Fairy Winner

Chapter 2802: You bought it

Looking at the ancient scroll stone tablet in front of him, Zhou Shuru was fascinated by the treasure.

The stone stele is not well preserved, with missing corners and edges, there are many potholes on the surface, and the light green writing is also blurred. Only the three large characters "Materia Medica" can be discerned, and the row of small characters below can Seeing that it is a word, there is nothing else.

But this is only the surface.

It is a sage book, there is no doubt that a sage book, although it is not written by the saint, it is planted by the saint himself.

The writing above is just a concealment. The real text is composed of vitality. The interior of the stele is like a hectare of fertile fields, and the strands of vitality like hair are like young plants still growing, forming countless Millions of words, they exude incredibly powerful aura, they are also incomparably mysterious, and they also carry a will that is absolutely difficult to defy. They can only be seen, and they are never allowed to be leaked or destroyed, otherwise they will be catastrophic.

It is never easy to perceive these words, not only to understand the law of life and death, but also to grasp the eighth sense or the eye of heaven.

Without these two points, you can only feel the vast and majestic aura in the stone tablet, know that it is extraordinary, but it is impossible to know its content and origin.

Zhou Shu has both, so Zhou Shu saw its extraordinary.

Of course, the three characters of Materia Medica are also important reasons.

This is a book widely circulated in the Xuanhuang world. It was written for the saint Li Zhen. Li Zhen was the first saint after Shennong who was holy by planting. Shennong planted grains to allow mankind to survive and continue, while Li Zhen planted herbs. In order for the world to be disease-free, it is said to be Baicao. In fact, Li Zhen’s Materia Medica Sutra contains everything, far more than vegetation and so on. Everything in the Xuanhuang world, whether living or dead, is recorded in this sutra, and detailed introduction.

And the Materia Medica on the Xuanhuangjie, of course, is not the original, nor the complete version.

The Xuanhuang Realm has gone through countless calamities, and most things in the realm have changed. Mountains and rivers can disappear. The same is true of ancient books. The dozens of Materia Medica sutras that Zhou Shu has read may not add up to more than one tenth of here. .

Not to mention, this book is the achievement of a saint, and the vitality in it carries the will of the saint.

The will of the saint can be said to be one of the most powerful forces in the heavens. If it can be used, it will be considered unfavorable. Of course, it is almost impossible to use the saint. First, it must be recognized by the saint, that is to say, completely master the saint book.

How could it be better to obtain such an ancient scroll?

However, it is extremely difficult to realize it. Zhou Shu looked at it carefully for more than two hours, and only saw and understood thousands of words, but he was very clear and understood, not only the meaning of the words, but also the mood of the saint when they planted these words. All guessed seven or eight points.

Comprehending the wonderful place, can't help but chant silently.

"... Barnyardgrass, the most common weed in the world. The saints used this herb as the opening chapter of the Materia Medica. It has a lot of deep meaning. Unfortunately, later generations thought that it harmed the grain and was hated by the first Saint Shennong, so they all deleted this chapter. At the beginning, the saints do not fight with the saints, but this action is very unwise. You must know that this tares may seem inconspicuous, but it is not only the root of tens of thousands of spiritual things, but also the most accessible aura channel for the origin of the Xuanhuang world. If... "

"What are you reading?"

Xiao Su couldn't help it at last, and couldn't help but said, "You said that if you take a look, you just looked at it for more than two hours, I have something else!"

Zhou Shu stopped, smiled and said, "I forgot, you are still here."

Xiao Su frowned, "After you finish talking, watch it slowly, and I don't want to disturb you."

"It's rare that you can stand it."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "You haven't moved or made any noise for more than two hours."

Xiao Su said coldly, "If it weren't for you to say something, I'm afraid you've fallen into a demon, and I can't speak. You are a strange person. If you are disturbed, what if you are not happy to violate your promise?"

"You don't always need to remind me of promises. If you agree, I will do it."

Zhou Shu put the stone tablet away and said warmly, "Thank you for buying this for me. It is very important."

"This is not too much trouble. Generally, ancient scroll stone tablets are made in sets. You seem to be only a catalog and not worth much. I don't know how happy you are." Xiao Su shook his head and took out a large leather bag. Quite solemnly said, "This is hard to buy."

Zhou Shu opened the leather bag, his expression stagnated, "You bought this too?"

Inside the leather bag is a huge magic crystal a few feet in radius. It is blue and transparent. It looks like a ball of water held together. The tentacles are also very warm and do not feel hot. There is no sense of magic in it. Not contaminated by demon blood.

This kind of magic crystal is called blue magic crystal, or pure magic crystal.

The magic crystal is the source of the magic power of the demon clan. It can also be said to be an energy converter. It is a bit like the golden core of the cultivator, but the golden core can only turn aura into spiritual power, and the magic crystal can transform most things. It is magic power, such as the killing intent of the five elements of flesh and blood, and it is even somewhat similar to the demon refining pot, but it should be inferior to the law of energy, because demon crystals cannot transform some things such as immortality.

The general magic crystals are pitch black on the outside and lumped inside, which looks like chaos, while some magic crystals are different.

The Blue Demon Crystal in front of Zhou Shu was one of them. It was hard to say how the Blue Demon Crystal was formed, making it so different from other magic crystals.

What is certain is that this kind of magic crystal is more likely to appear in the powerful and low-intelligence demons~www.ltnovel.com~ The stronger, the lower the wisdom, the purer the magic crystals. In fact, most of the blue magic crystals are It was obtained from the demon race equivalent to the demon lord or even the demon king. These demon races often have no wisdom and do not do evil. They just stung in the devil world until they are discovered and killed.

As for the purpose of the blue demon crystal, there are many, and it is not the demon clan but the practitioner who wants it more.

For the demons, they can replace the magic crystals on their bodies. Of course, they have to be used when reincarnating. Many demons do this to try to make themselves stronger, but the result... is often not good, and can be refined. Demon soldiers, it is said that the demon soldiers refined from the blue demon crystal are more likely to be the demon soldiers, but this is also difficult to achieve. How to make the blue demon crystal work in the demon blood pool, there are not many demon masters understand.

For practitioners, the first is of course to save their lives. There is a blue demon crystal, so you don’t have to worry about being invaded by the demon energy and blood. Doing so will slowly damage the blue demon crystal. The second is to make immortal tools, the blue demon. The crystal is extremely pure, just like it has nothing to do with the demons, and can freely communicate with many kinds of laws. It is naturally an excellent material for refining, no less than the kind of dragon gold. This is also the risk of some practitioners. The reason for entering the Demon Realm is, and the third function is better. Most practitioners want the Blue Demon Crystal for this reason, and that is to regard it as the core of the source.

The green magic crystal can inject almost infinite vitality, and it is one of the best materials for building the core of the source.

If you want to have your own world, this kind of material is indispensable. Of course, a creator can also create a world, but not everyone can meet a creator.

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