Fairy Winner

Chapter 3094: Rest assured

Xie Xun didn't say anything, and connected with Fu Guo.

By the way, the big Luo Jinxian named Lin Mi still followed behind.

A few days later, as we got closer and closer to the Sky Key Realm, there were more and more practitioners following them, almost ten.

They were all left after coming to patrol.

About knowing Zhou Shu's strength, and because of the presence of Mr. Xie, they did not come to nuisance again, only followed far away.

Now Zhou Shu has not entered the Sky Key Realm. It is not a violation of the rules, and they have no reason to stop it. However, it is conceivable that once Zhou Shu takes a step towards the Sky Key Realm, these people will rush in without hesitation. Hands on.

"Are you nervous?"

Xie Xun glanced at Zhou Shu and smiled.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Just do as you do, what can be nervous."

"I just ask, but the old man is a little nervous, hehe."

Xie Xun laughed dryly and said slowly, "Zhou Shu, once you enter the Sky Key Realm, it means that the confrontation has begun. You don't have to worry about us here, and you will be imprisoned until the royal court discusses it. , I don’t know how long this period of time is, but we will definitely urge the country’s lord to initiate the court meeting as soon as possible. In short, you must be very careful."

In particular, it should be pointed out here that the Yuqian in the Yuqian Tingyi does not refer to the palace, but the Haechi statue.

Yu is not the lord of the country, but the statue of Hachi.

The statue of the **** erected in the Heavenly Key Realm is the symbol of Hache Country, and of course it is also the most important thing in Hache Country.

The royal court meeting means that in front of the idol, in front of everyone's face to discuss matters, not the daily court meeting, which other people can't see.

In fact, the origin of the name of the three imperial families refers to the three figures surrounding the Hachi God statue. Of course, it also means controlling the government.

In the Haze country, only very important events will be held before the imperial court meeting, such as the change of the lord, sacrifice to the heavens, etc., will only appear once in a few hundred years, and this time the goal of the four generals is to be in the imperial court. At the court meeting, he accused the first three imperial families in front of everyone.

It can be said to be ruined, but if you fail, you will become benevolent.

And Zhou Shu is an introduction, the basis for launching the Imperial Court.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "The three want to take advantage of this time to deal with me?"

Xie Xun nodded, "This is for sure. If the three companies know that we are going to convene the imperial court meeting, they will know that we intend to start with them. They will definitely eliminate all factors that are not conducive to them. The auxiliary country has arranged for so long, the imperial court The meeting will definitely happen, but other things may not be guaranteed, and you, as the most direct party to Lu Yi's matter-for them, will definitely become the target of their attack. In addition, it is not just those three. "

Zhou Shu understood something, "The Haechi clan who hates cultivators also want to attack me as an outsider?"

Xie Xun nodded slowly, "We will try our best to stop, but there are always extreme people in the Hachi clan, and I don't know when they will appear."

Zhou Shu smiled, "It's not difficult to keep alive."

Xie Xun stared at him, "I know, but it's not just to save my life."

After reading his voice-over, Zhou Shu still didn't care, "Don't worry, I won't be the first to kill the two ends, I won't pay attention to the first three families, and I will kill the most promising junior of the Lu family. They don't want to win me over, right?"

"Lin Qian's mother died because of the Lin family back then. When Lin Qian was serving as the auxiliary country, he also ordered the killing of the Lin family. Both said that it was a deep hatred. But as long as the opportunity arises, the Lin family can still win over Lin Qian, and It was successful. Lin Qian is always a member of the Lin family. Hey," Xie Xun sighed, "I didn't mean that you would be like this. You have nothing to do with those three schools. I just don't understand you practitioners and are always worried."

Seeing him so frank, Zhou Shu was also calm, "Your worries are reasonable. Most practitioners can give up everything for certain things, and of course enmity is included."

Xie Xun paused, "Some things are talking about longevity, the ultimate goal of your practitioners."

Zhou Shu nodded and said indifferently, "Maybe, who doesn't want to live forever, he will rush to it if he has a little chance, and don't hesitate to do anything."

"How about you?"

Xie Xun stared at Zhou Shu, his expression suddenly serious.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I am not one of those practitioners, so don't worry."

Xie Xun didn't move, his eyes sharpened, "Why, don't you care about longevity? If the Lin family uses countless resources to lure you, can you guarantee that you will never listen to them? But you have to do very well. Simple, it may be just a few words."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "Thank you, Changsheng has no temptation or power for me. It's not that I don't want to, but as long as I follow my heart, it will definitely come."

Xie Xun was stunned, "Are you... so sure?"

"It's not sure, but believe it," Zhou Shu said indifferently, "I've always come here like this."

"I have never seen a practitioner like you."

Xie Xun sighed again, but after sighing, his face was obviously relaxed.

Speaking of which, this may be the most worrying thing for the four generals. If Zhou Shu dies, the imperial court will still take place. Although the strength is reduced, there is still a possibility of fighting, but if Zhou Shu is on the side of the practitioner, Say something that is not good for the four generals, and the probability of failure is several times greater.

Zhou Shu understood this, but their suspicions and warnings were indeed unnecessary.

He has been able to go all the way to the present, not driven by profit. He has always known what he wants, and believes that one day he can do it. Just follow his heart and persevere, and change his nature for others. For the heart, it must not be worth it.

As he spoke, he was getting closer and closer to the Sky Key Realm.

Although it was still a day away, I could already see the **** statue in the world.

It is extremely tall, shining with golden light, and stands out in the realm. It looks at the heavens with majesty, and can roar at any time, and after a few more glances, there are strands of the power of Haechi transmitted, clear but clear Not hurting people, it seems to be warning something.

"This idol..."

Zhou Shu's eyes narrowed slightly. Suddenly, he felt that the **** seemed to be alive, "Is it the origin of the Sky Key Realm?"

Xie Xun reverently said, "According to your practitioners, it may be so. It protects us and allows us to multiply~www.ltnovel.com~ but it will not directly empower us, Zhou Shu, don’t offend it. Even those three companies would never do this."

"I have always had only respect."

Zhou Shu was very calm, and he also had a hint of curiosity. Was this **** statue built by the Hachi clan himself or manifested himself? If the origin can manifest the entity, can the origin of the Yunjuan world also become a guardian beast? Such as Kylin or something?

If you look at it from the realm of a practitioner, what level is it, quasi-sage?

Of course, no matter what it is, Zhou Shu won't be bothered.

(Ps: Thank you Ye Yu Xiaoxiang Hua Xian Xia for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)


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