Fairy Winner

Chapter 3089: It's really tough

Xie Xun pointed to the front, "The front is the ear circle world, and after that, it is the sky key world."

"It's so fast."

Zhou Shu smiled, "It's coming soon without knowing it."

"What's faster?"

Xie Xun turned around, his face still gloomy, "Zhou Shu, I asked you many times along the way, but you didn't express any opinions. What do you think? We all know what you have done over the years. Let me admire it. Your opinion will definitely help us, but you don’t seem to care about it at all. It’s very relaxed. It’s almost here, and nothing has changed."

Zhou Shu was very calm, "Xie Lao, I have said it several times, I don't know the situation in the Sky Key Realm, just listen to you."

Xie Xun paused, "You don't have any opinions? You obviously have many ways, and you can win by surprise every time."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "If you say yes, it means taking one step at a time and adapting to changes."

Xie Xun frowned, his face darkened again, "I can't do anything with you, alas! Do you know how important this matter is for us to Haze Country? Your indifferent attitude will definitely make Fu Guo angry. , I don’t know if I should take you there."

"Because this matter is so important, you shouldn't rely on me."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "You have worked hard for at least thousands of years in order to change the situation in Hachi Country. I don’t know how much you have paid. If I, a sudden outsider, can replace your efforts for so many years, then this Is there any chance of success?"

Xie Xun was shocked, "You..."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Thank you, you think too much, you really don’t need it. Since the auxiliary country has decided to launch military remonstrations, he must have made all-out preparations. As for me, it is just a dispensable opportunity. You need I didn’t do too much. On the contrary, if I act arbitrarily or change the plan of the auxiliary country, it may look better and more feasible in your eyes, but the result may be quite different. Are you right, Xie ?"

Xie Xun stood there, thought for a while, nodded, "You are right, I really think too much."

"So, just follow your plan, and I will play my role well and try not to hold back."

Zhou Shu was very calm, "Thank you, take it easy, no matter how big the matter is? It will be solved sooner or later, don't be too persistent."

Xie Xun smiled and did not speak, only the wrinkles on his face were fully unfolded with the smile.

He really thought too much and worried too much, but he lost his care. After he figured it out, he couldn't help but sighed secretly. He was not as transparent as an outsider, no wonder he couldn't be an auxiliary country.

Zhou Shu paused, "It seems that someone is coming."

Xie Xun stared at it, and it took a while before he saw a group of people, "It should be a patrol."

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, "I met the inspector before reaching the SkyKey Realm? Your guard is really strict."

Xie Xun nodded and said in a deep voice, "This has always been the case here. The patrol team is in charge of the first three imperial families. They are all practitioners. The surrounding areas of the Sky Key Realm are all within their patrol range. I will deal with it later, and you can leave it alone."


Zhou Shu agreed.

Before long, a group of six people found Xie Xun and Zhou Shu and hurried over.

It was quickly established. Looking at its position, six people formed a formation and were surrounding them.

The head of the person was a big Luo Jinxian who approached blankly, "Zhenguo, this cultivator, did you bring it?"

Xie Xun said coldly, "Yes."

Da Luo said slowly, "Zhen Guo, you should know..."

"The sky key world does not allow cultivators to enter, except for you, the old man knows, but is this the sky key world!?" Xie Xun's eyes were awe-inspiring, "do your business well, don't bother the old man, just go away!"

Majesty is natural, and those people can't help taking a few steps back.

Soon five people left, but the headed Daluo Jinxian stayed behind and said, "Lin Mi has followed the town state, so there is a supporter for the town state affairs."

Xie Xun snorted and took Zhou Shu straight forward.

Lin Mi followed closely, keeping a distance of thousands of miles, not far or near.

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "It's a bit incompatible, Mr. Xie, are you and Sanjia always like this?"

Xie Xun said in a deep voice, "You don't need to give them a good face. This is not the capital of the country. I care about so many, just for cursing, but... the old man can't stop them from following, then the old man is ignorant, alas."

"Haze country is really troublesome."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Xie Lao, you said before that there are no quasi-sages in the first three imperial families, right?"

"If there are quasi-sages, I am afraid they..."

Xie Xun paused, still did not say those words, and a hint of mockery appeared at the corners of his mouth, "Maybe they did too much wrong and were cursed by some witch god? No matter how much resources they used, they still couldn't make it out. Holy."

Zhou Shu was a little puzzled, "If there is no quasi-sage, your four generals should be able to suppress the three?"

"How easy is it? In terms of personal strength, the four of us are stronger than the heads of the three families, but they can’t hold them back." Xie Xun shook his head. The world only knows the first three imperial families, and few people listen to us at all. Even the Haechi tribe is among them. The three of them respond to each other, but we have only four people. How to suppress?"

Zhou Shu Ning thought, "You don't have top strength, but you can control the capital, you are very different from the fairy world."

"In the final analysis, strength is the respect of the fairy world. A quasi-sage comes out, and the other Hunyuan dare not speak, and our side..." Xie Xun just shook his head, "It's different. Hachi country can be established without that. With the help of the three families, when the nation was founded, the Hachi people didn’t understand the rules, so many of the domestic system rules were set by the three families, and naturally they helped them. Many of the Hachi people have learned from the three families since they were young. Dao and Fa Jue, as well as our generals, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are one of the fundamentals of the Haze Nation. It was only necessary for the two sides to be in peace, but now..."

Xie Xun calmly said, "It is really difficult to solve this problem, but if it is not solved now, it will be even more difficult in Haze."

Zhou Shu just nodded. The problem was too complicated, and he couldn't delve into it. "Even the power of the sovereign will be taken away. Then there is no way to bear it. Just do it."

A few days later.

When the two reached the top of the ear circle, Lin Mi still followed behind.

Xie Xun paused ~www.ltnovel.com~Zhou Shu, don't go down, I think they know that some practitioners are here, they will definitely do something in the world. "

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "What hands and feet?"

Xie Xun said slowly, "Thinking to test you, to figure out the purpose of your coming here, they are very careful in this regard, most of them will do it, but they dare not kill, this is not the SkyKey Realm, they have to hesitate. "

"That's right."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Test each other, and I will get to know them, you don't have to worry."

Xie Xun groaned, "Well, don't have any trouble, I'll wait for you outside for two days, and I'll check with Fu Guo."

(Ps: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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