Fairy Winner

Chapter 3090: What are you

Zhou Shu was a little surprised when he first landed on the realm of curling ears.

You can't see such a verdant world in the fairy world.

The boundary is not large, and 95% of the ground is covered by green, and the rest are creeks and rivers, which looks particularly comfortable.

Green all comes from curl ears, a kind of spiritual grass in the Xuanhuang world. It used to be everywhere. It was born lush, white and fruity. Many creatures used it as medicine for food. There are countless poems in the world. Zhou Shu was very I wanted to see it with my own eyes, but the Xuanhuang World was no longer found.

What Xuanhuang World and Immortal World didn't have, but I felt it in Hazhi Country.

I am quite happy to walk around, and I also feel a strange feeling that the culture of my own world needs to be preserved by alien races.

But speaking of it, curling ears is also very useful to the Hachee tribe. I heard that the early Hachee also lived by curling their ears, which is a bit similar to drum worms. It is considered one of the destinies of the Hachee tribe. There are no shales where there is no curling ears. Zhe clan exists.

Of course, this is probably not necessary now.

What can I do if I can cultivate?

The world is very quiet, there are not a few people in sight, but there are several mountains, and occasionally a strong breath will be released.

Should be some strong in seclusion.

Before long, several people suddenly appeared in front of them.

There were two in the previous patrol, and four of them were never seen before.

All are Taiyi Daluo.

Scattered around, round and round Zhou Shu, holding a magic weapon in his hand, with a slight killing intent in his eyes.

So straightforward, it seems that Mr. Xie is not right. Although these three companies have scruples about their opponents in the ear circle, it is clear that there is only one scruples.

"Say, who are you? What are you doing here with Zhen Guo?"

A Taiyi Golden Immortal stood up, his face covered with a layer of black air, which looked particularly terrifying.

Zhou Shu sees if not.

The encirclement in front of him seemed to be nonexistent, so he walked over quietly.

Several people glanced at each other, quite surprised.

They can be considered as well-coordinated, the six forces combined to form a formation, even a Hunyuan Jinxian can not easily move out.

The Taiyi Golden Immortal hesitated for a moment, and directly stood in front of Zhou Shu, less than ten feet away, holding the iron ring as if to do something.

Zhou Shuli stopped and glanced at it, "Yintang is full of black energy. Do you have nightmares from time to time, and you always feel like you are crazy when you practice? Honestly, you have practiced the law of fear wrong, and killing is definitely not the right way. If you continue, Zhihai will be filled with grievances, and it will be hard to save."

Taiyi Jinxian's expression changed, and he subconsciously said, "What should I do?"

What Zhou Shu said was true, and it was something he wanted to solve day and night.

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "Go to Xianshu City when you have time, and someone there can help you point your way."

"Xianshu City?"

Taiyi Jinxian frowned, "I seem to have heard of it somewhere, you didn't lie to me?"

Da Luo Jinxian on the side angrily said, "Lu Yuan, what are you talking about with him? Are we here to ask for directions?"

Lu Yuan didn't speak yet, but Zhou Shu shook his head, "Oh from the Lu family, that won't be saved. You can find a place to restore the law of luck, and you may live a few more years."

"You... are you entertaining me?!"

Lu Yuan raised his hand in a rage, and a black ball that was so strong that it smelled fish quickly took shape, turning back and forth in the ring, like an evil eye demon with huge eyeballs, looking for the target to be swallowed.

Zhou Shu raised his hand and felt free.

The black ball burst open suddenly, and the black energy burst out instantly, wrapping Lu Yuan Tuantuan.

Within a few breaths, Lu Yuan's whole body became pitch black, but his eyes were bright white, and his whole body was there, losing his soul.

Perceiving the danger, the others took a few steps back.

Someone shouted, "What did you do to him? This is Hachi Country, how dare you make trouble and kill people here?"

"By killing living creatures and practicing the law of fear, most of the people who kill are practitioners. The accumulated resentment is too much, and it is normal for the spirit to lose control for a while."

Zhou Shu floated with a hint of disdain, "It's nothing big, it will be better soon, but if you want to save him now, just walk over and let him kill."

A few people stayed and walked away quickly, farther away from Lu Yuan.

Someone couldn't help shouting, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Before he could finish his words, Zhou Shu suddenly appeared in front of him and looked at him seriously with his eyes open. He was frightened and couldn't help backing away.

"You are cultivating the law of disasters. It is rare to be able to practice to the degree of mastery, and you have not practiced the wrong way. It is even more rare," Zhou Shu looked back, seemingly thoughtful, "Are you not surnamed Lu?"

"My name is Zheng Gong!"

That Taiyi Jinxian was so busy, for fear that he would be pointed out.

But I couldn't figure it out in my heart, this person only looked at himself, how could he see his own rule? He hides the law deeply, except for the big brothers in the family, basically no one knows.

Zhou Shu looked at him, "Do you want to cultivate to become a Golden Immortal Hunyuan?"

"miss you."

Without a hesitating answer, it is impossible to resist.

Zhou Shu smiled and said gently, "I have a chance to go to Xianshu City, where I can help you, really."

Zheng Gong was stunned there, not knowing whether he believed it or not, and the people around became more and more puzzled, "Who are you..."

Zhou Shu looked at the caller, smiling before he took it away, "Your last name is Lin or Lu?"

The man was stunned, "My last name...what do you ask this for?"

"Your last name is Lu, and your name is Lu Xuan."

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "Cultivate the law of good and evil, right? The choice is right. You should practice this in Hachi country, and you don’t need to kill to grow. Unfortunately, you can’t find a better way to progress. It’s a pity that the family can’t provide it to you either."

"You, how do you know everything?"

It was not only Lu Xuan who was surprised, but also other sober people.

In their eyes, the practitioner in front of them is a monster. It seems that the cultivation level is not high, but the things they do are all incredible. They see through the rules of their cultivation, and when they specify life and death... they all almost forget that they are stopping him. Why.

"I wanted to ask you something, but now I know if I don't ask, you can go."

Zhou Shu waved his hand and ignored them.

Seeing Zhou Shu walking forward, sometimes picking up a curled ear, and putting it under his nose for a sniff, feeling quite satisfied, these people were more and more surprised, but they didn't dare to catch up.

They have a lot of doubts, but at least one thing is certain ~www.ltnovel.com~ This practitioner is very strong, and it is definitely not something they can handle. It is impossible to figure out his purpose here.

"Go call the captain?"

"That's all, it's just...what about Lu Yuan?"

"That person may have hatred with the Lu family, don't worry about it for now, the captain will take care of it."

"It's strange, why did Zhen Guo bring such practitioners over, what do they want to do?"

"Where do I know? The matter has been reported long ago, what to do, just follow the order."

"That Xianshu City, I really want to see if I have a chance."


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