Fairy Winner

Chapter 3080: Uneasy

After half a day.

Without any suspense, the turtle lock formation collapsed.

The previously turbulent and mighty power of the corpse completely disappeared.

A figure was revealed, and beneath his feet was a mask broken into countless pieces.

With a long body and a cold face, you can vaguely see that on the pale face, there are many small lines gently crawling, a bit like blood vessels under the skin, but the blood is black.

"This is the Sabi Corpse Line, right?"

Hao Xiaoxin looked strangely, "General, you are really accurate."

Zhou Shu ignored him, took the flying sword, and took a look. The Zhu Rong mark on it was not dimmed, but brighter. Zhu Rong's strength has strengthened, and this incident is probably also a "future problem."

"A group of defeated generals."

The believer looked at everyone coldly, with a look of disdain.

Xu Shi knows that he will die, and his mood does not matter.

Hao Xiaoxin was upset, "Look at the general, you are still taunting us when you are about to die, it's so hateful!"

"General? Ridiculous!"

The believer's gaze fell on Zhou Shu, and slowly said, "Are you from the auxiliary country or from the town country?"

Zhou Shu was very calm, "It doesn't matter who it is, no matter who it is, you can't escape death."

The believer sneered, "Death? I will never die! You will never know what power Shebi corpse gave me! And you, sooner or later you will regret today! Generals, **** generals, are all of our families. of……"

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Are there any other last words?"

The believer stopped and laughed wildly, "I will come back to seek revenge from you, just wait for that day, I will kill you, but I will kill everyone around you first to make you feel... Hahaha !"

"Laugh when you do it."

Zhou Shuxin looked at him indifferently, and slowly raised his hand.

"and many more!"

Xu Jiang suddenly shouted, "General, if you want to kill him, how should we receive the reward? Just relying on a corpse, the immortal world may not believe it, right?"

Hao Xiaoxin touched his head, "That's what I said, but I think the general must have a way."

"You are really stupid."

Winter Solstice unconsciously sneered, and said contemptuously, "Also bounty hunter, don't know anything! Actually want to take the corpse to receive the reward, hehe!"

Hao Xiaoxin was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Watch it carefully."

He opened the bow without turning back the arrow, and when he raised his hand, he would not let it go. A solid and comfortable force went straight to the believer.

"Remember, my name is Lu Yi, and I will definitely find you...Uh!"

Before he finished speaking, he stopped abruptly and fell stiffly. Shu Zhili strangled his throat and cut all his vitality.

Hao Xiaoxin looked at the believer, and when he was still wondering what to see for himself, he saw things he didn't want to see.


With a soft sound, a crack suddenly cracked on the believer's face, and a slender black snake slowly emerged.

The black snake spit out the letter and made a sizzling noise, and the tongue was also black, and the tip of the tongue was still forked.

Suddenly the tongue grew longer, and it rolled towards the face of the believer, and suddenly a piece of flesh and blood was rolled away, and the tongue curled up the flesh and blood and sent it to the mouth, repeatedly.

After every piece of flesh and blood is eaten, the black snake grows bigger.

After eating, the head ate the body, as if he had never eaten food in his entire life, but for hundreds of breaths, the believer was eaten so that there was no bone left. The original place was only a black snake several feet long, his head held high. With blood-red eyes open, he looked at everyone.

Hao Xiaoxin's mind suddenly shocked as if something had strangled his throat, and he couldn't help taking a half step back.

"This...what the **** is this?"

"As a believer of Sabi Corpse, everything belongs to Sabi Corpse. Even if you die, you must dedicate yourself to Sabi Corpse."

Zhou Shu was very plain, "This snake is something you want to bring back to the immortal world. It is said that the corpse snake has not appeared in the world for a long time, and the immortal world will not hesitate to award it, but I remind you not to think otherwise. "

Hao Xiaoxin hesitated, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Shu pointed to the believer who no longer existed, "Feeding snakes with gods and souls may be able to obtain the inheritance of the corpse, and the power of the corpse like him, maybe even the memory of the believer, come to me for revenge. ."

He spoke frankly, without a trace of fear.

Whenever he does something, he follows his heart and assumes cause and effect.

Retaliation, then Lu Yi really wanted too much, would Zhou Shu be afraid of him? Had it not been for only a soul shadow here, Zhou Shu would have pinched him to death.

Of course, take precautions, Lu Yi's family, he will definitely investigate it afterwards.

Hao Xiaoxin shook his body and shook his head hurriedly, "Who would feed snakes with spirits! I don't want to be such a ghost!"

Winter Solstice laughed, "I won't wait for it naturally, the general is too worried."

The black snake seemed to have heard Zhou Shu's words, cast a bitter look at it, and then bent over, suddenly jumped up, and flew out like lightning.

"Ah, escaped!"

Hao Xiaoxin hurried to catch up.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Those who can't escape, even people can't escape from the Eighth Formation, just become a snake?"

After a while, the black snake was sent over.

Floating in the air, as if frozen, his body stiffened, his blood-red eyes lost energy, and a layer of white smoke was covered.

Zhou Shu was too lazy to take a look, "Which one of you can hold it, put it in a separate jade box~www.ltnovel.com~ in the Wanfang Ring."

Xu Jiang came up first, but hesitated to take it, "Can't you run?"

"Useless things!"

With a cold snort in the winter solstice, he grabbed the black snake straight in his hand, took out a jade box and put it in the Wanfang Ring, "Didn't you see it? It has been completely sealed by the power of order, even if you want to let it go. I can't let it go!"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Yes, as long as you don't let it go, and you don't need a fresh soul to help it recover, it will definitely not wake up."

"Then I can hold it."

Xu Jiang looked at the winter solstice eagerly and whispered, "You won't take it alone to receive the reward, will you?"

"The old man is also afraid that you will go to the immortal realm and indicate the identity of the old man!"

The winter solstice said with disdain, "The old man is not a villain, and the old man only wants to cancel the ranking of the list, and other things, the old man does not look up. When the ranking is cancelled, it will be given to you. Then... Hao Xiaoxin, you find I want to."

Hao Xiaoxin nodded quickly, "Don't worry, I can trust you, and I will come to you together then."

"Just took it away?"

Xu Jiang wanted to say something more, but looked at the expressions of the two of them and didn't say any more.

Zhou Shu raised his hand and said, "The matter is almost over. In the winter solstice, you'd better leave early and don't have other things in the Yunquan world. Hao Xiaoxin, Xu Jiang, you stay for a day, I have something to ask you."

"Needless to say, the old man is going to leave too."

In the winter solstice, he bowed his hands to the courtesy, but he was quite respectful, "Whether you are a general or something else, I hope I have another chance to meet again next time."

He didn't hesitate anymore, turned and left, and disappeared in a flash.

Hao Xiaoxin and Xu Jiang stayed where they were, looking at each other, not knowing what else Zhou Shu had to do, they were uneasy.

(PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of Dream Wuhen 33, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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