Fairy Winner

Chapter 3098: Think for yourself

It's all Lei Tong's fault? "

Zhou Shu frowned, "I said, you don't have to deliberately wash yourself away, I will not hold you to blame, what I need is the facts."

"I didn't excuse myself!"

Wu Fang kept shaking his head, "I know Senior understands the truth, but I can't do much. Although Zhou Qing has just been promoted, I must not be able to beat her. If it weren't for Lei Tong, how could she be trapped in the Demon Realm."

Zhou Shu pondered, "Are you sure, she was just trapped in the Demon Realm, not dead?"

Wu Fang hesitated for a moment, "I can't guarantee it completely, but it was only the real soul body that exploded at the time. She should have gone. I did not receive any of her soul with the Horcrux provided by Lei Tong. If she died then There will definitely be remnant souls left behind. Don’t worry, seniors, Zhou Qing is very strong, really strong, she refined three real soul bodies, and there are really not many disciples in the younger generations."

Zhou Shu nodded and said nothing.

Let go of your mind a little.

Wu Fang’s words should be believed. Even if Wu Fang is very good at lying, I am afraid he can’t do it at this time, because when he speaks, Zhou Shu shows his heart and uses spiritism to monitor Wu Fang’s spirit. , There is no exception.

Things seem obvious.

Lei Tong got a signal from someone. Wu Fang didn’t know that someone, but it was mostly Yunliu’s Master Yue Ming. Lei Tong sent Zhou Qing, who had just arrived in the Liangmiao country, to the vicinity of Iphere. He knew that Ephesus is often guarded by the Blood Wish Demon Lord passing by. It is one of the most dangerous demon worlds, but Zhou Qing didn’t know it and naturally obeyed his orders. As for Wu Fang, he was sent by Lei Tong to confirm the news of Zhou Qing’s death. , And brought a Horcrux that gathers the remnant soul.

Without receiving Zhou Qing's remnant soul, Wu Fang could only return to life with half of his arm.

After learning that Yunliu was coming, Lei Tong sent Wu Fang to the Hachi country to take refuge. As for whether he meant to send Wu Fang to death, that was trivial.


Wu Fang hesitated for a while, and whispered, "Lei Tong should practice the law of power, and the law of soul is not his main law. Also, he seems to be very close to the Suspense Sect. He has been in the Outland for nearly a thousand years. I feel he is better to the Suspended Bell Sect than to the Ten Thousand Soul Sect."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "So, he might betray Xuanling Sect?"

"Don’t be afraid, the disciples of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect in the Liangmiao Nation are very dissatisfied. It is obviously the Holy Fire Sect that is picking things up, but Lei Tong does not care about it. Elder Baiyin is shameful!"

Wu Fang said angrily and glanced at Zhou Shu from time to time.

I said before that I respected Lei Tong the most, so he sold Lei Tong in an instant.

Zhou Shu knew what he meant. He really regarded Zhou Shu as someone from Yunliu, and made some plans for his return to the Ten Thousand Soul Sect in the future. After all, this time he completely betrayed Lei Tong and didn't try to find him again. A backer, such as Yunliu, would really stay in Hachi country as a high-level slave forever, and he certainly didn't know that all this hard work was in vain.

In the first week, Shu was not a member of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. In the second week, Yunliu's master was the core of the problem. Yunliu could not be anyone's backer.

"I will think about it."

Zhou Shu nodded and gave him a reassurance pill, "In a few days, you will be released. Please stay in Hachi country first. When the situation in Liangmiao country is resolved, you will find a way to let you leave. Haze Country."

"Thank you, thank you senior!"

Wu Fang couldn't help nodding, and if he couldn't move, he would probably kneel down.

Zhou Shu ignored him, and soon returned to his side, as natural as going home.



Feeling that Yuhuan became warm, Yunliu held it in his hand hurriedly, "How is it, is there any news?"

Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "I have found Wu Fang, and he explained the matter to me in detail, roughly like this..."

Yunliu's face gradually turned pale.

A few people saw it and wanted to come over and ask a few words, but before they approached, they were avoided by the strong aura, they could only walk away silently, and then slandered a few words, maybe this guy really had a problem.

"Calm down."

Zhou Shu seemed to know Yunliu's mood, "Zhou Qing should be alive, your first priority is to check the situation of the soul lamp in Ten Thousand Soul Sect."

"I have sent people a long time ago, but I am afraid that there will be no results. The soul fire lamps of the four disciples of A, B, C and D are all in the Ten Thousand Soul Tower. Only the elders above the white seal can enter, Master..." Yun Liu stagnated. Next, "He will definitely not tell me."

"Try to check."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "What are you going to do now?"

Yun Liu said without hesitation, "I will go to the Ephesus now," hesitated for a while and said again, "Go back to Lei Tong again."


Zhou Shu said slowly, "You can also come to Xianshu City first and act with my people, it might be better."

Yunliu gave birth to a lot of doubts, "Are you planning to go to Zhou Qing too? You are not just to help me?"

"It seems that your sanity is really not sober, and you have only understood this until now. I thought you would have seen it a long time ago," Zhou Shu said mockingly, "you guessed it well, and my purpose is also Find Zhou Qing, you can work with me."

Yunliu was suspicious, "What are you looking for her for? She is my benefactor, and you, a city lord, have any relationship with her?"

Zhou Shu didn't want to say more, "Maybe you will know soon, maybe not, it's not a bad thing anyway."

Yunliu calmed down, "You have helped me a lot, but I still plan to find it myself. If you want to go, we will see you in the Ephesus. I am not your opponent, but if you plan to be against her , I will try to stop you."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "You think too much."

Yunliu seemed to think of something, "I can't think of too much, can you tell me who you are?"

"Think for yourself."

Zhou Shu smiled, then interrupted the call.

With a certain position, he will start to act.

Speaking of which, he still has a little worry. Now Zhou Shu has three spirit shadows plus the body, and four lines of operation at the same time, of which three lines are important things that must not be wrong. Hachi Kingdom, Xianshu City, Demon Realm, neither Know if there will be any problems.

In the devil world~www.ltnovel.com~, he must go there by himself, and no one has an advantage over him.

What's more, it's a green bird.

Now Zhou Shu’s sea of ​​consciousness still contains the memory of the blue bird. The fused true soul contains the memory of the blue bird for two hundred years. The bit by bit of the past is still there and can be felt at any time. Within a bound, Zhou Shu was able to lock Qingque's position and then find her.

The premise is that the blue bird is still alive, at least the spirit is still alive.

He tried not to think about bad results, but if it was really bad, Ten Thousand Soul Sect would face a catastrophe, but even if it was a good result, the result of Ten Thousand Soul Sect was probably the same.

(Ps: Thank you Ye Yu Xiaoxiang Hua Xian Xia for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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