Fairy Winner

Chapter 3099: No fate


Lu Lun looked at the Golden Immortal Hunyuan below, and Ling Ran said, "What did you find out?"

"Patriarch, there is still not much information."

Hun Yuan Jinxian had a trace of fear, "The practitioner should be someone from Xianshu City. He is probably a clone of the city lord. He has been to Wujianjie not long ago and has met with the auxiliary country town Guohuguo. ."

Lu Lun said calmly, "I know all these things, what I want to know, what is he doing?"

Hun Yuan Jinxian hesitated, "I don't know, but it may be related to the Yunquan world."

"Don't I know?"

Lu Lian was still very calm, but Ruowu's air-conditioning quietly enveloped the entire hall, and Hun Yuan Jinxian couldn't help shivering.

Lu Lun said faintly, "Continue to check, there is already someone in Xianshu City?"

Hunyuan Jinxian hurriedly nodded, "I have already gone. Twenty-four people, the three companies are united, and the Lin Family Patriarch personally led the team. There are nine Hunyuan Jinxians who will be able to reach Xianshu City within six months.

Lu Lan nodded, "Go down."

Hun Yuan Jinxian felt relieved and stepped back in a hurry.

Not long after he left, there was a crash in the hall, all the bricks and stones on the ground collapsed, and the pillars fell.

Lu Lun brushed his sleeves and walked out of the hall slowly, as if nothing happened.

Chengtian Temple.

Looking at Lu Slaughter, the old man smiled bitterly, "Gong Lu, you are here for the fourth time."

"Gu said three times to visit the thatched cottage, showing sincerity, now that the subordinates are looking around, should the lord say something?"

Lu Lun smiled slightly, but his voice was a little bit chilly, and he was really unconscious. Seeing that two days had passed, he still didn't know what was going on. If something happened, how should he respond? He has a strong sense of crisis, this time it is likely to be a catastrophe, or even an extermination.

"Duke Lu is really impatient."

The old man pondered for a while and had to nod his head, "Well, then I will tell you."

Lu Lun raised his hand lightly, with some satisfaction, "The subordinates are not impatient, they just want to share their worries for the country."

"Where there are any worries, the auxiliary country is almost done."

The old man waved his hand and said slowly, "The day after tomorrow, the auxiliary parliament will hold a court meeting and read it out in public..."

Lu Lu's face changed suddenly, "Wait, what did you say, the lord of the country?! The royal court?"

"Not bad."

The old man nodded, and said with relief, "He is for your Lu family, Lu Gong."

Lu Lun closed his eyes slightly, and opened them again soon. A few points shone out, seemingly with some killing intent, "For us, the Lu family? Lord, what are you talking about? You already planned it, right? "

There was a shock in my heart, and I couldn't hide it anymore.

How could I not think that the court meeting was going to be held?

There must be a major event in such a nationwide court meeting. What major event is happening in Hachi? The auxiliary country is obviously going to have a showdown with the three. This time no matter who wins or loses, the three will be greatly injured and must be stopped.

The question is, how did the country master agree, even hiding it from himself?

Is the country's lord planning to deal with us a long time ago, and he is only a mockery of what the three families ask for?

Could it be that the Lord's mind is so gloomy that he is a hundred times stronger than the four generals?

"Plan, it's a plan."

The old man suddenly said, "Lu Gong, I am also very sad about Lu discussing this child."

Lu Lun sneered unconsciously, "Lu Yi... are you planning to take advantage of this?"

"How can you say to use it? This is a good thing for the Hachi country and for the Lu family. Lu Yi died too unjustly. He didn't disclose the truth to the public, didn't expose the ugly behavior of the Liangmiao country, and didn't reveal the real murderer. Bring to justice, I'm really ashamed of you, Lord Lu!"

The old man kept shaking his head, speaking impassionedly, as if a few tears fell.

Lu Lun stopped, "Lord, what is the real murderer?"

The old man was quite concerned, "Speaking of Lu Gong, your state is a bit wrong, is it because Lu Yi's affairs are too sad?"

Lu Lun suppressed some killing intent, and said, "I'm okay, please also ask the lord to make it clear."

"Yes, I shouldn't have made you wait for these two days, I should have told you long ago."

The old man shook his head slightly, and said in a rather painful way, "Fu Guo has fully investigated Lu Yi's matter. He was framed. The Shebi corpse matter has nothing to do with him. It is not right. It should be said that he took the initiative to arrest Shebi. Corpse believers will be... hateful!"


Lu Lun was stunned, Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

Lu Yi was the matter of the Shebi corpse believer, he knew, and knew it very early, for no other reason, the inheritance of Shebi corpse came from the Lu family.

A drop of extravagant corpse blood.

After a war between men and witches, practitioners always like to collect these ancient weird things. It is not that there is any malice or that they want to inherit from it. They just want to collect research and understand knowledge. They are all put on the shelf. Lu Yi turned it out.

Lu Yi didn't know if it was a temporary brain twitch or something else, so he put this drop of blood into himself.

The Lu Family soon discovered this, but Lu Lun could not punish Lu Yi. After all, Lu Yi was the most promising offspring and the most likely to become a quasi saint. Lu Lun could only confine him and search for him. The method to relieve the blood of the corpse of Shebi.

Where did he know that before he found a way, Lu Yi ran out secretly.

I ran to the Yunquan Realm and used the cultivators and alien races there to offer sacrifices to the corpse of Shebi, and continue to increase the power of the corpse~www.ltnovel.com~ When the news was learned, the Fuguo Zhenguo had already started action , They were one step too late when they rushed.

Now the country lord suddenly said that Lu Yi was framed, and Lu Lun was also a little confused.

"Not bad."

The old man was very indignant and said, "The news that Mr. Lu received at the beginning was that Lu Yi had become a believer in the Sabi Corpse, right? In fact, that is not true at all. There is another person who became a believer in the Sabi Corpse, whose name is Lin Zheng. , Is also Xiaohan in the infamous Twenty-Four Thieves. He sacrificed to the corpse to gain power. He didn't know how many bad things he had done. Unfortunately, he was discovered by Lu Yi. Lu Yi could have seen it and immediately fought him... "

He glanced at Lu Lu, "Oh, Lu Yi is a good boy, but he has no good life."

Lu Lun unconsciously showed a lot of grief, "What the Lord said is that he has no good life."

"Then Xiaohan had an accomplice, called Dongzhi, and they joined forces to kill Lu Yi, and Lu Yi also killed Xiaohan before he died, but the most annoying thing is not here," the old man was angry and patted the pillar hard. The entire Chengtian Temple trembled, "There was still someone present at the time, that was Zhou Shu of Xianshu City! He and we were originally an alliance, but when he saw Lu Yi encounter danger, not only was he unable to save him, he also helped Dongzhi and the others conceal it afterwards. , And even put the blame on Lu Yi. Such behavior is truly unforgivable!"

Lu Lun stopped, "Is that him?"

"Yes, that's the practitioner that Zhen Guo brought back."

The old man nodded, "Fu Guo and I have discussed it. We must make this matter public, and then make a monument to Lu Yishu. At the same time, he declares war on Xianshu City and destroys Zhou Shu and his Xiancheng together. Satisfied with the country, let Lu Yiquan feel at ease, and make you satisfied with Duke Lu! Therefore, the Imperial Court has to do it. What do you think, Duke Lu?

"Well, it must be done."

Lu Lun was still a little dazed, only then nodded.

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