Fairy Winner

Chapter 3097: Ruzi can teach

Zhou Shu is in the prison.

As soon as he entered the Sky Key Realm, he was escorted over, and he couldn't even look at the **** statue.

The Tianlao scenery is pretty good, with a radius of tens of miles, mountains, waters, and immortal veins. There are only overlapping formations everywhere, at least seven types.

With a little bit of perception, you can see that these formations are similar to the Iron Curtain, and most of them are from the Lu family.

Unfortunately, the formation could not stop Zhou Shu.

Although the Lu family’s formation is very strong, and additional special magic weapons are used to restrict the use of the real eye, Zhou Shu still has an eighth sense. Shu Zhili is also difficult to be restricted. It is not difficult for Zhou Shu to break the formation. But after breaking the formation, it does not mean that you can leave.

In addition to the formation, there are several thick and strong walls, the material used is dark iron.

The dark iron is famous in the heavens for its tenacity. It is one of the best materials for the major forces to build a strong city. It is not very hard, but it is extremely difficult to break. Even if it is a golden immortal, you want to break a piece of several meters wide. Dark steel is not easy, not to mention the walls here are as thick as three feet.

What a luxury.

Zhou Shu secretly thought that when he built Xianshu City, he thought about using dark iron to cast some important facilities, but he couldn't buy it anywhere.

The dark iron is only available in a few realms. It is some of the original cores that have evolved over a long period of time to protect themselves, but these cores did not expect that the materials produced with hard work have become the cause of their own demise. The realm of dark iron is almost always occupied by practitioners or foreign races, destroying the realm and seizing the treasure.

Speaking of which, this is a matter of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

The original core is now smarter, and will not make such materials to pit oneself, and therefore, there are almost no new dark irons appearing.

The price of the old dark iron is soaring, of course, there are almost none that are willing to sell.

After carefully observing the prison, Zhou Shu quickly found the target.

It's on the hill next to him.

After stepping through a formation that was not an obstacle, Zhou Shu appeared in front of the hill.

A cultivator who was walking up and down the hill looking restless, stared at it, his face was suspicious, "Who...who are you?"

"You are Wu Fang, right?"

Zhou Shu approached with a smile and sat down beside him.

That practitioner is Wu Fang.

Before Zhou Shu entered the city, Fu Guo Chongnuo sent someone to secretly take Wu Fang and sent him to the jail, where he was locked up with Zhou Shu.

Such an action will undoubtedly arouse the Lin family’s suspicion, but soon there will be a head-on confrontation between the Hachi clan and the Yuqian three families, and everything will be spread out. Now, doubt it. Instead of being suspected, satisfy Zhou Shu’s first. The requirements are obviously more important.

"Who are you, I don't seem to have seen you? You caught me?"

Wu Fang stepped back a few steps, very confused, and put up the protective cover to himself.

He has always been very careful, especially after being caught by the Haechi clan, he has always remained vigilant, but vigilance seems to be of no use. He just handed in this month’s talisman and was inexplicably locked here. He didn't even know where it was.

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "I'm from Liangmiao Country just like you. I just arrived recently."

With that said, he used a spirit spell at will.

Seeing the spirit fire pulsating in Zhou Shu's hand, it was extremely bright and full of spirit power, Wu Fang quickly believed that he was not a person from the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, but he would not practice spirit art to such a degree, he couldn't match it. .

"Are you arrested too? Alas."

Wu Fang sighed, although he relaxed a little, he still did not put away the protective cover.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Forget it, let alone this, Wu Fang, I have a way to get you out of here."

Wu Fang was overjoyed, and then he sighed again, "What's the use of leaving? Going out and here seems to be the same. After being caught, you can only use the power of the law every day to make the talisman, or it is the seal-cut formation talisman. After staying here for a few hours, it seems to be easier."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I'm talking about not this cell here, but the Hachi country."


Wu Fang moved, his voice changed, "Really? You... You were sent by the master to save me?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Master, do you mean Lei Tong?"

Wu Fang frowned and said solemnly, "How can you be so rude to my master, why shouldn't a big Luo Jinxian call the name of the elder Baiyin directly, and say, what are you here for?"

"When I mention him, I get angry, no way."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Wu Fang, it sounds like you respect Lei Tong?"

"Nonsense, Master is the person I respect most, and I will never change in this lifetime!"

Wu Fang watched Zhou Shu and slowly said, "I found that you are not like a member of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, who are you?"

Zhou Shu did not answer, "Lei Tong deliberately sent you to Hachi Country to perform a mission, causing you to be arrested. Why would you still respect him?"

"Don't slander Master!"

Wu Fang was already very angry, "What do you know? Master, that’s for my good. He wants me to go out and take refuge. Where did I know that I was out of luck and was discovered by the Haechi clan. I should have gone to Yunquan if I knew it. World, then nothing will happen."

"Why do you want to avoid it?"

Zhou Shu paused, "Lei Tong, as the leader of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect of the Liangmiao Kingdom, is considered to be under one person there. I will let you go to Hachi Country if it hurts you."

"Master has a high status, but I have to take care of others in many things, especially what I do..."

Wu Fang stopped suddenly and looked at Zhou Shu steadily, "You, aren't you from Yunliu?"

"Congratulations, I finally guessed it."

Zhou Shu took two steps closer, patted him on the shoulder, and said warmly, "Come on, let's sit down and have a good chat."


Wu Fang trembled, but his mind was shaking more than his body.

That shot, seemingly light, but unavoidable, and what made him even more frightened was that a light shot not only shook his protective cover, but also stopped the power of his law, and knew the sea. Surrounded by a layer of solid soul power, he stopped outside, as if he could rush in at any time.

It's like taking fish and letting it kill.

He sat down obediently.

Zhou Shu looked at him calmly, "Lei Tong knew that Yunliu was coming to trouble you, so he sent you out in advance. It seems that you have been deeply involved in the whole matter. You don’t need to tell me the whole thing. Wash off your own responsibility. After all, the people I'm looking for are Lei Tong and Zhou Qing, not you."


Wu Fang hesitated for a moment~www.ltnovel.com~ begging for mercy, "If I have said everything, can you keep me here forever?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "I don't want to see Lei Tong, and I don't want to return to Liangmiao country?"

"I don't want to. I am actually very dissatisfied with Lei Tong. You are right. It is true that he deliberately harmed me. How else would he let me go to Hachi Country? From now on, I will cut off all relations with Lei Tong. He is not my master at all!"

At first he was panicked, and then he was categorically speaking, speaking righteously.

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "You can teach you, if what you say is true, of course I will consider your suggestions."

"Thank you senior."

Wu Fang couldn't help nodding his head, as if there was a floor in front of him, he clicked loudly and knocked his head.

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