Fairy Winner

Chapter 3082: Thank you Santo

More than half an hour passed soon.

Xu Jiang said with a bitter face, "General, I really know everything I can say, and there is nothing more to say."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "That's it, right, do you want to go back to Liangmiao Country again and help me do something by the way?"


Xu Jiang's face changed suddenly.

Having said so much news is not enough, this general is still planning to let himself be a spy?

"Forget it, let me just talk about it," Zhou Shu smiled, "You can go wherever you want, but it's better not to stay in Hachi country."

Still a reminder, they are different from the winter solstice.

Xu Jiang breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said, "General, I will be leaving soon and will never come again."

Hao Xiaoxin hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Me too, I will not go to Liangmiao Country, nor will I stay in Hachi Country."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Then leave, do you want me to send it?"

The two were stagnant, and soon bowed to leave.

Xu Jiang flew extremely fast, he just wanted to leave quickly, but Hao Xiaoxin flew a few steps, then turned around and saluted, "Thank you, general this time!"

His sincerity can be seen from the look in his eyes, and it may be available in the future.

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, without speaking.

Watching them leave Yunquan Realm, Zhou Shu began to clear the battlefield.

It was quickly arranged. The traces of a great battle were very clear. There were still remnants of the power of destruction and the power of the corpse. Several small storms were formed, and they were still strangling. Anyone can see that it happened here. what.

Of course, the power of the sun and the power of order are not there, and the eight formations have never existed.

Leave the underground and go to the Dead Sea to wait for the arrival of the auxiliary country.

Two days later, Fu Guo Xie Zheng appeared in Yunquan Realm, and Zhou Shu was discovered not long after.

It was still the Yan front hole, and said in a deep voice, "City Lord Zhou, where are the believers of Shebi Corpse?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "It's okay, it's dead."


Xie Zheng's expression immediately changed, staring at Zhou Shu intently, with surprise in his eyes, but there were some other emotions, whether it was anger or happiness, Zhou Shu couldn't see it, and didn't want to see it.

"Fuguo, Xiaohan, and the Winter Solstice are all here."

Zhou Shu was very calm, "The believer caught Xiao Han, and the winter solstice took someone to fight him. Finally, the believer died. Several people died there. I am sure that the believer died because I saw the Sabi Corpse Snake. The snake was finally taken away by them."

Xie Zheng took a deep breath, "Zhou Shu, have you been watching them fight, or did you only find out later?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I know, but I didn't care about it, and didn't tell the guards here, the immortal world, the corpse, and the dog biting the dog. Why bother? No matter who dies, it doesn't hurt. On the contrary, I am happy. Would you still want to leave that extravagant corpse snake? Are you right, Fu Guo?"

Xie Zheng stared at Zhou Shu, seeming to suppress his anger, "I know you can leave it alone, but don't you think you should ask first? Does he have any accomplices? Where did he get the inheritance of the extravaganza? What should I do if this happens."

Zhou Shu looked at him, "Fu Guo, you don't have to ask him to get answers to these things."

Xie Zheng completely suppressed his anger and said blankly, "What did Zhen Guo say to you?"

"Zhenguo only said a word, which made me think that if you want to investigate, it is better to investigate from within Haze."

Zhou Shu is very frank. There is no need to conceal this. As long as he killed Lu Yi and Hazhi country could not find evidence, then he said nothing would affect the covenant, and it would be better to express his ideas directly. The country knows that people are murdered, the nature is different, and it is not suitable to say anything.

Xie Zheng remained silent, as if something was brewing.

"In fact, the most troublesome thing in Yunquan Realm is not the believers of Shebi Corpse, but here."

Zhou Shu pointed to the sea, and the sea slowly split into two halves, as if separated by two invisible walls, extending for hundreds of miles, and at the end, a whirlpool surrounded by a touch of blood was fully revealed.

"The door of God's descent? How could it be here!"

Staring at the whirlpool, Xie Zheng's expression turned pale.

He has not experienced the war of the year, but Hachei has left many records about the gate of God's descent. As an auxiliary country, he keeps it in mind.

"This gate of God's descent should still be usable, that is to say, the witch **** can send envoys to Haze country through this gate at any time, and..." Zhou Shu's expression was extremely solemn, "I first discovered that shebi The location of the corpse believer is nearby. I very much suspect that the Sabi corpse believer has discovered the door of God's surrender. If he tells the corpse witch **** about this again, the auxiliary country should know what will happen."

Xie Zheng couldn't hold back any longer, and yelled, "The Lu family has such a scum!"

Zhou Shu seemed to understand something, and said slowly, "Does the Lu family? I don't know what family it is, but I will also investigate the matter clearly. The emergence of Shebi corpse believers in Hazhi country is not only affecting Hazhi country. , It also has an impact on my Xiancheng, Fu Guo, I am worried that something will happen to the Lu family, and I must guard against it."

Xie Zheng glanced at him and said solemnly, "The old man has completed the investigation and will give you a copy of the result."

Zhou Shu nodded, "It's so best. I'm waiting for the news from the auxiliary country~www.ltnovel.com~This gate of God's descent, what the auxiliary country intends to do, if it is to be destroyed, I am afraid it will take some effort."

"The city lord does not need to worry, someone will come soon, and the old man will never allow it to stay here again."

Xie Zheng raised his hand and said sincerely, "The city lord helped us find such a serious problem in Hazhi Country. I really don't know how to be grateful."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "The auxiliary country is too polite. As a firm ally, I must take into account the interests of the two companies in everything I do. I am naturally responsible for this kind of thing. I must tell you where I can use it. thank."

"Don't worry, as long as you are there, the covenant between Xianshu City and Hachi Country cannot be changed."

Reading the meaning of Zhou Shu's words, Xie Zheng also expressed his position without hesitation.

Zhou Shu's handling of believers made him a little dissatisfied, but the incident of the door of God's descent was enough to completely eliminate that dissatisfaction.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "The rest of the matter, I will trouble the auxiliary country to deal with it, do you want me to take you to the place where the believer died? Not far away, I have already let Xie Mao Xie Dun guard there. ."

Xie Zheng shook his head, "I'll just go see it myself later, where are you going? Liangmiao Country?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Forget it, you can't enter in this way. I will go back after turning around the border of Hachi Country. By the way, I will help you to see if there is a gate of God descending. thing."

Xie Zheng thanked him again, "Then thank you City Lord."

Zhou Shu took out the general's token and handed it over, and said with a smile, "Well, please return the auxiliary country to Zhenguo. I have already told him."

Xie Zheng declined, "You don't need it? You should be able to use it in Hachi country."

"I just want to take a look at it, and I'm afraid of losing it, so I left."

Zhou Shu raised his hand, his figure fluttered into the air and disappeared.

Xie was meditating on the spot for a long time before leaving slowly.

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