Fairy Winner

Chapter 3091: In pursuit

Understanding the situation of these people stems from the combination of Shuzhili and the power of reincarnation, so there is no need to say more.

Anything in this group of people may show what they did in the reincarnation, plus Shu Zhili's law of retrospect, (similar to the fire source of the law of fire), use it well, There will be a feeling of omnipotence.

However, the premise is that the distance is close, the opponent is weak, and Taiyi Daruo is meeting the conditions.

From them, Zhou Shu got a lot of information about the first three imperial families, not too deep, after all, the status of these patrolmen is not high.

Hope their reinforcements can bring more news.

This trip to the SkyKey World, presumably the generals have already made arrangements, he can do not much, but understanding more information will help him gain more benefits.

Standing in place for a long time without seeing any reinforcements, Zhou Shu felt bored.

Then walk along a stream and feel the surroundings.

There are too many realms in the heavens. The first time to go is often the last time. If you miss it, there will be no more. Therefore, every time he goes to a living realm, he has to stay for a period of time, perceiving and understanding, sometimes a few days, sometimes a few hours.

These insights will become a part of Shu Zhi Dao, and will bring growth unconsciously.

Soon came to a big mountain.

A thin layer of mist was caged on the mountain, but Zhou Shu soon discovered that the mist was not caged on the mountain, but in front of him.

No matter where he goes, the fog is always in front of him and has not changed.

Zhou Shu stopped, and the fog stopped.

He looked at the fog, a little surprised, and even more anticipating.

The root of the mist is the power of the Haechi clan's bloodline. He is familiar with it and will not admit it, but he has never seen such a thin but extremely powerful bloodline. Objectively speaking, when Xie Lao fully used the Star Flow The strength of the blood veins emitted is not as good as the mist here.

This surprised him, and what he expected was the fog that gave him a special feeling.

In addition to the power of the bloodline, there are other powers, which are a mixture of four or five laws, and that power is even a bit like Shu Zhili.

Outside of Shu Zhili, Zhou Shu had not seen a similar power yet, and the mist in front of him was the second time.

By the way, Zhou Shu never felt that Shu Zhili was the only power compatible with other laws. After all, there are many powerful men in the heavens, many quasi-sages and Hunyuan Jinxian, who can combine several laws. Forces are combined and used together. Although the process of doing so is complicated and demanding, there are always geniuses.

There should be a lot of three or four, and the most can reach a dozen.

Of course, only Zhou Shu can integrate all the powers of the laws that have been seen, and even form a kind of Tao.

If you are in the immortal world, Zhou Shu would not be surprised to perceive such power, but here is the Hachi country, and the one who releases this power is obviously the Hachi clan. The law for a foreign race to cultivate is an anomaly. When the power of the law is applied to this degree, it is an outlier in an outlier.

Putting it in the fairy world, there is one name on the celestial pole list, and it may be in the top five hundred.

Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger.

"I took the liberty to disturb Senior."

Zhou Shu arched his hands, frowning suddenly when he was about to say something he wanted to visit.

A few people hurriedly flew in from the air and arrived in search of their tracks.

The time is not long for them, now something is going on, but they are here again.

There are the previous three, and there is a Hunyuan Jinxian.

Zhou Shu frowned, if Hun Yuan Jinxian, inquiring about intelligence would not be so easy.

The Hunyuan Jinxian fell in front of Zhou Shu with a grim expression.

When the person fell, the Absolute Domain unfolded, and the large chunks of curled ears on the ground were lifted off, bare, and the green on the ground was a little bit more khaki, like a big diarrhea, which looked particularly dazzling.

Zhou Shu frowned again, very painful, the extinct curly ears in such a good Xuanhuang world were easily destroyed.


Seeing Zhou Shu’s expression, Hunyuan Jinxian’s eyes flashed a lot of disdain, “Now I’m afraid it’s too late! Say, who on earth are you? Zhenguo sent you here? Do you know so much about our situation, what do you want? doing what?!"

The sound was like thunder, causing gusts of wind and waves.

Within hundreds of miles, the wind and clouds were surging, and the ground was bald again, but he did not hesitate at all.

Looking at the curling branches and leaves flying in the sky, Zhou Shu shook his head, "You are from the Hachi country, but you don’t cherish your own land or resources at all. Alas, I understand more and more why your first three imperial families are so annoying. ."

"what are you saying?"

Hun Yuan Jinxian was a bit at a loss. It took him a long time to realize and sneered, "Are you a fool? These weeds are also resources?"

Looking at Zhou Shu, he felt more and more that this person was dull and stupid, and couldn't help laughing.

The people behind also laughed, laughing wildly, and the wind rolled around, as if deliberately, another large cluster of curled ears was rolled up into the sky and instantly turned into debris.

Zhou Shu stopped talking, flew up suddenly, stood still in the air, watching a few people with a calm expression.

Only those few people felt the light from the corner of Zhou Shu's eyes, and their minds were stagnant, as if they were gripped by a hand that suddenly stretched out from the ice cellar, and their whole bodies became cold.

"Want to go?!"

The Hunyuan Jinxian quickly settled down and swiftly chased after him.

His face was hideous, fierce and gleaming, and the accumulated power was about to burst out, but at the moment when it was about to happen, he was suddenly stunned.

Suddenly, scenes of familiar and terrifying scenes appeared in front of him, as if he had gone back to the past. The unbearable past was like a sharp knife piercing his mind, and unspeakable pain suddenly hit him. In an instant, neither the body nor the soul belonged to him.

Void in the first life, more and more useful.

Without Kunlun Mirror as a medium, Zhou Shu directly put Samsara in front of him.

Although the duration is very short, less than one-half interest, but it is enough.

Taking advantage of his loss of mind and chaos, the sharp dark sunflower power suddenly pierced into the sea of ​​consciousness, and became entangled with the soul.


A terrible scream.

Hun Yuan Jinxian held his head, ignored everything, and flew up desperately.

His soul was in a mess, and he couldn't control his power normally. If he didn't leave and Zhou Shu continued to attack, most of his body would be left here. As for the soul, he would be injured seven or eighty eight, and it would be difficult to recover.

Watching him leave, Zhou Shu naturally did not chase him.

It is still very difficult for the soul shadow to kill a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and it can only destroy the physical body if it exhausts Shu's power, why bother?

Besides, what he wanted had already been obtained. While Hunyuan Jinxian was under control, Zhou Shu also got a glimpse of his past. He had a deeper understanding of the three imperial families, and it didn't matter whether he would kill or not.

The whole process was less than three breaths~www.ltnovel.com~ The few Taiyi Daluo below were stunned, why did the captain leave? Could it be...

When they came back to their senses, they flew around and wanted to escape.

Zhou Shu ignored it, but unexpectedly, those few people fell off one after another.

The air-wind layer was like a wall. They bumped up one after another, their noses and faces were swollen, and they couldn't stand steady when they fell to the ground.

In the end, even the Hunyuan Golden Immortal at the beginning also fell down, falling on the bare mud ground.

He didn't move, with his feet upright, couldn't tell how embarrassed he was.

(Ps: Thank you bob2bob2 for your long-term support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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