Fairy Winner

Chapter 3067: Shine

Xie Song came and left in a hurry.

Zhou Shu fell into meditation.

Mountain cracks, cloud piles, springs appear, this is a common occurrence for the cloud and spring world.

The world’s name Yunquan is because this situation often occurs in the world. The mountain splits, water mist clouds appear, and then spring water comes out.

These springs bring infinite vitality and nurture the growth of living beings in the world.

However, the continuous occurrence of wars over the past few thousand years has made Yunquan seldom appear in the Yunquan realm, and after the core of the source was severely damaged, it has never occurred. Therefore, Xie Song found this time very special.

He felt wrong when he saw the red water cloud, but was stunned when he saw the spring water.

There is no vitality in the spring, but it is all dead, and the spring water is scarlet, just like the fresh out of the beast.

He has participated in several battles against Liangmiao Country, and he knows this kind of thing, like the blood in the pool next to the witch **** altar.

Xie Song immediately collected a lot of spring water, and then went to explore underground.

After searching along the water source for a long time, he found and found but broke the trace. Because of his limited perception, he did not find other abnormalities. He could only return without success, and then separated the real shadow, and took the spring water to the unshielded boundary. .

He did not report the matter to the leader of Yunquan Realm.

The first is because he was once directly under Xie Xun’s subordinates, and he trusts Xie Xun more. The second is because the place where the mountain is split is very close to the place where the Hachi clan lives, and there are hundreds of real shadows of the Hachi clan. , The leader is among them.

After he did these things, he still stayed by the **** cloud spring, looking for opportunities to explore again.

But soon, that Yunquan disappeared, leaving only a gap.

He went down and looked for it again, still finding nothing, hateful perception.

Xie Song spoke very seriously and was very angry, but Zhou Shu could see that he was all true and did not lie.

Go to check, but not now.

Zhou Shu glanced at Hao Xiaoxin, "hasn't you heard back yet?"

"No, it has been posted a dozen times."

Hao Xiaoxin shook his head, looking a little depressed, but still pretended to be calm when facing Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Let's go find him."

"it is good."

Hao Xiaoxin was shocked, and hurriedly responded, but felt that something was wrong, "Where to find it, general?"

"Just follow me."

Zhou Shu was already flying, Hao Xiaoxin stagnated, and quickly followed behind.

After a few hours, the two stopped in front of a sea.

The Dead Sea, the kind that has no vitality at all, there are still large black spots floating on the surface of the sea, which seem to have many rotten sores.

This kind of place, let alone the Haechi tribe, as long as it is a living creature, it will not come.

Zhou Shu glanced, "Can you perceive his breath?"

Hao Xiaoxin was very surprised. He didn't know what Zhou Shu meant, what kind of breath he felt here? Of course he didn't dare to object, he let out his perception and probed for a while, just shook his head, "No."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Then you send another message to see."

Hao Xiaoxin still didn't understand, so he could only obediently send a message, "Where are you", as soon as it was sent out, people were a little stupid.

No reply is certain, but he can see clearly that only three celestial jade is used to send the message this time. This is the least costly for sending iron flag messages. The farther the distance, the greater the consumption, and the closer it is, the less. , The distance between him and the helper is quite close.

It's really near here.

He opened his mouth wide, "General, Great... how do you know he is here?"

Zhou Shu searched the bottom of the sea, and said casually, "You have used the iron flag for so long, haven't you explored the principle?"

Anyway, he has explored.

The principle of Tieqi’s message transmission is very simple. It is to use the fairy jade to inspire the law of power, use the power of the law of power to carry the message, and force the message to be transmitted to a distance. Once the power is exhausted, the message will disappear, so this method is very expensive , There are distance restrictions.

This is different from Yunyin Transmission.

Yunyin is like a set of passwords hidden in the power of the law, no matter how the power of the law changes, it can be kept intact, and this password can be switched between different powers of the law, the current power of the law cannot support At the time, you will find the power of the law to transmit yourself. Therefore, as long as the power can continue, even if you encounter a lot of troubles on the way, you can reach the end smoothly.

Yunyin is the crystallization of countless geniuses and wisdom, and Tieqi...

After understanding the principle of the iron flag, it is not difficult to find someone.

When Hao Xiaoxin sent a message before, Zhou Shu followed the power of the law of power sent by the iron flag, and then found the recipient's direction.

It’s a pity that this is just a shadow of the soul. Otherwise, there is no need for Hao Xiaoxin to post so many times, one can set the position, but speaking, if the body is here, it may not be necessary for Hao Xiaoxin to send news. Everything in this world, Zhou Shu uses a few The hour can be seen clearly, except for the underground.

Compared with the body, what the soul shadow lacks is the soul and the consciousness, which is almost only one-fifth or less of the body.

There is no problem in protecting yourself, but it is very troublesome to extend the exhibition.


Hao Xiaoxin was stunned, and didn't know what Zhou Shu said about it. "The stuff from the Zong Sect can be used if it is easy to use. If you look for the principle, the Zong Sect will be dissatisfied... I can't find it anymore."

Zhou Shu didn't say anything, maybe it was really not found.

Although Tieqimen's method is very rough, the power of the law of power that is sent out is indeed very hidden. If it is not sharp enough for me~www.ltnovel.com~, it is really difficult to find, and Hao Xiaoxin, this person, should not understand the law of power. .

Hao Xiaoxin pleased, "It turns out that the general had an idea a long time ago and he knew he was here. I was worried for a long time for nothing."

Zhou Shu frowned, "Stop talking nonsense, look for it."

Hao Xiaoxin's mind was stagnant, and he dared not talk too much, and went straight into the sea.

Although he was still worried, at least Zhou Shu was behind him and he was not afraid of any danger.

So close, as a golden fairy of Hunyuan, even if you can't feel the breath, it is of course not difficult to find some signs.

"It seems a little weird."

He transmitted to Zhou Shu, "There is a whirlpool here, which looks like an entrance to a secret realm, but I have never heard of a secret realm in the Yunquan realm. No sect or a famous practitioner has ever occupied the Yunquan realm before. It has always belonged to Hachi country."

"Keep looking."

Zhou Shu frowned and said faintly, "Look carefully, are there any other abnormalities?"

"No more."

Hao Xiaoxin looked for a circle and came back, and his expression relaxed a lot. "It should be a secret realm. He entered the secret realm, so my voice transmission can only go to this entrance. He can't receive nature and can't return it. Since it is a secret realm, then He will be fine."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "It's weird if it's nothing."


Hao Xiaoxin was stunned, and said suspiciously, "The general meant that he might be dangerous in it? Impossible, the general might not know some things about our practitioners. Generally, secret realms are prepared for middle and low-level practitioners. For Hunyuan Golden Immortal, the secret realm is not dangerous at all, even if it is a secret realm arranged by the quasi-sage, it is impossible for Hunyuan Golden Fairy to have an accident."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "It was arranged by the quasi-sage, that's fine."

"Could it be the Secret Realm of Saints?"

Hao Xiaoxin was shocked, looking at the Dead Sea, his eyes gleamed, and he was so excited.

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