Fairy Winner

Chapter 2803: Not like a disaster

Seeing Zhou Shu's surprised face, Xiao Su's bright eyes flashed with pride.

Zhou Shu put down his leather bag and looked rather solemn, "It really surprised me, how did you get it?"

"This is a long story. I first inquire about what the devil wants..." Xiao Su said in a guilty way, seeming to ignore Zhou Shu before revenge, and said it for more than half an hour. .

Zhou Shu finished listening very quietly and nodded, "Thanks for your hard work."

Xiao Su gave a bit of surprise and handed over a piece of paper, "Also, this is new information, most of which belong to the magic soldiers. You want the green magic crystal and the like is gone, and Xishan Realm also Not so many good things."

Zhou Shu finished reading it in a few glances, then ruined it at will, "Is only five pieces bought?"

Xiao Su frowned, "It is very difficult to buy magic soldiers in the Demon Realm. These items are all sold at high prices. If they are not of good quality, they are all at a loss."

"Quality is not a problem..." Zhou Shu stopped, "Forget it, I'll go to the Demon Soldier Pool to see it."

"To buy a demon soldier, the best way is to wait for the demon soldier to choose a master in the demon soldier pool. Once you are selected, others will worry about buying it, and the cost is the least." Xiao Su is very calm, "It's just not possible for you, you A practitioner, no magic soldier will choose you."

"I'm not..." Zhou Shu stopped again, "Forget it, let's talk about it then, you continue to help me find news about the Demon Soldier Pool and Demon Blood Pool."

"it is good."

Xiao Su's eyes lit up, and he agreed simply, "I'm leaving."

"and many more."

Zhou Shu pointed to the small pile of bags in the room, "There are some samples, you can sell them for me, Xiao Su."

Looking at Zhou Shu bitterly, Xiaosu went out carrying a lot of leather bags.

If you don't do anything, there will be a lot of fairy jade and good things in your bag. Is there anything better than this.

With a smile, Zhou Shu entered the world of demon refining.

The sky in the demon refining world, invisible to a cloud, presents a strange green color, like a solid jade. In fact, not only the sky, but the entire demon refining world seems to be somewhat stagnant, there is no wind flowing, vegetation It also seems to have stopped growing.

Zhou Shu seemed to be muttering to himself, "How many more days will it last?"

"Jie is a little smaller, and the duration of the vision is longer, but it should be fine in a few days."

A voice soon came from around, and Lao Hu walked over respectfully, "Master, it's okay, it has little effect on the world."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, just murmured, "Good luck..."

Seven days ago, he saw a good fortune in the demon refining world, which was caused by the similarity, and these visions were the products of the aftermath.

This should be a great opportunity. Except for him and Hu Lao, none of the creatures in the demon refining world were able to see it. It should be caused by good fortune, and the two of them were able to see because they were the owners of the world.

The calamity of good fortune is totally different from the calamity that Zhou Shu himself has experienced.

Perhaps it shouldn't be called a disaster.

Most calamity is based on its own ability to resist external forces, thunder, thunder, wind, etc., once passed, it can break through and increase the upper limit, and this good fortune calamity, the moment it appears, Xiangru is completely annihilated. .

A puff of gray smoke rolled in, and the Xiangru disappeared.

Xiangru did not make any resistance, or it was impossible to resist.

When Zhou Shu thought that Xiangru had failed to overcome the catastrophe, he saw another strange scene.

In the gray smoke, a tiny shadow gradually emerged, from small to large, from virtual to real. After a long time, Xiangru reappeared in front of Zhou Shu's eyes, still in the past, just looking , The whole person is different again.

At this moment, Zhou Shu seemed to realize something.

Good fortune is more like a kind of rebirth, completely shattered and rebuilt, returned to chaos and reborn again, the body is more perfect, and the soul is more perfect.

And this kind of feeling, he also had, then, is it also a calamity?

Human immortals shouldn't experience good fortune. In other words, when human beings experience good fortune, they must have stood at a height that no one can match. But at that time, Zhou Shu was just a cultivator.

"Brother Zhou!"

Xiangru appeared in front of him, interrupting his thoughts.

Looking at this very different face from before, Zhou Shu nodded gently, "Still in high spirits, Brother Xiangru, it's time to converge."

"I know, it will be fine in a few days."

Xiangru nodded, "I can't help it now, I can't calm down."

Zhou Shu's expression was condensed, "The good fortune, how did you get through?"

Xiangru thought about it for a long time, still frowned, "I really can't tell. When I crossed the Tribulation, I almost didn't feel it... If I could say that, it is that good fortune is not able to resist or rely on any method. The calamity of avoidance is destined to come, and there are already definite rules. As a robber, you can only be selected with all your strength and passively accept everything. Success or failure is not your own decision..."

He glanced at Zhou Shu, "Success is now, but failure is not known."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Similar to what I thought, but since it is a robbery, there must be a way to increase the success rate."

Xiangru paused, "It's about the usual accumulation. Try to cultivate as hard as possible, I believe there will be rewards."

"Anyone can do these, but there are very few who can survive the catastrophe," Zhou Shu sighed slightly and said calmly, "Now that there is no answer to these things, in short, Brother Xiangru, congratulations on taking another step forward. ."

"Thank you Brother Zhou!"

Xiangru salutes seriously and sincerely.

Zhou Shu smiled, "I brought a good thing this time, UU read www.uukanshu.com and you all come to see it."

Soon, people gathered.

Zhou Shu took out the ancient scroll stone tablet and placed it in front of him with a solemn expression, "Guess what it is?"

Knowing that it was a good thing, everyone's eyes widened.

But Old Hu suddenly trembled and couldn't help saying, "Is this left by the saint of Xuanhuang Realm?"

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I just can't hide it from you, not bad."


Caiying screamed and looked at Hu Lao curiously, "How did you know?"

Old Hu still couldn't stop trembling, "Master, when you brought it in, I had a very familiar feeling, as if I had returned to the Xuanhuang Realm, and it was the same as the Xuanhuang Realm, with an irresistible will. And only a saint has such a powerful and...unspeakable will."

Zhou Shu looked at him, "Then you will be the same as in the past, do you want to claim it for yourself?"

"No, never."

Old Hu said with trepidation, "I only have the heart of awe, it is impossible to do this at all. At that time, the origin of the Xuanhuang world was too weak, I was momentarily..."

Zhou Shu patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "Don't panic, just keep in awe before we can become them."


Old Hu nodded respectfully, and his body gradually calmed down.

Bian Xue whispered, "This is the legendary sage book, but the little girl can't see any mystery, is it too stupid?"

Caiying quickly said, "I can't see it in my palace, but I'm not stupid!"

Xiangru stared at the stele and remained silent.

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