Fairy Winner

Chapter 2673: 1 month

Walking outside the door, Zhou Shu said leisurely, "Does King Mu really have one?"

King Mu sighed slightly, "Sir, do you know that dragon soaked incense is not only used to purify the heart and exorcise evil, right?"

"I know that dragon soaking incense is just a name from the fairy world, and it is not very useful for practitioners, but for the dragon clan, it is a life-saving pill," Zhou Shu nodded, "I will watch it, not Broken."

"You know," Mu Wang was a little helpless, "I'm just one, don't ruin it."

Even the strong body of the dragon clan has injuries that cannot be recovered by itself, such as dragon scale disease, dragon beard spots, etc. It does not seem to be a major injury, but once contracted, it is very troublesome, and dragon soaks in incense. To solve these injuries, the hard-won dragon soaked incense is definitely the holy medicine for healing, and the dragons regard it as a treasure.

"it is good."

Zhou Shu agreed earnestly, seemingly thoughtful, "In fact, King Mu is still highly valued by the Lord."

"Oh, pay attention."

King Mu seemed to have thought of something, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Zhou Shu and said, "Sir, if I don't have dragon soaking in incense or can't answer, how would you solve it?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Naturally think of other ways, but Mu Wang, don't you want Watson to accept your love?"

Mu Wang groaned, "Of course I need talents. The more the better, but Watson... Although he is a disciple of Genting City, I don't think it needs such a big price. Regardless of his strength or temperament, he is not as good as Mr. Not Mr. I wouldn’t do that."

"Thank King Mu for his trust."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "However, Watson was only harassed by the demons and cannot be judged like this. Moreover, he is a creator."

Upon hearing the latter sentence, King Mu was not calm, "Creator?"

Zhou Shu nodded and said calmly, "Yes, King Mu should know what the creator is. Now is when he is weakest. This opportunity is rare. If you can help him get through the heart demon, he will be promoted to Da Luo in the future. After He Hunyuan became the true creator, he was of great help to King Mu."

King Mu settled down, "I know that creators can create the new world, but sir, I am a dragon, different from practitioners."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "The roots of the dragon clan are in the kingdom of ten thousand dragons, but you are not only the dragon clan, you are also a practitioner who practices the way of compassion. Since you want to practice the Tao, you should understand that it is important to have a realm that belongs to you completely. Even if you don’t want your own realm, you can use it for other people. For a realm exclusive to yourself, any practitioner will pay the greatest price."

King Mu was shocked, "Yes, I am also a cultivator, but I was wrong, thank you Mr."

Zhou Shu smiled and walked back to the dojo indifferently. After a while, King Mu also returned to the dojo with the dragon soaked in incense.

The dragon soaking incense looked very inconspicuous, like a thin piece of withered wood, but when it was taken out, the rich and non-pungent fragrance immediately filled the entire dojo, bathing in it, the whole person was suddenly light. There is a feeling of flying to the sky.

Zhou Shu simply arranged for a while, limiting the scent of dragon soaking incense to a small area for Watson alone.

The little bit of fragrance is indeed extraordinary, as if it has penetrated into the body, rubbing his mind little by little. Strangely, Watson himself didn't feel any bad feelings, but the signs of the demon's activities seemed to be less and less.

It really works.

Now even if Watson wants to leave, he refuses.

Every day Zhou Shu preached, Watson listened to the preaching, and the disciples of the dojo were used to it, but there were many good people who came to point out and watch Watson like a monkey. His words were also quite mean. Every time Watson wanted to get angry, he was warned by Zhou Shu, saying that this is a necessary process for refining the mind. Only in this way can he better resist the demons and bring infinite benefits.

Watson slowly believed it too, yes, from the high-ranking sect disciple to the observers in the nameless dojo of Outland, if he could face this indifferently, his state of mind would definitely improve a lot.

One month will pass.

The people in the dojo have dispersed, Watson was thinking about the essence, and suddenly stretched out a hand to take the dragon soaked incense away, and then heard Zhou Shu's voice, "It's been a month, do you still have a heart demon troubled? ?"

"It's been a month."

Watson was stunned, and said, "I didn't expect it to be so fast."

After checking it over and over several times, he only felt that his mind was pure and innocent, and he could no longer perceive a semi-demon. At that moment, there was an illusion, as if he had returned to the moment when he had just become a practitioner thousands of years ago, and he stood up and watched. To Zhou Shu, saluted, "No, thank you Master Yang!"

Before he knew it, he was also named Master Zhou Shuyang just like everyone else.

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Don't thank me, thank Mu Wang, I can't get this dragon soaking incense."

Watson nodded, "I'll go and thank you later."

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "It's not necessary, he will be here later."

Watson shook his head earnestly, "It's better to thank you for such a great grace. Besides, Master Yang, I have some doubts in my heart."

Zhou Shu looked at him with great interest, "What are you wondering?"

"For practitioners, the heart demon may not be the biggest enemy in the practice, but it is the most troublesome. I have sensed the heart demon before, and I feel that I will definitely disappear this time, even if I return to the sect. There is no way to solve it, but I am here with you, and I completely get rid of it in just one month. Even if there is dragon soaking incense, it shouldn't be like this, dragon soaking incense..." Watson thought for a while and said for sure," It’s just to help Qingxin~www.ltnovel.com~ I’ve never heard of it having the effect of driving away demons."

Zhou Shu looked at him and smiled, "It seems that you are not a idiot, then guess what is driving your demon?"

Watson hesitated, "The futon? Master Yang didn't let me leave for half a step or let me stand up, just to keep me on the futon, right?"

Zhou Shu showed a hint of disappointment, "I thought you would say what I preach?"

Watson hurriedly said, "Master Yang's Tao is naturally very good. I have gained a lot of insights from it. I even have a feeling that I have to see through the obstacles. As long as we continue, it may be possible to break through the shackles of the law of creation...but This should not be the main reason."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Well, you are right."

Watson's eyes fell on the futon, with an expression that he had known for a long time, "Is this the rumored Besen futon?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "No, I just made it casually, but the material is indeed the sprouts of other grass."

"What, did it yourself?"

Watson picked up the futon lazily, "Can I take a look?"

Zhou Shu said contemptuously, "After sitting for so long, you have watched it secretly hundreds of times, right? Ask me?"

Watson watched it over and over for a long time, and finally sighed, "It's so subtle, whether it's the shape or the inner rune array, it's perfect... Alas, I don't know if the Beson futon is as good as it is rumored, after all, tens of thousands. No one has seen it for years, and I don’t know if it’s really effective, and Master Yang, your futon is shocking enough to get rid of the demons. If you take it out, it will definitely make the world crazy."

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