Fairy Winner

Chapter 3076: Still 1

"In the fairy world, how could there be people with eight formations? Hasn't it been banned?"

The believer was calm, but his face was still ugly.

"If you get caught with nothing, I will consider telling you."

After speaking, Zhou Shu condensed his formation and ignored him.

In the distance, a few shadows are flying close, it is Hao Xiaoxin, Dongzhi and others.

The winter solstice is at the end, and his eyes are fixed on the stone pillar, seeming to be thinking about something.

After the eight formation map has been laid out, most of the things on his side are basically done.

Hao Xiaoxin asked him why he didn't arrange it in advance, but he didn't answer. He didn't want to, but didn't need it.

It is too late to arrange the arrangement, not to mention the arrangement in advance and then to lure, the variables are much greater, but his time is very tight, and it is most appropriate to arrange traps directly in the encounter.

He can do it.

The eight formation map is printed in the sea of ​​knowledge, deduced countless times, and can be taken out at any time.

As for the formation talisman, Zhou Shu no longer needs it. He uses Shu's power to manipulate the environment to turn the mudstone into an engraved formation talisman. It is no more than moving your fingers, but it must be said that this It is something that can only be done after learning the power of order, and orderly integration can make everything organized better and faster, conform to order, and do what is needed.

Jade comes from mud and stone, and jade can be used as a talisman. The same can be done with mud and stone, which can receive power and give important tasks.

There is a shadow of creation in it.

In fact, the essence is different, creation is something out of nothing, and order is to make them return to what they should be.

The sixty-four stone pillars were born in a flash, forming eight formations around the devotees of the Shebi Corpse. The formation took effect and the believers were also trapped.

The believer comes from a big family of formations and knows the eight formations, but it is impossible to break the eight formations where Zhou Shu is sitting. The order of the formation foundation will not be broken by the power of the corpse, and the eight formations Many changes, all in Zhou Shu's heart, change in a single thought, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible.

"Listen to me."

"Yes, what do we want?"

While Xu Jiang agreed, he glanced at the formation map and said in horror, "You won't want us to join the battle?"

The winter solstice snorted coldly, "You don't need to go, and you don't have to take it when you are paid."

Xu Jiang quickly said, "I'm going, can't I go?"

As he said, his legs were a little soft.

No cultivator is not afraid of the power of extravagance than the corpse, especially if he practices the Five Elements Rule like this, looking at the huge twisted black snakes, he perceives the power that can swallow the golden immortal soul, like a hand hanging from his neck. A sword that must be dropped at any time.

Winter Solstice dismissed, "Looking at your unpromising appearance, the old man in the twenty-four thieves must consider it."

"Whoever comes to you is rare, the old man is here to make money, not to fight for his life."

Xu Jiang spoke a few words, looked at Zhou Shu, with a pleading look, "Nothing will happen, general?"

Zhou Shu pointed to a stone pillar in the distance, "You go in by the side of that stone pillar and don't leave it more than five hundred feet away. I will keep you safe. Your purpose after entering is to assist the winter solstice. Don't hesitate. Don't use the spirit and consciousness, I will send you a voice message when you encounter a problem."

"Once you are in the battle, you won't be able to perceive my existence, don't care, don't find me, and deal with Sabi Corpse believers wholeheartedly.

Xu Jiang nodded, but hesitated, "I understand, really nothing will happen, right?"

"You can choose to go or not, and don't think about anything else when you go."

Zhou Shu ignored him and looked at Hao Xiaoxin, "Have you recovered?"

"Completely recovered, thank you, General just now!"

Compared with Xu Jiang, Hao Xiaoxin is much more excited now, and it seems that he is really not afraid.

Climbing back from the edge of life and death just now, he can be considered to have some experience in fighting, and what makes him even more happy is that Zhou Shu can indeed save him, even if he is invaded by the power of the corpse, he can still be pulled back. With people behind, he is not so worried anymore.

Self-confidence is naturally there.

He looked at the general with contempt, "What are you afraid of? Listen to me, there is a general, don't be afraid of anything, just do it and you are done!"

Zhou Shu pointed to another stone pillar and said in a deep voice, "Hao Xiaoxin, you are near that stone pillar, and you must also be within five hundred feet. You do the same as Xu Jiang. You don’t care about other things. I will remind you in advance. You, remember, don't care about your own safety."

"Don't worry, I will do a good job. I won't be afraid if there is a big prize."

Hao Xiaoxin nodded vigorously and glanced at Xu Jiang, as if he and he were already two kinds of people.

The winter solstice seems to be a little anxious, "Where do I go in?"

Zhou Shu paused, "Winter Solstice, have you seen this formation?"

Winter Solstice shook his head and said seriously, "I have never seen it before, and it looks very ordinary, but the believer who can trap the Sabi Corpse must be extremely mysterious. The old man absolutely believes in this formation."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Oh, then you go in through that pillar."

Winter Solstice followed Zhou Shu's hand and looked over, his face changed slightly, but soon returned to normal, "Okay, what am I doing?"

Zhou Shu rarely explained, "Beside that pillar is the life gate, and it is also the best place to break through the formation. Keep it and don’t leave. I will push him there, and at the same time, it will become impassable. Death Gate, he can't see this change in a short time. What you have to do is to seize every opportunity to attack him and kill him. Don't worry, he can only play 30% of the power of the corpse. , I can be 100% sure."

Hao Xiaoxin said with joy, "So he only has 30% strength, so don't worry!"

The winter solstice thought for a while, "Okay, just as the general said, I will do my best. If I really can't, I hope the general will open my life and let me out."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "This is natural. When you think of it, make a gesture and I will let you out. This is a war of attrition. I didn't expect to solve the problem once, and it would be solved within a month. He can, but you must do your best."

The Winter Solstice said in a deep voice, "If you don't do your best, you don't make any effort. The old man understands this."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Well, you all go to the pillar to prepare. I will change the formation to let you enter the formation."

Several people took their orders, each with a different mind.

Zhou Shu didn't care, as long as he got into the battle~www.ltnovel.com~ it would be hard not to listen to me.

A few people walked in front of the formation, trying to say hello to Zhou Shu, but saw a gust of wind rolling in, the formation was completely opened, hesitated, and they all went in.

Standing at the top of the stone pillar, Zhou Shu watched the three people in the formation and the black snake with the extravagant corpse, and the fighting spirit naturally rose.

Compared with fighting in person, strategizing is also what Zhou Shu likes and is good at.

There is a feeling of returning to the Xuanhuang Realm. This kind of thing has been experienced many times in the Xuanhuang Realm, but at that time he commanded only the ordinary Yuan Ying Hua God and a large group of puppets, and now it is the Hun Yuan Golden Immortal.

The battle line is strong, the **** is also strong, of course, the opponent is also strong.

But the result is still the same.

Come to the war.

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