Fairy Winner

Chapter 2838: 1 kind of lucky

The devil's corpse still didn't move, but changed many positions in an instant.

Change the position, then lift the sword, every time, the purple sword light is pressed out, and it's tightly closed, it's like a good match.

The sword intent of this demon corpse is really surprisingly strong.

However, as the black sword faced the last sword glow, a few green fluorescence suddenly flashed around, not dazzling, but the sword intent in it was definitely not more than the purple sword glow, and even more killing intent.

The demon corpse calmly pressed off the purple light and changed its position again.

But the strange thing is that the green fluorescence did not slow down with him, but accelerated a lot, and fell on the demon corpse before blinking.

Several muffled noises.

The fluorescent light fell on the body and exploded quickly, forming several wounds.

The skin cracked, no blood came out, only the dense bones inside.

The devil's corpse didn't realize it, but seemed to have noticed something. With a light swing of the black sword in his hand, it stabbed somewhere around him.

There is nothing there.

But at the moment when the black sword was about to meet, a green figure slowly revealed.

It is Caiying.

The green fluorescent light just now was Caiying's sword body. She was able to fight it. She appeared from the sword domain and directly attacked the devil's corpse with her body sword. Although she succeeded, her position was exposed. The devil's corpse followed the sense of the sword. In a sword.

With this sword intent and the magic sword, as long as it stabs, Caiying will definitely lose most of the sword intent until it is seriously injured.

Caiying was anxious for a while. Her sword domain can only last for two breaths in the reincarnation. Just now it was her last resort, but she didn't want to return without success, but she didn't expect this to be detected. After disappearing, she couldn't move freely in the sword domain, and couldn't resist it at all.

In panic, he suddenly felt a warm hand on his back.

However, Zhou Shu had already come and gently pulled her behind him.

"Zhou, how did you get rid of his sword intent?"

Caiying was too late to be grateful, but asked something that seemed inexplicable.

The sword intent of the demon corpse is very strange, which can affect the surrounding perception. Not only people within the scope of the sword intent, but even the power will unconsciously follow the sword intent and become sluggish, but Zhou Shu's sudden acceleration is very surprising to her. Because Zhou Shu's sword intent was far worse than her own, and she could only get rid of the influence of that sword intent for a short time.

Zhou Shu said lightly, "You are on the side, waiting for an opportunity."

Sword intent is also a law. For Shu Zhili, most of the laws can be offset or cracked, but the effect is different.

Besides, Shu Zhi Dao includes Kendo.

Zhou Shu’s swordsmanship is not as good as Caiying, but analyzing and pushing, it is much stronger. After watching these breaths on the side, Zhou Shu did not say that he could crack the weird sword intent of the devil’s corpse, but left himself alone. It is not difficult to not be affected.

He released the mining profit, with a sword in his hand.

It was the Sixth-Rank Flying Sword bought in Xinghai Realm. After all, he would show respect and use sword to sword in the face of sword repair.

However, the power in the sword is basically Shu Zhili, and the sword is just an introduction.

Seeing Zhou Shu fighting the devil corpse, Caiying seemed to have some enlightenment. She soon realized that Zhou Shu was not using sword intent, but she was able to fight the devil corpse back and forth, which made her feel a little frustrated. , Only quickly dissipated, "Isn't it right to be a master, better than my own palace", she would occasionally realize that she would regard Zhou Shu as the master, although she was a little reluctant.

Just thinking about it, she quickly realized how could this kind of battle be missed.

To see the sword intent of such a strong man, and to see how Zhou Shu resisted, was simply a good teaching.

Zhou Shu also played deliberately. He played very slowly, and his moves were very clear. Occasionally, he could follow the sword intent of the devil corpse, trying to make the devil corpse show his ability to the greatest extent. This deliberate sometimes made him fall into difficulties, but Fortunately, the devil's corpse will not chase, as long as it retreats.

A battle lasted for several hours.

Zhou Shu was exhausted physically and mentally. After retreating, he did not go up again, and said slowly, "Caiying, what do you understand?"

"Call me Lord Palace Master!"

Caiying glanced at Zhou Shu, and rushed up confidently.

This time she was rescued by Zhou Shu again, and she was obsessed with the fight, but knowing that someone was always guarding her, why bother?

"Two hundred breaths."

Zhou Shu applauded it very much, "It seems that you have some key points."

Caiying said triumphantly, "Of course, this palace is the best sword repairer, not comparable to him, hehe."

When Zhou Shu recovered well, it was another repetition.

Zhou Shu used the devil's corpse to teach Caiying. The devil's corpse was also tireless, and he didn't think there was any problem at all.

In dozens of days, Caiying has gained a lot of insights from this demon corpse, and her strength has continued to rise, and when it comes to the need for tranquility and retreat, in fact, there are not many sword repairs who like Jingwu. They all think, In the battles and repeated practice, it can improve the kendo, but Caiying is different. On the one hand, Caiying is the true biography of Zhou Shu. She believes that tranquility is an indispensable part of cultivation. She also learned this habit. On the other hand, she was cultivating the sword body that is now basically extinct, and she can't get a breakthrough without thinking and training.

Put Caiying into the world of refining demon, Zhou Shu faced Demon Sword Repair for the last time.

Quite sincerely bowed, "Thank you."

I really want to thank Caiying, not only Caiying has gotten great benefits, but also he, any improvement in Tao means improvement in Shu Zhidao. The previous kendo was shortcomings, and now it has been made up to a certain extent~www.ltnovel.com ~ Makes Shu Zhidao a small leap.

But he can't quietly realize, there is no time.

But it doesn't matter, all the battle data and images are kept in memory, and can be read at any time, not only for him, but also as a rare inheritance in the future, not for himself, but also for the unknown sword repairing the corpse.

After a fierce battle that wasn't fierce, the little stone arrived at the right time and ended with a stick.


With the magic sword, Zhou Shu quickly returned to the edge of the cliff.

Unlike other magic soldiers, this magic sword is inscribed with two words, eliminator.

The Mozu rarely has written language, and these two are not Mozu characters, obviously they were added later.

The name of Demon Sword sounds a bit ironic, but it represents the determination of the user. This sword repairer has never fallen.

The influence of Kunlun Mirror also proves this point.

This sword repairman not only exterminated demons in the immortal world, but even took the magic sword straight into the demon world, beheading hundreds of demon kings, and finally died in front of the demon lord, and this demon sword also fell into the demon clan. Hand, it is worth mentioning that the Demon Race did not resell the Demon Sword, but kept it. The sword repairman was the first owner and the only owner of this Demon Slayer.

Everyone was in awe.

Although it is impossible to know his name, the respect is not less.

In the heavens, there should be many such unknown practitioners, but their deeds have gone with the wind, and most of the things they have used have also been annihilated. It is very rare for him to have the magic sword to preserve it. For Zhou Shu and others, it was a great fortune.

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