He knew that he had to go into the full set to do the show, because he had no choice but to accept King Mu’s kindness to get the Dragon Baptist incense. He stood up and saluted King Mu, "Please ask the King Mu to lend me the Dragon Baptist incense. In May, I will return to King Mu."

"This one……"

King Mu paused and laughed quickly, "Since Daoist Qu wants to use it, I will take it. As for the rewards, I don't need to say anything. I hope Dao Dao Qu will not ignore this king in the future, ha ha."

"It was my fault yesterday, sorry."

Watson bowed and saluted, his expression condensed, "Thank you Mu Wang, I will definitely return it next time."

Mu Wang smiled and nodded, "I'm going to get the dragon soaked in incense, fellow Taoist wait a moment."

Watson had to go up and say something, but he heard Zhou Shu yell, "I said, you can't leave for half a step, otherwise the heart demon invades, and no one can save you. There will be a few hundred dragons soaking in incense. use!"

Watson's mind was tense, and he sat back quickly, not daring to move.

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