Fairy Winner

Chapter 2839: Want to be fascinated

Fortunately, it is not only about perception, but also practical benefits.

In the video, Zhou Shu got a sword art and a mental technique.

Before the sword repairer went to the Demon Realm, he knew that he had died for a long time, and he left his inheritance and engraved it in the belly of a mountain. The mountain may have been lost, and even if he found it, it might have collapsed. But the handwriting at that time But it stays in the reincarnation, shown in the Kunlun mirror.

The handwriting is very clear, and you can see that all his energy has been used.

It is precisely because of this that this inheritance remains in the reincarnation, not annihilated.

Because Kunlun Mirror cannot capture all the past events, only the most memorable and hard-working pictures can be preserved, and the more complete and clearer the picture, the more it can prove his profoundness and unforgettable memories. For Zhou Shu and the others who saw all this , I can not only feel the mood at that time, but in the dark, I can even feel the existence of a trace of inheritance seeds, as if I can get those powers by reaching out.

However, maybe only Zhou Shu felt this way.

If he understands the law of reincarnation better, can he directly obtain the seeds of inheritance and thus gain power?

It seems unlikely. Even if the law of reincarnation can be achieved, the Kunlun mirror may not have this ability. It may be necessary to find a better treasure, which is stronger than the Kunlun mirror and can contain more power of reincarnation. This kind of magic weapon Zhou Shu hasn’t heard of it.

The sword tactic is called the Swallowing Yuan Sword Technique, and the heart law is the Tun Yuan tactic that matches it.

Even though the focus is on the law of reincarnation, Zhou Shu still won't let go of any tactics, so he glanced at it by the way.

These few glances made Zhou Shu feel shocked.

Zhou Shu had already experienced the Swallowing Sword Technique before, and most of the power could be annihilated by this wonderful sword intent. As for the Swallowing Yuan Jue, it was the sword repair that merged the swallowing law and the sword intent.

The law of swallowing is a medium law that is equal to the Five Elements Soul, etc., but there are relatively few practitioners who practice it.

Like other laws, it has its special features, but its advantages and disadvantages are too obvious.

Used well, it can swallow most of the power of the law, even the higher law or even the highest law is not a problem, but you can swallow it, and you will not be responsible for the consequences, such as swallowing the power of destruction. The power of the law and the inability to digest it is tantamount to suicide. Another example is the magical power that Zhou Shu had inadvertently swallowed before. This high-level power is difficult to obliterate, and fortunately Zhou Shu discovered it early.

This is the shortcoming of the law of swallowing, and it is basically fatal.

If this shortcoming is made up for, there is no difference between the law of swallowing and the highest law.

For example, the source of the Law of Devouring Gourmet, Gourmet is one of the most powerful kinds of beasts. Its almost indestructible body enables it to use the Law of Devouring freely. No matter what power it is, it will be swallowed for you. In it, the Law of Devouring It is one of the most powerful laws of the heavens. As for practitioners, it is difficult to do it. Swallowing is easy to use, but swallowing indigestible power is harmful and unhelpful. For thousands of years of cultivation, it will be thrown into water.

For this reason, most practitioners stay away from the Devouring Law, and even when practicing, they rarely regard it as their own basic law.

At first, the sword repairman practiced the law of swallowing, but later realized the harm of the law of swallowing, he turned to sword repair, but he still didn't forget the law of swallowing at the beginning, so he delved into it when he had time, and wanted to make it work.

Compared with other laws, sword intent is a special law that can freely transform forms, so he moved the sword intent closer to the law of swallowing, using sword intent to obliterate the evil results generated by the law of swallowing, and originally used this method to hone the sword. Mind, practicing, and by a certain coincidence, the two laws are relatively suitable to merge together. They are not completely integrated, but they can accept each other and make up for each other's shortcomings.

He was overjoyed and made improvements. His efforts paid off, and he had better get some results.

That is this Swallowing Yuan Sword Technique and Swallowing Yuan Jue.

In fact, for a pure sword repair such as Caiying, the Swallowing Yuan Sword Technique is barely useful, and the Swallowing Yuan Jue is basically useless, but for Zhou Shu it is different. He just looked at it and tried to deduct it. There are several ways to use it. For example, the simplest one is to use the Tun Yuan Jue to improve the Taotie Dao body. If not surprisingly, he can raise the Taotie Dao body by one or two levels, although it is still not as good as the Undead God. Body, but it is by no means comparable to before.

The deeper idea is to use some of the patterns in the Tun Yuan Jue to try to deduce a new method.

Shu Zhi Dao body.

Combining nearly ten laws, adding the advantages of the immortal body and the gluttonous Taoist body, if it is really successful, it is definitely a powerful exercise method that can make Shu Xin Jing take a big step, and the next step is to change the complex. Jane, extend this kind of Taoism, and let countless physical cultivations join in.

Not only physical training, other people are not bad, I don't know if it is possible for the demons.

Shu Zhidao may usher in another period of development.

"Brother Shu, what are you thinking about?"

Bian Xue looked at him curiously, and had been silent for more than half an hour, but he was obviously not in concentration, otherwise Bian Xue would not disturb him.

Caiying widened her eyes, "It's weird to laugh while being in a daze! The first time I saw it, could it be a delusion?"

Xiangru stroked his beard, seemingly thoughtful, "Sometimes dull, sometimes giggling, like an innocent child~www.ltnovel.com~ Maybe something good has been thought of, but there is no sign of body heat venting, not a delusion. Don't worry about him."

"Innocent child...Haha! It's the first time someone has heard that Brother Shu."

Bian Xue covered her mouth and smiled, covering her smile, unable to hide her joy, her body trembled like a willow in the wind.

"I'm thinking, what nonsense are you talking about."

I also wanted to get absorbed in and forgot the time, Zhou Shu snorted as a cover, pretending to calmly look down, "The new demon corpse has come out again, I will try."

Caiying whispered, "No need to try, we all watched, that demon corpse is not even a demon king, so don't care."

Xiangru nodded, "Yes, it's not strong enough. I tried it before."

Zhou Shu looked at it carefully and nodded slightly, "Yes, let's go on it, you help me stay for a while, I have a good understanding of the law, remember, don't kill, don't let the little stone go down. "

"Old Hu took him back, and we went."

With laughter, a few people flew down together, and played back and forth with the demon corpse [Zero Reading]. It seemed fierce, but in reality it was relaxed and focused at the same time.

Zhou Shu looked at it for a while, knowing that the devil's corpse was not a threat to them, so he began to enlighten quietly.

In these days of fighting, he knows that he is growing unconsciously. Every time he exerts his strength in the domain, every time he picks up the Kunlun mirror, he has a different feeling. That layer of paper may soon be poked. broken.

Really look forward to it.

(Ps: Thank you Hong Niu for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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