Fairy Winner

Chapter 3078: You must die

"Then go, follow me in."

Zhou Shu didn't say anything, and walked slowly into the eight formations.

Several people followed, and wanted to see how Zhou Shu did it.

The winter solstice said thoughtfully, "If your Excellency is really a general of the Hachi country, why don't you let the Hachi clan come and help?"

Hao Xiaoxin also thought, "Yeah, there are so many people and powerful, so let's kill the believer first. As for the remuneration, the general will be the master and we will have less points."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "They can't."

If you can use the words of the Haechi clan, why did Zhou Shu persuade Dongzhi to use Xu Jiang for such an unreliable golden fairy?

Letting the Hachi clan help, it means that Hachi will definitely know about this, and if Fu Guo knows that Zhou Shu deliberately killed the believers before he comes, Fu Guo's personal feeling is hard to say, Zhou Shu and Hachi Most of the relations between countries will change, and even lead to the breakdown of the alliance, so the Hachis cannot be helped.

Zhou Shu originally took the risk to kill the believer.

Haezhi country didn't know this, so it was easy to say.

This matter can be pushed to the people of the winter solstice. Others killed the believer ahead of time. It has nothing to do with yourself. It not only solves the trouble of the corpse, but also does not affect the relationship between Xianshucheng and Hachi country. As for Hachi Will the family in the country find trouble with the winter solstice and others...

Just look for it, which is also a good thing.

Walking to the turtle lock formation, Zhou Shuli stopped, "You are ready to prepare."


Xu Jiang was stunned, "Should we do it?"

The winter solstice frowned, "If we are a few of us, it may be half a year, the general really feels right? The old man feels wrong."

He is definitely not willing to exhaust his power here. As a person on the list, he must have strength at all times to feel safe.

Hao Xiaoxin just nodded and geared up.

Zhou Shu calmly took out a flying sword, "I will assist you."

This is the best plan after deduction.

With the consumption of the soul shadow head-to-head, the soul shadow is definitely hard to protect, and it is impossible to rely on other people, except for Hao Xiaoxin, the other two will not use their full strength at all. Besides relying on them, time is too late. At most four days later, the auxiliary country will arrive.

The power of Shu is transformed, and the mark of Zhu Rong is blessed, so that their power has the power of the sun.

The power of the sun is better than the power of the corpse, and with their own power, breaking the tortoise lock formation, it should not take two days to break the formation.

Of course, there are problems with this, and there are future problems, but now, it can only be so.

Several people were very puzzled, but after seeing the mark on Feijian, the doubt turned into shock, even fear.

"General, are you from the Wizard God?"

"How could the mark of the witch **** be engraved on the practitioner's sword, and the holder is still a general of the Haze country, this...I don't understand at all?"

The winter solstice didn't say a word, but his face was ashen as a medicine cartridge, and it would burst when touched.

Zhou Shu didn't explain much, "Listen to me, I promise you can break through."

"Hey Hey!"

The Winter Solstice still couldn't help it, and he sneered loudly, "Are you also a believer of the witch god? This time looking for the scorpion is an internal matter of your witch god, but you want us to help? You want to push all the responsibility on us Go, we will also be facing the wrath of the wizard god, right?"

"The old man won't accompany me!"

After speaking, he turned his head and left, Xu Jiang heard the sound, followed behind, and muttered, "No wonder you will let us come, and don't want the bounty, because you don't need it at all, and we won't be able to use it."

Hao Xiaoxin was also stunned, but did not speak.

Zhou Shu didn't stop, and smiled faintly, "Do you feel involved in a big conspiracy?"

The winter solstice paused and said coldly, "Isn't it?"

"It's not that complicated, you guys think too much," Zhou Shu was very calm, holding Feijian, "I am not a believer of any god, of course Zhu Rong is included. I will say this in front of the imprint, Zhu Rong, I want to use your power to deal with Shebi corpse, but I will never believe you, will you help? If you have something in the future, you can just find me, and you won't have to find anyone else."

After speaking, he glanced at a few people, "You believe it?"

The look of the winter solstice gradually recovered, and he couldn't help but believe it. He had never heard of a witch **** believer who said this in front of the witch god.

Everyone knows that the imprint is far closer to the witch **** than the altar, and there is not much difference between before the imprint and in front of the witch god.

He was no longer angry, but he was more puzzled, "Who are you on earth?"

If he said such rude words in front of the witch god, wouldn't he be afraid that the witch **** would use his mark against him? This place is not far from the witch world, and it is not difficult for the witch gods and generals, even if he sees a small Zhurong suddenly jump out of the mark now, he will not be surprised.

"Don't care who I am."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Winter Solstice, we should meet again in the future, it will not hurt you to make a bond in the future."

The winter solstice stature was stagnant. This was a sign of good, and it was also a threat. At this time, he seemed to have no other choice. Instead, he said loudly, "Good! Today, the old man will accompany the general. Life!"

Hao Xiaoxin followed, "I'm naturally fine!"

Xu Jiang hesitated, "I'm fine."

Now there is the witch **** participating, with Zhu Rong's help, and there is no need to back the pot, so there is nothing to worry about.

"I have a question!"

The sound of rapid dissatisfaction came from the turtle lock array.

With Zhu Rong's strength, the believer's confidence fell from the cliff to the bottom.

"You said that I believe in the corpse and pursue the power of witchcraft. Are you not the same? What qualifications do you have to call me!"

It seemed to be roaring, full of anger, as if you could feel the angry and distorted face behind the pillar.

Zhou Shu was very calm, "The imprint is on the sword. I stated clearly from the beginning that it is to use Zhu Rong's power. I will not be affected by Zhu Rong, and you... I will not be mistaken. You already have extravagant corpse lines on your face. , That’s why you wear a mask."

The sound suddenly stopped, the air seemed to freeze, and the breath was as long as a year.

The believer's voice was a little hoarse and a little desperate, "How did you know?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Subi corpse pattern is a pattern that can only be produced when even the soul has accepted the power of the corpse. It officially shows that you have become a believer of the corpse. It is impossible to violate the corpse again. The lines will disappear in twenty years. The lines on your face are already very shallow and very shallow. If in a few years or even a few days, no one will see them... Well, it is a pity that before it disappears, I Here comes."

At the moment when he perceives the believer ~www.ltnovel.com~, Zhou Shu saw the corpse pattern of Shebi, and made up his mind to kill him.

Shebi corpse pattern is an important criterion for identification of believers. Hachi country took him back and hid for a few years, then he could use his lack of Shebi corpse pattern to tease himself, saying that he was only bewitched for a while, and the spirit still belongs to him. To save it, it’s not necessary to kill. This is very likely. After all, he comes from the family of practitioners most trusted by the Hachi tribe, but in fact, he is already a believer in the Sabi Corpse. No matter how self-control he is, he cannot change it. .

Zhou Shu would not give him a chance, he would not give Haze Country this chance, and would never let the followers of Shebi Corpse affect Xianshu City.

"So you must die."

The voice was calm, but the killing intent was like tide, turbulent.

(Ps: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, and thank you friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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