Fairy Winner

Chapter 3077: Headache

More than three hours passed soon.

Haven't tasted the victory yet.

The believer's formation is indeed very strong. It can be said that he knows the eight formations very well, and Zhou Shu is surprised by his understanding. No matter how the eight formations are changed, they can always find the correct position quickly, and the life gate will change. He could see it in a few breaths and was not fooled.

Although believers have been suppressed by formations, they feel that they are easy to do.

It was okay on the winter solstice side, guarding the gate of life and death, always using the moment of the formation change to attack the believers, and received good results.

At present, the number of snakes of believers has been reduced by about one-fifth, which is basically caused by him.

But it can be seen that, unlike believers, his grasp of fighter opportunities lies more in his own experience and understanding, and he doesn't know much about the formation method. It is very good to be able to do this, and it meets Zhou Shu's requirements.

In contrast, the other two are a bit difficult.

If Zhou Shu hadn't kept changing the formation to accommodate them, he might have been defeated by the believers just a few breaths after entering. In more than half an hour, Hao Xiaoxin made two moves and launched a siege with Dongzhi, trapping hundreds of black snakes. Among the stone pillars, the effect was good, the other time had little effect, and Xu Jiang didn't play any role, and he didn't make a single shot.

The formation is not good, I don't understand the eight formation map, I can't grasp the fighter, and I dare not even shoot. I really have the name of a negative bounty hunter.

This can also be called Hunyuan Jinxian?

It is more wasteful than waste, and not as good as a puppet.

Of course, the most likely thing is that he doesn't want to but dare not try his best, keep his strength, and save his life in the event of an accident.

The current situation is okay. If it continues, the believer’s extravagant power can be reduced to less than 20% in about five days, and the slower the reduction becomes. It’s not that three hours can solve one-fifth, fifteen. It can be completely resolved within an hour.

Even if the formation is not used by then, Dongzhi and others will be enough to kill him.

But for five days, it was still slow, when the auxiliary country had already arrived.

Zhou Shu intends to change his approach, turning the stone pillar where Xu Jiang is located into a life gate, making him a breakthrough target, or decoy, for believers, not to deliberately want him to die, but to let him do his best and force him to do his best, and Hao Xiaoxin The same effect is enough.

If it wasn't for time urgency, he would not use this fierce method, but would kick Xu Jiang out early.

The winter solstice has said that if you don't have to work hard, you don't have to work hard. Such a person is useless.

Just about to change the formation, the situation has changed.

The black snakes flooding the formations gathered in the middle one after another. After a while, they gathered in a large area, and the black snakes seemed to be especially infiltrating.

Except for those scattered and obstructed by the wall of order, they are basically all together.

Are you planning to focus on one point and launch a thunder blow?

This is what Zhou Shu expects. As the strongest military formation, the eight formations are especially good at encirclement. The more the opponents gather, the more powerful the formation can be. On the contrary, the believers scattered the snakes in each formation as before. The situation, fighting separately, made Zhou Shu a little bit troubled.

But believers know the eight-array map very well, and know the advantages of the eight-array map, so why do they want to bump up?

It seems that he has other ideas.

The black snakes were slowly erected, like weird pillars, arranged around the believers in a patchwork pattern.

After a while, the believers were surrounded by those pillars, and gradually couldn't recognize the shape.

Zhou Shu understood his intentions, even though he was an opponent, he couldn't help but applaud.

Playing against each other, I really can think of it.

Don't break the formation at all, if you want to kill me, come and break my formation.

Although he lost only one-fifth of his strength, he also sensed the crisis from it. If it continued, his strength would only be slowly worn away, so he took a more advantageous method to deal with it.

Just like Zhou Shu, he also used his strength to set up the formation.

However, his formation is not as good as Zhou Shu, and his strength is not as good, so the formation is also very simple, ordinary turtle lock formation.

The formations of the talisman and the eyes are very simple, completely relying on their own strength to support, unlike Zhou Shu's so many changes.

But this tortoise lock formation formed by the power of the corpse, the golden immortals of the mixed yuan may not dare to touch, they dare not break, then his opponent has changed from four to one, and there is no harmony. Entangled in the array, his extravagance is much less restricted than the power of the corpse.

Turning the passive into the active.

Instead of running away, he took advantage.

And the most wonderful thing is that he fought for a while before changing his intentions. If he planned like this from the beginning, Zhou Shu could use the eight formations to squeeze his tortoise lock formations, and at the expense of a piece of jade and stone. But now, a lot of the power of the extravagant corpse is trapped in the eight formation map, and he can't move easily. If it moves, it means that all the previous arrangements have failed, and he will start again, and he will never again Give Zhou Shu the opportunity to build an eight-line map.

It's been a long time since I met an opponent that caused him a headache.

If the main body is here, it should be very satisfying, it is the kind of satisfaction that the opponent has a lot of wisdom but can't win, but for the soul shadow, it is a trouble, not a small trouble.

The power of the soul shadow is not enough, and the reincarnation is lost.

As for the power of order, the soul shadow transforms itself, it is not enough, and maintaining the eight formations is the limit.

Several people in the formation also noticed something wrong, why suddenly there is no opponent? Where are those black snakes?

"Come out."

Hearing the sound transmission, there was another door in front of them, and several people were stagnant, and walked out of the formation one after another.

"What's wrong, does he have a way to deal with us?"

"General, has he been beaten to admit defeat?"

"Don't fight anymore, great!"

Standing in front of Zhou Shu, the winter solstice expression was solemn, Hao Xiaoxin was a little proud, Xu Jiang was relieved.

Zhou Shu didn't answer, and let them see for themselves.

Staring at the pile of black pillars in the stone formation, several people were stunned.

The winter solstice is the quickest to understand, his face is more solemn, "This guy is so smart, and he won't escape without breaking the formation. This tortoise lock formation is not made with the power of extravagance than the corpse? That's not easy. There is no array talisman, you can only head to head."

Xu Jiang hesitated, "Well, forget it."

He is really timid.

Hao Xiaoxin only looked at Zhou Shu, "General, I will do what you say."

Zhou Shu groaned, "Winter Solstice is right. The formation of this kind of power is different from the general formation. Even if you fully understand the situation, you have to fight it hard if you want to break it. You can only use your strength to harden it~www.ltnovel.com~ Two, one immortal law and five elements law, the effect is not great, winter solstice, you are practicing the law of destruction, right?"

The winter solstice is not surprised, "The general has a good eye, the old man can't be compared with the corpse."

Zhou Shu paused, "Then what can you do?"

The winter solstice shook his head slightly, "I'm afraid we can't help it. The three of us must work together to grind out the tortoise and fight the strong. It will take at least half a year or more. It may be unsuccessful if exhausted, but if the general takes action, It may be done in a few days. The law of order for the general's cultivation is much higher than the power of the extravagant corpse. Alas, this time I am afraid that we can't compete with the general."

"This... how is this good?"

Xu Jiang became anxious when he heard about the money.

Hao Xiaoxin hesitated, "We can always help."

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