Fairy Winner

Chapter 2805: Beat beat

(Ps: Happy Dragon Boat Festival~~)

"Little guy, I'm here again."

Looking at the Jianmu sapling three feet away, Zhou Shu smiled kindly.

After a period of careful care, Jianmu is not so resistant to Zhou Shu. Like Hu Lao Bianxue, Zhou Shu can stand beside Jianmu without being blocked by his spiritual consciousness. Of course, he cannot be close to Jianmu Sanchi. Within.

The area within three feet belonged to Jianmu alone, similar to the virtual cover of a powerful sacred beast, like a natural and powerful domain.

If you want to destroy or enter without permission, you will definitely be regarded as an enemy by Jianmu.

Regarding Zhou Shu's inquiry, Jianmu did not move at all.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Little guy, are you scared?"

The sapling shook suddenly, and a force came suddenly, and there was a feeling of rejection from a thousand miles away, and Zhou Shu also took two steps back.

"Well, don't be angry."

Zhou Shu still smiled, "I'm just a little surprised. After the calamity, you have fallen into a stagnation. It doesn't matter if the leaves are not long, even the roots in the ground have stopped growing. This is very worrying."

The sapling did not move, it seemed very indifferent.

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said sincerely, "In these days, I have taught you a lot of knowledge. You should understand that you are a sacred tree born with great spiritual wisdom and the greatest creature in the Xuanhuang world and even the heavens. I need you to grow as hard as you can. I need you to retrieve the memories of the past and the glory that belongs to you. I need you to be the pillar of the Xuanhuang Realm again. The pride of everyone, of course, is not just me, your mother’s Xuanhuang Realm, and from All creatures in the Profound Yellow Realm need you to do this. If you understand, shake the leaves."

After a while, the blade shook slightly.

Zhou Shu smiled, "Then we have reached a consensus, little guy, you can rest assured that everyone here and I will do our best to ensure your safety and let you grow as quickly as possible at any cost. In this process, you You must also do your best to solve problems for us. This is also for your growth considerations. You must know that almost all the realms of the heavens now regard the Xuanhuang realm as an enemy, and if you fall into their hands, it is difficult to protect Up."

He stared at the sapling and nodded until the sapling shook again.

Jianmu possesses great wisdom beyond the reach of other creatures, but after all, it is still ignorant and has no memory of the past, and Zhou Shu’s day and night education and flickering during this period of time finally convinced Jianmu that his destiny is tight with Zhou Shu and others. link together.

For Jianmu, Zhou Shu couldn't regard it as his own subordinate. The best way is to cooperate and cooperate with trust as much as possible.

Zhou Shu looked serious, "Little guy, now you are in trouble, so we have to find out the reason and solve it so that you can continue to grow. In this way, I will ask a few questions. If you are sure that I am asking the right thing, Then shake the leaves."

He asked several questions one after another, such as the need for formation protection and more immortal energy resources, etc. The sapling did not move.

As if thinking of something, he said slowly, "Is it because the demon refining world is too weak?"

Almost at the same time as the question was over, the blade immediately shook.

"Sure enough, it is too weak to bear the calamity of good fortune," Zhou Shu seems to have realized, "Even if you can block the calamity, things will happen in the demon refining world, such as the demon refining world is half destroyed, the origin is sleeping, or even completely collapsed."

Looking at the sapling that was shaking again, Zhou Shu slowly said, "Then don't worry, I will find a way."

Walking out of the valley, Zhou Shu's face was a bit bad.

Old Hu walked carefully behind him, "Master, I am making progress too slowly."

"No, your progress is not slow. It's just that the requirements for building wood are too high," Zhou Shuwei smiled. "It is also because we think too simple to support the entire Xuanhuang world, even if it is just a few feet. The small tree, the required resources are too large, and we cannot meet the requirements."

Old Hu was a little upset, "I knew it, I should let it sprout later."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "No one will miss an opportunity like Fusang. It's already like this now. Think about how to grow better."

"In the Demon Realm, we can only rely on some materials to maintain the creatures in the Jianmu and Demon Refining Realms." Hu Lao hesitated. "If you are in Outland, you can swallow the origins of other realms to grow quickly. In the realm of the Lord or the newborn, we can..."

Having said this, he immediately stopped seeing Zhou Shu's expression again, "Master, I've lost a word."

"It’s a very good idea to swallow other realms to grow quickly. It may not be a hundred years before your demon refining realm can be expanded several times, but in this case, don’t tell me anymore. It’s better not to even think about it. Lao, when you are still here, this is impossible to achieve," Zhou Shu glanced at Hu Lao calmly, "Someday you stand on your own, go and do it again."

"Master, I know it was wrong. I also want Jianmu to grow up quickly and help the master."

Hu Lao felt cold all over, and suddenly realized that he had made a big bogey, he hurriedly fell down and buried his head deeply.

Zhou Shuli stopped, and slowly said, "How many times have you tasted the sweetness of Hu Lao, Heishawu, Tianlu Realm, and Di Herring Realm? But those are either unowned~www.ltnovel.com~ or With the permission of the source, and you and I have carried on the cause and effect because of this, I don’t know how in the future."

Old Hu repeatedly said, "I'm sorry, Master."

"Get up, I don't want to teach you."

Zhou Shu continued to walk forward, "Remember, this kind of opportunity is very difficult to have, and I will give it to you with it, but don't move other thoughts, don't try to influence me."

"I see, master."

Hu Lao stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, respectfully following Zhou Shu.

He was really shocked the moment he heard "self-reliance".

Now he is used to following Zhou Shu. If Zhou Shu gives up on him, he really doesn’t know what to do. He has personally experienced how dangerous the heavens are. If it weren’t for Zhou Shu, he might have been gone now. How could it be developed to the current level, the huge demon refining world of millions of square meters, with all things colorful and miracles inside, and seeing that there will be self-conscious creatures.

If in the past he still had the thought of using Zhou Shu to become a sacred artifact, now it is no longer at all. Only listening to Zhou Shu is the only answer.

Zhou Shu seemed to think thoughtfully, "During this period of time in the Demon Realm, building wood and refining Demon Realm can be maintained, and it will not take long.

"I do everything to my master."

Hu Lao nodded busy.

Zhou Shu ignored him. He believed that Mr. Hu could not betray him. It was just that Mr. Hu said something completely inconsistent with his philosophy, which still made him dissatisfied. It seems that Mr. Hu is a little fluttering, and he needs to improve. Some strength too.

Zhou Shu knew that his strength far surpassed most Taiyi Daluo, but Jin Xian's own realm was placed here, and there was still something missing.

Speaking of which, Lian Xiangru had spent a lot of good fortune, and his time on the Golden Immortal had actually stayed a little longer.

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