Fairy Winner

Chapter 3095: Look at

Tiankeyjie is right in front of him.

More and more people followed the two, and dozens of guards stood in front of the door of the Iron Curtain.

There are five mixed yuan gold immortals.

Xie Xun stared at the front, his figure suddenly became several times bigger, his face sank, and he reached out and grabbed Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shuwu was still admiring the Sky Key Realm, but he expected that the old Xie from behind would attack him, but he was firmly pinched without checking.

"what are you doing?"

Feeling that his body was completely tightened and couldn't move at all, Zhou Shu couldn't help showing a bit of Zhang Huang, "What are you doing with me?"

Xie Xun sneered and shouted loudly, "Ask you knowingly? You are a criminal named by the lord of the country. How can you not be arrested?!"

Zhou Shu stopped and said in surprise, "Prisoner? You didn't invite me to talk about the alliance. Why did I suddenly become a prisoner? What are you talking about?"


Xie Xun laughed three times, and the giant hand tightened, Zhou Shu gradually became unable to make a sound, and his whole body was stupefied.

"Bah! Alliance? You deserve it too!"

Xie Xun snorted coldly and strode towards the portal of the SkyKey Realm. "The old man perfunctory to you all the way is to bring you back to the SkyKey Realm so that the lord can kill you in person! You can kill you. The scum of practitioners!"

Before taking a few steps, the practitioners in front of and behind him all appeared and stood in front of Xie Xun.

The headed Hun Yuan Jin Xian looked gloomy, "The Sky Key Realm does not allow foreign practitioners to enter. As the general of the town country, don't you know the rules?"

Although the voice is loud, it is the first time to speak to the general of the town country like this, but the Patriarch has told him to be tough anyway. No matter what happens, no other practitioners are allowed to come in.

Although he was also very curious, why did the two people who talked and laughed suddenly turned their faces?

Moreover, the two of them came all the way, and they didn't see any strange place. Is Zhen Guo really lured him over on purpose?

"He is the chief culprit who ruled by the owner himself to be arrested. He must be tried by Hachi. How can he not enter?"

Xie Xun refused to let him, and still strode forward, "The rules, the old man understands naturally, but if you don't think of him as a practitioner, he is just a prisoner, and he is destined to die! Get away!"

"Zhen Guo, then don't blame me for being rude."

Hunyuan Jinxian stagnated a little, but soon recovered, waved his hand, and everyone around him surrounded him.

Nearly a hundred people are eyeing.

Xie Xun said coldly, "Lu Dan, you really want to stop me? Do you dare to stop me?"

He knew by himself that this Hunyuan Golden Immortal was the steward of the Lu Family and the confidant of the Lu Family Patriarch Lu Lu. He seldom left the Lu Family. If he came out to guard the gate at this time, he must have received Lu Lu’s order and determined to prevent any instability. The factor is blocked from the sky key world.

But are these people really enough?

"Zhengguo, foreign practitioners are forbidden to enter. It is the iron rule of the Skykey Realm. No one can disobey it. If there is any violation, there is no mercy!"

Feeling the extremely fierce pressure, Lu Dan roared loudly, his hair standing upside down, and he acted to encourage himself, "Everyone, listen carefully, no matter who it is, even if it is Zhen Guo Fu Guo, as long as you dare to bring practitioners in, , You can't stay!"

The people around responded with shouts, but they were really terrified.

The opponent is the town general.

It's just that this is the end of the matter, and there is no room for concessions, and I have to bear it hard.

Lu Dan was very strange and didn't understand why Xie Xun had to violate the rules.

This kind of thing usually happens, if you say a few words, you will definitely give it up. (In fact, there are no Hachi people who actively violate the rules, especially the generals). Everyone knows that the Hachi country has the largest national regulations and the law cannot tolerate them. But now Xie Xun insists, even not hesitating to fight, why on earth?

Could it be that they are ready to turn their faces with the three imperial families?

It won't be so fast.

What happened here will be reported to the three residences soon, and it depends on how the owner handles it.

"if not……"

Xie Xun lowered his head slightly, and suddenly the top of his head was white, his unicorn appeared, and his power became a bit stronger.

The expressions of those practitioners changed slightly, knowing that this was a symbol of the Hachi Clan's full effort to make a move, but there was no way to retreat. Now that they retreat, the punishment they receive is definitely worse than retreat. After all, the family has already given a death order.

As soon as it was about to happen, a white light flew close.

It was an old man with awe-inspiring expression, standing in front of the portal with a big thorn, and said in a deep voice, "Zhen Guo, what do you want to do?"

Xie Xun raised his brows and said coldly, "Zheng Xun, you came rather quickly!"

"If the old man does not come quickly, will you be severely punished for violating the national rules and family laws? This is for your good, old man!"

The old man was tit-for-tat, not afraid of coercion at all. This person was Zheng Xun, the head of the Zheng family, who had been waiting near the passage to avoid such a situation. As soon as the news came over there, he came over immediately.

Zheng Xun said in a gloomy tone, "I expected that you were going to be a ghost, but I didn't expect to be so blatant that I would really dare to lead the practitioner to the Sky Key Realm, hey."

Xie Xun paused, "The old man said, this is the leader of the country, so you won't even listen to the words of the leader, right?"

If it were other people, he would also break through. These people were willing to contribute but not necessarily desperately, but when Zheng Xun came, the situation would change.

There is a Patriarch who is in control, and other people desperately want to stop themselves. If they really want to break through, they may not be able to break through.

Zheng Xun said coldly, "Brother Lu Lun is going to the Temple of Heaven to meet the Lord of the Kingdom. Whether it is or not, I will know when he comes."

The two stood in front of the door and froze for a while.

Xie Xun frowned, couldn't even pass the first threshold?

Somewhat unexpectedly, I didn't expect the first three imperial families to be so cautious, and even the iron curtain was so tightly watched, that the head of the family had to wait in advance. What should I do? If Zhou Shu can't enter the SkyKey Realm, it means that his plan has not yet started, and it will die.

But if you try hard, you can't make it through.

He hesitated, he glanced at Zhou Shu. Zhou Shu was still performing very hard, his body was still, but his face was distorted and his expression was panic. But when the two of them looked at each other, he could tell that Zhou Shu's eyes were very Calm, not caring appearance.

It seems there will be nothing wrong?

Xie Xun settled down and continued to walk two steps forward.

Zheng Xun's face grew gloomy.

Really want to do it?

What's going on Zhen Guo, decided to break the boat here today? Didn't he know that as a Zhenguo violates national regulations, he will definitely be impeached and even step down? When the time comes, the newly appointed town will probably not belong to them.

According to Zhenguo's past performance ~www.ltnovel.com~ He can't be so reckless, is he confident?

It shouldn't.

These days, the first three imperial families have not been idle. They have integrated their forces in the capital and are ready for the first battle. According to their estimation, the four major will add up, and I am afraid they are not the opponents of the imperial first three. This is just a competition in strength. , And from the big point, the first three imperial families will only be stronger.

After hundreds of thousands of years of operation, the first three imperial companies can be said to have echoed in the capital, and the foundation is impossible to shake.

Since you must die, then come and take this opportunity to completely change the situation and make the Big Four become a thing of the past.

Zheng Xun made up his mind and took a step forward.

(Ps: Thank you Huoge for your monthly ticket support, thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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