Fairy Winner

Chapter 3066: Depressed mood

It is always good to have someone around you.

Hao Xiaoxin can be considered alone.

After dozens of days, Zhou Shu landed in Yunquan.

It is a big world, but it looks very sparse on the surface. Of course, there is no iron curtain. There are still many holes in the air layer, large and small, which are being repaired. There is not much life in the world. He suffered a severe injury, and was sleeping and recuperating.

Yunquan Jie has been suffering from wars and has only settled down for hundreds of years. It is not surprising that this situation has occurred.

For these reasons, it is difficult for the Hachi country to manage the Yunquan realm normally, which makes the world mixed with dragons and fish. There are often malicious people coming over and avoiding them. Most of these people hide in places that the Hachi people cannot find, such as Underground, such as the sea.

In the Xuanhuang Realm, the Hachi tribe was afraid of the water and the sea, probably because the dragon tribe lived there, and this habit has not changed even in the heavens.

But in the underground, their perception will be greatly weakened, especially the real shadow, the weakening is even greater, less than one-tenth of the original. Therefore, even strong people like Xie Lao can hardly be underground. Find what you are looking for.

(Mu Wang is a special case, not much to say.)

No one would expose their shortcomings. Zhou Shu had never heard anyone in the Hachi clan say about these things, but it didn't mean he didn't know.

If the Haechi tribe doesn't have these obvious weaknesses, why should they hide on the edge of the outer realm and be neighbors to the witch world?

When the original core of a realm cannot be controlled by the Haqi clan, they lose most of the control over that realm. This is the situation in the Yunquan Realm. It is difficult to find out the truth if Xie comes in person.

Those **** waters came out of the ground. If there is an altar of the shaman god, it should also be in the ground.

This is also the reason why Xie Lao asked Zhou Shu to come to Yunquan Realm. Zhou Shu may investigate more clearly.

After standing for a while, two true shadows of Hachi tribe came over.

They looked at Zhou Shu and Hao Xiaoxin carefully, their expressions a little nervous.

Quite a few people flew off and left, but few stopped in place like this.

Zhou Shu didn't speak, and took out the token given by Mr. Xie and shook it. The two immediately saluted, "Xie Mao Xie Dun, I have seen the general."

Seeing the token is like seeing the general, the ancient Haze country also maintains the ancient rules.

Zhou Shu said blankly, "Go and bring Xie Song over to see me, don't tell other people that I'm here, you know?"

"I see, general."

The Haechi tribe didn't dare to ask why, and went immediately.

Hao Xiaoxin's expression is also a lot more respectful. He was only suspicious before, but now it is certain that this true shadow without his hand is really a general.

Zhou Shu glanced at him and said faintly, "Hao Xiaoxin, you first contact your helper, and then you go to Lin Zheng, and what I want you to find, and notify me when you find it, remember not to disturb the target, too. Don't disturb the Haechi tribe."

"You have all told me very clearly, I will definitely not do it wrong."

Hao Xiaoxin nodded unconsciously and quickly took out an iron flag.

Tieqimen has its own contact method, which is not as easy to use as Yunyin, but it can also be used in Outland.

Two iron flags, each with one side, can communicate with each other within the four boundaries. There is a delay and consumes a lot of money. For cross-border transmission, at least one fairy jade is needed for each word of information, and the distance is greater The farther, the more consumption, it is not impossible to have thousands of immortal jade.

Most people can't afford it.

"I'm here, where are you?"

Counting the fairy jade in his pocket, Hao Xiaoxin sent out a few words distressedly.

After sending the message, he was stunned, and the number of fairy jade in his pocket was less than 30, and he immediately became excited.

Such little consumption can only explain one thing, the helper he is looking for is in Yunquan Realm.

He glanced at Zhou Shu, a little excited, "General, he has arrived."

Zhou Shu nodded without speaking.

Is there another person who can use it?

hope so.

When he came to Yunquan Realm this time, he was entrusted by Xie Lao. The purpose was to find out if there was an altar of witch gods, where some were from, and if there were any clansmen treason in Yunquan Realm. He could not be alarmed in order to prevent the grass and the snakes. The people of the Hachei tribe can only rely on themselves, and one more helper is one more.

"What are you doing, why haven't you returned a message?"

Hao Xiaoxin was a little impatient. He was in the same realm, and the communication was quickly consumed and consumed less. The other party had no reason not to reply to messages for so long.

After hesitating, he discharged dozens of celestial jade again, and sent another message, "Quickly tell me, where are you? Meet up first, I have something to discuss!"

In the past, there were no more than ten words in the communication between the same door. He had a few more words and was extravagant.

After waiting for nearly an hour, there was still no response.

Hao Xiaoxin thought of something, and his heart sank suddenly.

In the world, no information is returned. This kind of thing is rarely encountered between Tieqimen and the same sect. Although the relationship is not good, when you are Xianyu, you will definitely stand on the same front. Under normal circumstances, you will immediately receive the message. Will come back, and in this situation, there are only two possibilities.

One is that the opponent is in danger and it is too late to return, and the other is that the opponent is no longer there, but the iron flag is still well preserved.

Either way, it is not a good thing.

But how could this be?

The strength of that helper is about the same as his own, and he is also very cautious. He will not act rashly before meeting himself. UU reading www.uukanshu.com will say a little cold, a not-so-strong golden fairy, who can beat him even with messages. Can't get back? Maybe even the body is gone?

Is it really right?

Isn’t there only one Xiao Han in this Yunquan Realm, but also a Winter Solstice?

He looked at Zhou Shu anxiously, with a hint of expectation in his eyes, "Something might have happened to him."


Zhou Shu nodded, very calm.

Hao Xiaoxin stagnated, Zhou Shu's attitude made him a little depressed, "Or, look for him now?"

Zhou Shu paused, "Try sending a few more messages."

Hao Xiaoxin nodded, feeling much depressed.

It seems that the general of the Haechi tribe doesn’t have the idea of ​​helping them catch the murderer. He doesn’t even care about the helper if something goes wrong. However, he clearly said before that helping him is helping himself. Just listen to him. He will help them hunt down Xiaohan and even the Winter Solstice.

Do you want to go alone?

How could it be possible that I and the helper are about the same strength, and if something happens to the helper, I can guarantee that nothing will happen?

It's better not to send it, anyway, the helper can't die anyway.

He sent the message silently, but there was still no reply.

After an unknown period of time, three Hachi tribes rushed in the distance, and Xie Mao Xie Dun was among them.

A young Hachez took a few steps, bowed and saluted, "I have seen a general, I am Xie Song."

"Come and talk."

Zhou Shu asked Xie Mao and Xie Dun to leave first, pulled Xie Song aside, and asked carefully.

Xie Song, the one who sent the cup of blood to Wujianjie, was also the one who found the traces of the altar.

He is also a knowledgeable person, knowing that this matter is confidential, he directly reported to Xie Xun as soon as he found out, no one else in the world knew yet.

(PS: Thank you for the monthly support of Maodao Tianxia, ​​and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

Wonderful book house

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