Fairy Winner

Chapter 3092: You go too

Zhou Shu followed and fell to the ground, very lightly and slowly, not surprised by a leaf curling ears.

Looking at the practitioners, he seemed to understand something.

The mist that had always been in front of him turned into a sword at some unknown time, and the tip of the sword was pointing to the top of the mountain.

"Thank you senior."

Zhou Shu raised his hand, followed the mist and walked into the mountains.

There are curled ears everywhere in the mountains, denser and greener, and there are dots of water on the leaves, which seem to have been watered.

Soon I reached the top of the mountain.

An old man in sackcloth sat under a not-so-tall phoenix tree.

Even when he got closer, Zhou Shu still couldn't see his face clearly, but he felt very old. He was probably older than the Xiahou Zhaoyuan he had seen. He didn't dare to count his true age and didn't know how long he had lived in seclusion.

In addition, there is a touch of familiarity.

It is not the familiarity that I have seen, but the familiarity that is also a human practitioner.


What I clearly felt just now was the power of the Haechi bloodline. Why did the person in front of me seem to be a practitioner?

"The old man is a cultivator with the blood of Hazhi."

Seemingly aware of Zhou Shu's thoughts, the old man spoke directly.

One sentence cleared Zhou Shu's doubts, and at the same time made Zhou Shu even more surprised.

As far as he knows, the Hachi tribe rarely intermarries with foreigners. King Mu seems to be the only exception, and intermarriage with practitioners is unheard of.

Zhou Shu hesitated, "Senior is from the first three families?"

If there is a practitioner who can marry the Haechi clan, the only possibility is those of the three families. I am not so unlucky, and I actually ran to the enemy's house.

"What are the top three? This **** title, I don't want to hear it again."

The old man scolded, and when Zhou Shu was feeling happy, he said again, "However, the old man is indeed surnamed Lin, and he is a practitioner who has been in Hazhi country."

Zhou Shu stopped, speechless for a while.

"Are you scared? I saw you teach the Lin family a while ago. It's very prestigious."

The old man smiled, his dim eyes seemed to show light, but he couldn't see the killing intent, even the fighting intent.

Zhou Shu seemed to understand something, he felt relieved, and said slowly, "The younger generation didn't mean it, but they couldn't bear to trample and ruin the ears at will. These things are already very rare, and there will be no more if they are less."

"If not, the old man won't let you come up."

The old man nodded slightly, "I can't imagine that there are people who cherish ear curls in Hache, but the old man is a bit confused. You should know that curling ears are not worth money, so why cherish them?"

"Pair the ears, do not fill the basket, so I am pregnant, set the other week..."

Zhou Shuslow chanted a few lines of poems, and said in a deep voice, "In fact, it's just nostalgia. The fairy world has no ear curls anymore. The younger generations are satisfied with the things that existed in the past, so I don't want these curls to be destroyed. It doesn't exist anymore like the fairy world."

The old man looked at Zhou Shu and said with great relief, "Well said! People nowadays don’t take the past seriously anymore. Reminiscing the past has become a wrong thing or bad thing! Although you are young, you still know how to reminisce. , Rare things from the past, very good."

Zhou Shu saluted, "The younger generation dare not be."

The old man waved his hand, he seemed to be in a good mood, "Are you from the fairy world?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Junior Zhou Shu, this is indeed the first time here."

"You didn't come to the ear world deliberately, did you plan to go to the Tiankey world?" The old man seemed to think. "As far as the old man knows, the rules seem to have not changed. Your surname is not Lin or Zheng or Lu. I can't get in at the gate."

Zhou Shu was very calm, "It was the Haechi clan who asked the younger generation to go."

The old man paused, and groaned slightly, "It seems that something is going to happen."

Zhou Shu smiled and asked, "There are things happening every day in the Sky Key Realm, most of them are major events, and the senior has been in the Ear Realm for so many years, so close at hand, haven't you seen it once? If you have seen it, senior Do you care or don't care? If you don't see it, will Senior take the initiative to watch it?

"Hey, are you running against the old man?"

The old man suddenly sneered, "Then it's not necessary. The old man swears that he will never leave the ear circle for half a step."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "If the Lin family or Hachi clan encounters intermittent life and death, will the seniors refuse to leave?"

The old man's figure was shocked, and a few rays of light appeared in his eyes, as brilliant as stars.

However, Zhou Shu's mind was stagnant, and it took a full two and a half breaths to calm down. Not only was the soul shadow like this, even the main body felt it. In front of the main body appeared an extremely huge Hachi with human face and animal horns, golden light and majestic face. Look at yourself.

The pressure that struck at that moment was something he had never experienced before.

Obviously, his previous estimate of the strength of the old man was definitely low.

There are such strong people in Hache Country.

Xie Lao actually said that the first three imperial families had no quasi-sages, what else can they be if they are not quasi-sages? And he is the quasi saint who is the leader of the two clans.

He regretted stimulating the old man a bit.

The old man quickly recovered his coercion, and said lightly, "The Hachi clan and the Lin family are inseparable. No matter what happens, the Hachi clan will not be extinct, and the Lin family will not suffer the catastrophe, you think too much."

Zhou Shu nodded honestly, "It's the younger generation who was wrong, so we shouldn't speculate randomly."

The old man said calmly, "You know that keeping your ears curled is not a nonsense person. You can do whatever you want. You don't have to worry about old men like old men, but remember that no matter what you do, Hachi The country and the Lin family will always exist."

"It's like curling ears like this."

Zhou Shu nodded thoughtfully.

"Everyone has learned to answer, yes, even if they are torn down and destroyed, they can always grow back, and the same is true for the Haechi clan."

The old man smiled slightly and released a hint of kindness, "What are you going to do with those people outside?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "Let them go."

The old man was noncommittal and waved his hand, "You too."

Zhou Shu was reluctant to leave. He hesitated for a while and was very sincere with luggage. "Senior, this junior has something to ask."

The old man didn't speak, and Zhou Shu didn't look up, so it was a long time.

The old man shook his head slightly, "Your patience is not bad, what do you want to ask, is it your true shadow?"

"Senior is really omniscient, junior respects him."

Zhou Shu's heart was shocked, and he threw out a lot of nasty flattery without shame, and the old man's face was blue and white~www.ltnovel.com~ But the kindness in his eyes is also increasing, Zhou Shu also The more wars, the more courageous, one sentence after another, like a surging river.

The old man finally couldn't bear it and waved his hand, "I have never heard so many flattery in his life, enough."

Zhou stopped when he was comfortable, bowed and saluted, "Senior please give me some advice."

There may not be such an opportunity again. If you can seize it, don't let it go.

The old man is the head of both the Hachi clan and the cultivator, and most of the true shadows he cultivates can also be realized in the cultivator. This is what Zhou Shu dreams of. If he can learn knowledge from the old man and improve the soul shadow, It’s worth saying a few hundred times more.

(Ps: Thank you wangc1111 for your long-term support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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