Fairy Winner

Chapter 3088: Not trivial

"Old Xie, what's the situation?"

"Confirmed, it was the Lin family who led Wu Fang."

"He is at Lin's house now?"

"Yes, it's not clear where it is, but this kind of Da Luo Jinxian who has just been caught doesn't usually stay in my home."

"Mining? Cultivation to make fairy jade?"

"It's not that bitter, usually after being stamped and released, doing things for the Lin family, making talisman refining tools, or doing business."

"Use it as a high-level slave."

"Almost, it was originally captured by Hachi Country. It is impossible to make them comfortable."

Zhou Shu nodded, seemingly enlightened, but let go of his heart.

If he is not at home, it will be easier for him, so he doesn't need to break in.

He said solemnly, "Thank you, I'm going to the SkyKey Realm."

Xie Xun had expected Zhou Shu to say this a long time ago, and said calmly, "Is this Wu Fang very important to you?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Very important."

Xie Xun didn't ask much, and said in a condensed voice, "Zhou Shu, the Tiankey Realm is very guarded. Except for those three, other practitioners are forbidden to enter, but the old man can help you in. Don't worry about that."

Zhou Shu stopped slightly, "Thank you, thank you."

Xie Xun thought for a while and said, "Well, when are you going to leave? I'll find a reason to go back."

A few hours later, the two were already on the road.

Zhou Shu seemed to say unconsciously, "Fu Guo already knows about this, right?"

Xie Xun stared at the front and said calmly, "Yes, if you want to bring people to the country, you can't hide from him."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "What are your plans, or what do you want me to do?"

"You are so calm."

Xie Xun turned around, a little surprised.

Zhou Shu smiled, "Since the first three imperial families are firmly in control of the capital, it is impossible for them not to know that I have entered the capital, and Mr. Xie, you promised too readily. You should be ready to confront them, haha For the first time in so many years, a practitioner from the three imperial families has entered the capital. If you don’t plan to do something with this, it would be a waste of opportunity, right?"

Xie Xun stood still, and said slowly, "Zhou Shu, it is a pity that you don't come out to make trouble."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "This is not a mess, it's a mutually beneficial thing, I'm happy to help."

He doesn't want to interfere in Haze Country, but if Haze Country has its own problems, why can't he choose the side that is better for him?

Although the three imperial families were cultivators, they had already become enemies, and it was almost impossible to save them. Besides, Zhou Shu never cared about the differences between races. Besides, Zhen Guo Fu Guo were all people who could make friends, so it was clear where he stood.

Xie Xun looked solemn, "Zhou Shu, are you really willing to help? This matter is no small matter."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Aren't you going to launch military remonstrance?"

Xie Xun slowly said, "It may or may not be, but we do plan to change the idea of ​​the country's lord, at least to drastically reduce the rights of the three."

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "You said a few days ago that there is no way, that changes will happen so soon, is the decision made by the auxiliary country?"

"In fact, we have had this idea for a long time. It's just that our four generals did not agree. I walked close to Huguo, and Fuguo and Weiguo were on the other side, but now..." Xie Xun hesitated. Sincerely, "I would like to thank you as well. Perhaps it is because of the alliance with you that made the four of us trust each other more. What we couldn't do in the past should be done now."

"The Butterfly Effect?"

Zhou Shu unconsciously brought out a smile, "I am not complacent."

Xie Xun said contemptuously, "I didn't say that to you either. What does it mean to say that the butterfly smiles? Does the butterfly laugh too?"

Zhou Shu smiled, as if thinking of something, "So, Fu Guo specially sent Xie Sheng to me..."

Xie Xun said frankly, "Fu Guo does mean to preserve the blood. If it really fails, the results of our old guys will be hard to say, and among the four generals, only Fu Guo has his son."

"I see, it's broken."

Zhou Shu was more serious, "What are you going to do?"

Xie Xun paused, "There are two plans. The first is to hand you over, saying that you are the murderer who killed Lu Yi, and then use the matter to make trouble and ask the Lord of the Kingdom to discuss the matter, and take the three scourges collected in the past. Bring out all the evidence from the country and persuade the country's lord to take extreme measures when necessary. The second is..."

He hesitated for a long time, but the second plan was still unspoken.

Zhou Shu suddenly laughed, "There is no second plan at all, right?"

Xie Xun's face blushed, "I'm sorry, we think you are just a ghost, the problem shouldn't be big."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "If you give me a surprise attack, I might really hate you, Mr. Xie, do you plan to do this?"

"of course not!"

Xie Xun shook his head quickly, "Before I get to the SkyKey Realm, I will definitely tell you something. I was waiting for the opportunity, but I didn't expect you to tell it directly."

Zhou Shu nodded, "It's okay. I won't bother with this. It has great benefits and don't care about this little bit. The first plan is indeed good. It is also rare for you to come up with it so quickly. I can help you. Fang~www.ltnovel.com~ I must get it, and after it’s done, I need more assistance from Hachi Country."

"Regardless of whether things are successful or not, I guarantee this."

Xie Xun agreed very seriously, "On the side of the auxiliary country, you will act before you enter the city, and all the practitioners who put the Lin family outside will be taken down. As for assistance, the side of the auxiliary country has already said that as long as the power of the first three families can be weakened , Xianshu City will definitely get more benefits from the covenant."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "You are really ready to break your face, then I have to think about how to cooperate."

Xie Xun hurriedly said, "If you have any ideas, it will definitely help us a lot. Fuguo also hopes to get your guidance. He said, you handled the Yunquan realm very well. , Except for a small omission at the end."


Zhou Shu thought for a few breaths, the past scene clearly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and quickly realized, "Is it because of the traces left on the scene, only the power of destruction? That is my negligence."

"It's hard to deal with Shebi corpse by the power of destruction alone. If the people of the Lu family see it, it will definitely be against you, but you can rest assured that Fu Guo has helped you solve it," Xie Xun smiled." Of course the situation is different now, and it doesn’t make sense to say this."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "I understand, but I still have to thank Fu Guo."

I did deal with it hastily, but it seemed that there was no other way if I didn't do this. Whether it was the power of the sun or the power of order, it might be counted on me in the end.

Is there anyone besides himself who can master these powers around Hazhi country?

The stronger the ability, the harder it is to conceal one's identity. The only solution is to make fewer shots, or to train more people. Many things cannot be done by yourself.

(PS: Thank you Mao Dao Tianxia for your continuous support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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