Fairy Winner

Chapter 3081: Best fell

Looking at Zhou Shu who was putting together the eight formations, Hao Xiaoxin hesitated, "General, what else is there?"


Zhou Shu paused, "What's the situation in Liangmiao Country now? Xu Jiang should know."

Xu Jiang came over quickly, "Know some, not too much. I have only been there for less than 20 years."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "There are many practitioners over there?"

Xu Jiang thought about it for a while, "It's not a lot. There are seven realms in the Liangmiao Country. One realm prohibits practitioners from entering. I have been to the other six. The boundaries of the Liangmiao Country are very close. It’s also convenient, it looks like hundreds of practitioners."

Zhou Shu nodded, "What do the practitioners do there? All the immortal world requires?"

Xu Jiang shook his head, "The Immortal Realm did not say that the Liangmiao Kingdom came, but that is the realm of the witch gods. How can this kind of thing be said? I heard others say that it is very good to make immortal jade here, and if you are lucky, you can become a realm. Lord, successfully promoted..."

Zhou Shu frowned, "Who did you hear, be more detailed."

"Elder Lei Tong of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, I have some friendship with him. I heard him say so much, so I will try our luck. We wandering hunters, wherever we have money, we go wherever we are, and the witch gods don’t care, and during that time I also heard that Zhou Shu was here," Xu Jiang smiled bitterly, "Maybe it was late, and I didn’t encounter any good things at all. I was deceived by them. I wandered around all day, and I didn’t even have a place to practice. The Miao State Council issued some tasks, but there were no good rewards for the ones that could be grabbed, and the ones that were good for rewards could not be done at all. Anything that went to Hachi country would be destroyed, persuade, etc., wouldn’t that mean sending him to death? To come and hunt Xiaohan, I would have gone back long ago."

It is not surprising to hear these Zhou Shu.

On the surface, Haze and Liangmiao have stabilized, but they must be fighting over and under.

The Liangmiao country has been thinking about destroying the Hachi country. Isn't that the Hachi country?

He paused, "Most of the cultivators in Liangmiao Country belong to Ten Thousand Soul Sect?"

Xu Jiang thought for a while and said, "There are many Ten Thousand Soul Sects, many of the Sacred Fire Gates, and a few in Shushan. The rest are just like me to try luck."

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "Is there no one in the Suspension Bell Sect? Impossible, you can talk about the specific practitioners in the Liangmiao Kingdom, and how many Hunyuan Jinxian there are, just say the one in charge of the sect, and nothing else."

Xu Jiang was stunned, his face turned pale, "Where do I know so much, General, I am a hunter of the iron flag gate, and I can't go to secret places. I don't know many people. I don't know the information you want. Can't get it."

Zhou Shu's expression grew colder, "I don't know at all?"

Xu Jiang's face turned paler, and after thinking for a while, he said, "I haven't seen people from the Suspension Bell Sect, but I heard that there are some. They should be in the Liangmiao Realm, where most of us can't go, the Ten Thousand Soul Sect seems to have one. The elder Baiyin named Pan Xin is here, and the celestial pole is ranked 920th. He is in charge of many affairs. By the way, several elders from the Ten Thousand Soul Sect have recently come here. They are the elders of Qingyin. There are more than ten Hunyuan Golden Immortals in the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, and they seem to be planning to do something."

"Are you going to deal with Hazhi Country?"

"I also think so, I plan to mix with them, but I waited for a long time and no task was sent."

Xu Jiang shook his head, as if thinking of something, "Yunliu, the first person of the new generation in the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, is also here, and the master is the elder Xianting."

Hao Xiaoxin couldn't help but interject, "Ah, such an important person also came to Liangmiao Country? His cultivation level should not be high, the border area is not a good place for experience, there is a mixture of fish and dragons, what if something happens to him, he is not afraid Did it cause the immortal world war? Ten Thousand Soul Sect really has no idea.

Xu Jiang hesitated, "Who knows, but I think he may not come for Ten Thousand Soul Sect, he has his own business."

Hao Xiaoxin said disdainfully, "As if you knew him."

"I met him once before I came, and he is very nice," Xu Jiang did not deny. "It was a bit weird to say. At that time, in Linshan Realm, the Sacred Fire Gate and the Ten Thousand Soul Sect had a fierce quarrel, and they were about to fight. He drank on the side and didn't help, as if Ten Thousand Soul Sect had nothing to do with him, he seemed very alienated."


Hao Xiaoxin was very puzzled, "I heard that Yunliu is the most hopeful newcomer of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect to succeed the Sect Master. How could he ignore the matter of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect and don't want to be the Sect Master? Also, what about the Ten Thousand Soul Sect and the Holy Fire Sect? It's a fight? Isn't the Sacred Fire Sect most listen to the words of the sect in charge?"

"That's why I feel weird, Yunliu might have something to do with Ten Thousand Soul Sect."

Xu Jiang shook his head slightly, "But I don't know exactly what it is. As for the Ten Thousand Soul Sect and the Sacred Fire Sect, the two factions have recently had a gap, and they are always arguing. There have been fights several times. I think it will be a while. , The people at the Sacred Fire Gate must leave Liangmiao Country."

Hao Xiaoxin said unconsciously, "Sacred Fire Gate is trying to usurp the throne."

"Who doesn't want it?"

Xu Jiang's expression condensed slightly, "The Ten Thousand Soul Sect is the weakest in the Sect, and the Sacred Fire Gate is getting stronger and stronger. I heard that they have another Dharma King who has been promoted to Quasi-Holy. It’s a holy sage, and there seem to be only seven Ten Thousand Soul Sects? Although there are still two, but they can almost fight it. If someone supports them, they seem to be very close to Shushan recently. Mission, they are all together."

Hao Xiaoxin paused, "I said, Brother Xu~www.ltnovel.com~ How do you notice these things, and they still look like? Care'?"

"Isn't this the general asking?"

Xu Jiang said with some emotion, "And I thought about it,...it's not good to always catch the murderer. In the future, we will still find a place to live. It is difficult for people like us to build a fairy city or something."

Hao Xiaoxin smiled unconsciously, "Hehe, then do you want to go to the Ten Thousand Soul Sect or the Sacred Fire Gate, Shushan must be difficult."

"I didn't think about it. If the Sacred Fire Sect can win, go to the Sacred Fire Sect, if the Ten Thousand Soul Sect holds the position of the sect in charge, then go to the Ten Thousand Soul Sect..." Xu Jiang stagnated, and unconsciously said his inner thoughts. He quickly looked at Zhou Shu and said with a smile, "General, what else do you want to ask?"

Zhou Shu was thinking about the problem and ignored him for a while.

When he was in Xianshu City before, he had seen Yunliu, and he could see that Yunliu was the kind of person with arrogance in his bones but humble and peaceful appearance, and he got along well with those Ten Thousand Soul Sect elders. How did he go to Liangmiao? The country has become a denial of the six relatives. Is this going to oppose Ten Thousand Soul Sect?

What happened between this?

As for the battle between the Holy Fire Gate and the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, he knew very well, to be precise, it had a lot to do with him.

Of course he wanted to help the Sacred Fire Sect now, but the Ten Thousand Soul Sect was the best, and everyone was happy.

Xu Jiang thought that Zhou Shu was angry, and said quickly, "General, no matter where I go, I will definitely not be detrimental to Hachi Country, I promise!"

"It doesn't matter where you go."

Zhou Shu raised his head and glanced at him, then threw something away, "Xu Jiang, I don’t see that you know a lot of news. I will give you the token of Xiaohan. What else do you know? Let’s talk and listen."

"Good, good!"

After receiving the incomplete token, Xu Jiang's eyes lit up and nodded busy.

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