Fairy Winner

Chapter 2804: More convenient

   "If you want to see through this Materia Medica, you must first understand the eighth sense of the law of life and death."

They are all their own. Zhou Shu did not shy away from it. He stated the main points and added, “There must be other ways, such as being favored by a saint, even if you don’t understand anything, you can get the meaning, but that kind of opportunity, It seems that none of you have."

   "I don't want to think about it anymore."

   Caiying glanced at it, and walked aside uninterestedly.

   Zhou Shu looked at her approvingly, Caiying always knew what she wanted, and other things, even the sage book would not be tempting, so pure and transparent, it is exactly the necessary quality of sword repair.

   And Bian Xuexiangru has been standing in front of the stele, his expression is very focused, obviously he still wants to get an insight from it.

  , after all, was left by the saint, how could this opportunity be missed.

Bian Xue hesitated for a moment and whispered, "Master said that the Materia Medica is a book for the world, and it is suitable for the way of compassion, but the younger sister couldn't understand the truth in the Xuanhuang world, and this saint left it by herself. Yes, little girl..."

"Of course, no problem."

Zhou Shu smiled, "I can't violate the will of the saints, but I can teach you the method. I want to teach you the law of death. As for the eighth sense, I also plan to set up a seven night formation here. This is not difficult. You can then. Try to comprehend."

  Bian Xue was very excited, "Thank you Brother Shu!"

   Xiangru followed with a salute, "I'm making up the numbers, I probably can't learn your rules, but the eighth sense, I have always been very interested."

   Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "For the Dijiang Clan, it may be easier for the eyes of the sky. The Zen Sect is better than the Immortal Realm."

   "Forget it, I am not interested in Zen."

   Xiangru shook his head quickly, "Let’s try your Qiye Array."

   Zhou Shu smiled and said nothing, turning to Old Hu, "Old Hu, this stone monument is placed here, don’t worry too much, it can’t be destroyed, if there are creatures who can get the chance to be favored by the saints, it’s a beautiful thing."


   Hu always agreed, only his face changed slightly when he nodded, "Master, there is a little movement over there."

   Zhou Shuxi said, "Is the little guy reacting?"

   Old Hu shook his head, "It's not Jianmu, it's that Gouchen cocoon."

   Zhou Shu said thoughtfully, "Chongyang real person? Let's go and take a look."

There is a big hole in the ground, and the cocoon of Gouchen buried deep in the ground has been exposed. The cocoon's body vibrates violently, like breathing, but there is no fixed rhythm. It is fast and slow, and you can vaguely feel some irritability. Mad breath.

   Hu Lao stared at Gou Chen Yu, "It seems that he hasn't responded yet, so why did he wake up?"

"Without the blood of a unicorn, it is impossible to recover. He woke up because we didn't think about it." Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed. "Maybe he has some obsession with the calamity of good fortune. He woke up when he sensed the calamity. He changed positions."

   "The master has too many scruples."

   Old Hu said slowly, "The master has done his best to leave him here to recover, and it is impossible to take care of him in everything."

   "So too."

   Zhou Shu didn't think much, he could only look at Gou Chen Yuu.

Not long after, a red light suddenly appeared on Gouchen Cocoon, and the demon refining world lit up with it, but it dimmed in an instant. In that instant, Gou Chen Cocoon’s tough shell melted through a hole and emerged. A small group of dim and not hot flames.

   Zhou said in a soothing voice, "The cocoon is broken and it's useless, just help him out."

   Lao Hu nodded, and a white smoke came out of his hand, lifting the Gou Chen cocoon from the pit and slowly laying it on the ground.

When    fell to the ground, Gou Chen Yu was also completely opened by Hu Lao, revealing the real Chongyang figure curled up in a ball.

It is in the shape of a fire unicorn with a length of several feet. Compared with the fire unicorn of the Xuanhuang world, it has obviously evolved a lot. Whether it has four legs or horns, it is almost indistinguishable from the real fire unicorn. The body is still undulating, and its scales follow the bullying. Continuously opening, small flames spurted out, forming a circle of fire around the body.

   Old Hu felt a moment, "He is very fragile now, and very alive..."

   Before I finished speaking, I saw Zhou Shu moving, and quickly deployed several arrays around the real person in Chongyang.

Gathering immortals, protecting souls, maintaining health, and purifying spirits are all available. The protection is very comprehensive. The arrays use colorful spirit orbs. Compared with immortal jade, the colorful spirit orbs produced by the law of energy are more compatible and are suitable for any race. No harm.

   After a while, the real Chongyang person gradually calmed down.

   He opened his eyes, noticed the formation around him, and settled on his mind, "Thank you fellow daoist."

   "You are welcome, Chongyang real person."

   Zhou Shu walked up to him, smiled and raised his hand.

   "You are...you are..."

   The real Chongyang figure looked at Zhou Shu for a while, struggling to stand up, "My...My..."

   Zhou Shu calmly said, "Real person, you recognize me, I am Zhou Shu, yes, your unicorn blood was given to me at the beginning, but now it is not by my side."

Madam Chongyang struggled for a while, but gave up. He has no strength at all now, and he can't even restore his human form. He is as fragile as thin ice that can be broken at the touch of a touch. "I can feel...you don't have the blood of a unicorn. You...can you return it to me?"

   Zhou Shu nodded, "Of course, if I can find it."

   Chongyang real person said anxiously, "Gone?"

   "Forget it," Zhou Shu frowned at him, "Real person, you don't wonder where you are now and how did you wake up?"

   "Nothing is more important than the blood of a unicorn..." The Chongyang real person shook his head subconsciously, only quickly aware of something, and said in surprise, "This is not the Chongyang Palace, me, why am I here?"

   Zhou Shu sighed slightly and explained the process of obtaining Gou Chen Yu.

The body of Chongyang trembling a few times, a lot of fire flashed in his eyes, angrily said, "I actually sold the Patriarch! Damn, who actually accepted such a disciple~www.ltnovel.com~If the old man... "

After a while, the true talent of Chongyang regained his anger and said to Zhou Shu, "Thank you, Zhou Shu, if it weren't for you, most of the old man has become a spirit beast, even a pill, alas, the teacher is unfortunate. "

   Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Real people are kind to me, of course I will help if I can help."

   "Where is this, which world?"

   Chongyang real person glanced around, but because of the barriers of the formation, he couldn't see far.

   Zhou Shu waved his hand, "I'll talk about this later, the real person will rest here for a while, don't worry about other things, I will see you later."

  Chongyang real person still needs to ask something, but after thinking about it, he didn’t ask, but said, “Thank you, fellow daoists, and I will repay you for this kindness.”

   Zhou Shu took Hu Lao and quickly left the valley.

   "Chongyang real person, look at the dot matrix method more, don't let him have an accident, but don't let him come out."

   "I understand, master."

   "Bring him a few Styx lotus petals, so that he can transform first, and it will be more convenient later."

   "Don't worry, master."

   Zhou Shu nodded. Since going to Jianmu, it was an accident that the real person woke up. Jianmu, who should be the most responsive, has not moved yet, and I don’t know what the situation is.


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