Fairy Winner

Chapter 3093: Return to peace

Seeing Zhou Shu coming up, Xie Xun breathed a sigh of relief and hurried forward.

He frowned, "Why have you been there for so long, just look at it for six days?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "When something happened, it was delayed."

"Did you beat the patrol team?"

Xie Xun smiled, and was a little excited, "You are really good, now it is spread over there, I know that there is a great practitioner in the world of ears, with one enemy and many, even the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan is by you. I can't stop it."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Good things, bad things?"

Xie Xun paused, "Good thing, at least they all know that you are really strong and can really kill Lu Yi. When you are thrown out in the future, there will be fewer doubts."

"It's kind of mean to verify the body?"

Zhou Shu didn't care, but said indifferently, "But there is one point to be corrected. I didn't stop them. They couldn't leave for a while because of other reasons."

Xie Xun waved his hand, "Who else can? Don't be humble, don't be polite to them."

"It's a senior of the Haechi tribe and humans..." Zhou Shu suddenly stopped, "Xie Lao, don't you know it?"

"The Haechi tribe and the predecessors of human beings...how do you talk like this?"

Xie Xun pondered for a moment, and his face suddenly changed, "Did you meet Lin Qian? A practitioner of Haechi bloodline?"

Zhou Shu touched his chin, "Lin Qian? I don't know if he is called by this name, but he is indeed surnamed Lin, and indeed he has the blood of Hachi."

"You can actually meet him, he is still in the ear world? This..." Xie Xun stood there, patted his head, very anxious, "It's incredible! He didn't say anything? If he comes out, this Our actions may be in trouble this time!"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Xie Lao, he said he won't leave the ear circle for half a step. Besides, he won't necessarily help the Lin family when he comes out. Don't worry."

Xie Xun waved his hand, as if he hadn’t heard Zhou Shu’s advice, “I don’t know who he will help, but he will definitely bring a big change when he comes out. It’s better not to come out. I’m going to inform Fu Guo about this matter. Tell me in detail, what's the situation?"

Zhou Shu nodded and explained a few words.

Xie Xun's expression became more and more strange, "You said he kept you for five days and taught you a lot of things?"

Zhou Shu smiled, smiling very contentedly, "Don't you think I am different now?"

The senior named Lin Qian did give Zhou Shu a great help.

With the blood of the Hachi clan, he can use most of the methods of the Hachi clan, and he also cultivates the law. He also relies on the creation law to achieve the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and then surpasses the Hunyuan...Every word that is said is no different Jin Yu's good words.

Studying with Lin Qian, although only for five days, it feels better than ten years of study and more than a hundred years of practice.

One of the most obvious points is that the soul shadow has more characteristics of the real shadow, and it has some functions of the real eye. At the same time, the biggest advantage of the real shadow, Zhou Shu can also do it, that is the soul shadow and the body. Conversion of each other.

In an instant, the soul shadow and the body exchanged positions, which was equivalent to adding a winning weapon to Zhou Shu.

Although the conversion requires at least three days of preparation time and the duration is not long, it is good to be able to do it.

In addition, there is no need to say more about the gains from the law. To be precise, I can't feel the progress now, the body is still being digested, and the deduction and calculation will take a lot of time. This is reflected, I am afraid it will take a few months.

"Looking at you, you really have a lot of energy."

Xie Xun glanced at Zhou Shu perfunctorily, and said in confusion, "But it's too strange that he will teach you just because of some curling? You know, in Hachi country, Lin Qian's reputation is not counted. it is good……"

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Lao Xie tell me."

"Say while walking," Xie Xun nodded and flew outside, looking back at the ear circle, seemingly worried.

For him, it was hard not to worry. They excluded Lin Qian from this action. If Lin Qian really participated, it would be a big deal.

After a long journey, he slowly said, "In fact, we always felt that Lin Qian was dead long ago..."

Lin Qian, who his father is so far is a mystery.

It is said that the daughter of the Lin family had a son in her dream. She was born with horns and blood of the Hachi tribe. Later, both mother and child were expelled from the Lin family.

His mother died early, he was raised as a Hachi tribe, and no one knew his origin.

Lin Qian was young and intelligent, with a very high talent, and how intelligent he was almost a demon appraised. He was very much loved by the Haechi tribe. Growing up, he learned most of the Haechi tribe's special skills extremely well and showed his talent to the fullest.

But no one knows, and at the same time he is also cultivating the various laws of cultivators, which are equally effective.

He repeatedly made great achievements in the country, and finally became the auxiliary country of Hachi country.

But at this time, his true identity was revealed. For a time there was chaos in the Hachi country. The other three generals jointly asked Lin Qian to step down as the general and leave the Hachi country. At this time, the Lin family came out to support Lin Qian and let his mother. The remains returned in glory, and at the same time promised with his Patriarch's promise.

At that time, there was no statement about the three imperial families, but obviously, the purpose of the Lin family was to be able to control Haze.

The three generals and Haechi clan naturally refused to allow it, and turmoil surrounded Lin Qian.

This turmoil lasted for decades, and many things in the middle are difficult to describe for a while.

After tens of thousands of years, Xie Xun couldn’t tell how much. He only knew that Lin Qian had defeated the three generals and rejected the Lin family. He was in the main hall of the Lin family and sent the Lin family and the other two practitioners. He drove away as much as possible, and then he stepped down as a general and left the Sky Key Realm, but did not leave too far, and settled down on a small realm not far away.

Around this small world, many things have naturally happened.

But after tens of thousands of years, everything has returned to peace.

The small world is still verdant and has become a paradise for many Hachi people to live in seclusion, but whether Lin Qian is alive or dead, no one really knows. Those who want to see what is going on will never get the result. See you When I arrived at Lin Qian, I didn't know if he was there.

Zhou Shu paused, "It turned out to be the former auxiliary country."

"To be precise, it is the former auxiliary country, the shortest auxiliary country in the history of Haze, but it is also the strongest auxiliary country," Xie Xun felt a lot of regret. "It is said that when he left office, The unicorn has reached the seventeenth knot. This height has not been reached by the Hachi clan, but it is a practitioner."

"What happened to the practitioner?"

Zhou Shu frowned ~www.ltnovel.com~ dissatisfied, "I think Senior Lin has no opinion, and the Haechi clan is a bit conservative."

Xie Xun said sadly, "The old man doesn't want to, but the rules are like this. The general can never be held by a foreigner. What can the old man do."

"you guys……"

Zhou Shu paused suddenly and said calmly, "It's okay, it's already like this anyway."

He figured it out and told Mr. Xie that these were useless. Hachi country will not change at all. The chaos in Hachi country is no different from the past, and similar things will definitely happen in the future, as long as the Hachi country rules No change. I have to repeat the dispute every once in a while, and I manage so much.

This time I'm on the side of the Haechi clan, and maybe the other way around next time.

Do your own thing well, let him do the rest.

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